參考文獻 |
一、 文獻史料
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二、 專書
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36. Binyon, Laurence, Painting in the Far East: An Introduction to the History of Pictorial Art in Asia, especially China and Japan, 4th edition, NY: Dover Publications, 1969. Reprint of 1934 edition.
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三、 期刊論文與專文
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67. Soper, Alexander, “Review: Painting in the Far East: An Introduction to the History of Pictorial Art in Asia, Especially China and Japan by Laurence Binyon,” Artibus Asiae, Vol. 24, No. 1, 1961: 60-61.
68. Watanabe, Masako, “Traveling across the Sea: Japanese Rakan and the Ten Kings of Hell,” in Miyeko Murase and Judith G. Smith ed., The Arts of Japan: An International Symposium, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000, pp. 31-58.
四、 學位論文
1. Foong, Leong Ping, Monumental and Intimate Landscape by Guo Xi, Ph. D. Dessertation, Princeton University, 2006.
2. Huang, Michelle Ying-Ling, The Reception of Chinese Painting in Britain circa 1880-1920: with Special Reference to Laurence Binyon, Ph. D. Dissertation, University of St Andrews, 2010.
3. Lin, Hsiu-ling, Reconceptualizing British Modernism: The Modernist Encounter with Chinese Art, Ph. D. Dessertation: The University of Chicago, 1999.
4. Netting, Lara Jaishree, Acquiring Chinese Art and Culture: The Collections and Scholarship of John C. Ferguson (1866--1945), Ph. D. Dissertation, Princeton University, 2009.
五、 電子資料庫及網路資料
国立国会図書館-近代デジタルライブラリー: http://kindai.ndl.go.jp/
故宮e學園繪畫辭典: http://elearning.npm.gov.tw/chinese_paintings/chi/dic/main_c_0.html
British Museum: http://www.britishmuseum.org/
Dictionary of Art Historians: http://www.dictionaryofarthistorians.org/horneh.htm
Louvre Museum: http://www.louvre.fr/en
Oxford Art Online: http://www.oxfordartonline.com/
Oxford English Dictionary Online: http://www.oed.com/
Rhinophyma.org: http://rhinophyma.org/
St Paul’s School: http://www.stpaulsschool.org.uk/about-st-pauls/history
The Times Literary Supplement(TLS): http://www.the-tls.co.uk/tls/
Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/ |