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姓名 丁宗平(Tsung-ping Ting)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 部屬認知之管理教練技能對部屬職涯自我管理的影響-以職涯復原力為中介變項
(The relationship between subordinates perceived managerial coaching skills and subordinates’ career self-management- career resilience as a mediator.)
★ 組織因素、個人分享動機及知識特性對知識分享之影響★ 企業實施在職導師制度對於人力資源發展的影響
★ 內外控人格特質及工作環境因素對訓練遷移成效之影響-以師徒制教導為中介變項★ 管理教練技能對員工工作績效之影響─以員工情緒智力為干擾變項
★ 管理教練技能對工作績效之影響—以工作投入為干擾變項★ 人力派遣行業招募管理師專業職能量表之建立
★ 訓練遷移因素對客服中心新進客服人員職前訓練遷移成效之影響★ 部屬認知之管理教練技能對部屬個人工作投入的影響—以工作滿足為中介變項
★ 組織承諾對師徒功能認知與組織公民行為之中介效果 ---- 以台灣高科技產業為例★ 師徒功能認知對職場個人學習之影響─以中央人資所企業導師制度為例
★ 影響員工外派意願之因素探討-以工程顧問公司為例★ 管理教練技能對員工工作投入之影響—以員工情緒智力為中介變項
★ 師徒功能認知對職場個人學習影響 -以回饋接受度為調節★ 師徒功能認知對工作績效之影響-以組織承諾為中介變項
★ 跨國知識移轉僵固因素對知識分享意願之影響-以台灣外資企業外派人員為例★ 以工作敬業貢獻為中介變項探討管理教練技能對工作績效之影響
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摘要(中) 在最近數十年中,由於商業環境的劇烈變動,員工投入職涯自我管理的議題逐漸成為趨勢(Kossek, Roberts, Fisher, & Demarr, 1998)。透過展現職涯自我管理行為,員工一方面會對於目前的工作保持持續改善,另一方面也會為了未來可能取得的工作機會做出準備。因此對於員工而言,職涯自我管理行為除了可以提升自我競爭力,也能減少面臨結構性失業的機率;而對於公司而言,則可以因為員工對於本身的工作持續改善而受益。
  鑒於高科技產業員工較為重視生涯發展(Gomez-Meijia, 1990),因此本研究針對在台灣高科技產業員工進行研究調查,透過線上問卷及紙本問卷的發放,共回收有效問卷274份。本研究利用結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)進行模型的驗證與分析,結果顯示出:
摘要(英) Over recent decades, because of the rapid pace of change in the business environment, the issue of subordinates’ career self-management becomes more and more important (Kossek, Roberts, Fisher, & Demarr, 1998). By managing career self-management activities, subordinates would keep improving their performance in their current job and get ready for the future job opportunities. For employees, career self-management activities not only strengthen their competitiveness, but cut non-structural unemployment risk. For companies, career self-management activities provide benefits regarding to their subordinates’’ continuous improvement in their current job.
  Managerial coaching differs from the traditional way to manage subordinates. By utilizing managerial coaching skill, manager can help subordinates develop themselves and maximize their potential through their daily interaction. The major purpose of this study is to understand the effect of managerial coaching on career self-management, moreover, we use career resilience as our mediator to explore whether career resilience has mediating effect between managerial coaching and career self-management. Furthermore, this study would demonstrate the relationship of those three variables "managerial coaching", "career resilience" and "career self-management" through scaffolding learning theory which is seldom discussed in the literature of managerial coaching.
  This study focuses on high-tech workers who pay much attention to career development (Gomez-Meijia, 1990). The surveys are collected from 274 respondents via internet and paper questionnaires in Taiwan. Each research hypotheses are tested by using structural equation modeling (SEM) in this study. This study has discovered:
1.When the subordinates perceived higher level of managerial coaching skills, they will have the higher level of career resilience.
2.The higher level of career resilience subordinates have, the more career self-management activities they display.
3.Career resilience fully mediates the relationship between managerial coaching skills and career self-management.
  Finally, the implications for theory and management were suggested based on the results of this study may contribute to relevant academic research fields. We suggest:
1.Managers should be aware of subordinates’ needs and give them appropriate support in the appropriate time.
2.Managers should pay attention to subordinates’ career resilience.
3.Organizations should pay attention to managerial coaching skills.
4.Organizations should pay attention to subordinates’ career self-management in the perspective of talent retention.
關鍵字(中) ★ 職涯復原力
★ 職涯自我管理
★ 管理教練技能
關鍵字(英) ★ Managerial coaching
★ Career resilience
★ Career self-management
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 管理教練技能 4
第二節 職涯復原力 6
第三節 職涯自我管理 9
第四節 鷹架學習理論 12
第五節 研究變項之關係探討 14
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 研究架構 17
第二節 研究假設 17
第三節 研究變項的操作型定義 17
第四節 研究量表設計 18
第五節 研究對象及抽樣方法 19
第六節 資料分析方法 19
第四章 研究結果 22
第一節 前測實施與分析 22
第二節 基本資料敘述性統計分析 25
第三節 探索性因素分析 27
第四節 驗證性因素分析 34
第五節 共同方法變異檢測 38
第六節 組成信度、區別效度與交叉效度評估 39
第七節 描述性統計與相關分析 41
第八節 配適度分析 41
第九節 整體結構模式分析及中介效果分析 43
第五章 結論與建議 46
第一節 研究結論與討論 46
第二節 理論與管理意涵 47
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 48
參考文獻 50
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指導教授 郭敏珣(Min-Hsun Christine Kuo) 審核日期 2012-7-25
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