摘要(英) |
Work was performed on three major tasks associated with the Fire Law Stipulations for fire prevention, disaster rescue and emergency ambulances. In recent years, China’s economic boom, rapid development and over-exploitation of the environment have caused natural and man-made disasters of diverse and complex types. The fire department often has to respond to all kinds of disasters requiring firefighting equipment, manpower and fire response and rescue vehicles. Planning the response in case of a disaster is the key to success. Firefighting vehicles have a strong transport and loading capacity. Not only do they carry all kinds of equipment and relief personnel equipment, but also serve as a type of disaster rescue contingency transport agents.. The effective management of fire vehicles in order to reduce the probability of breakdowns includes regular maintenance, inspection records and equipment in order to maintain the normal operation of the system. This study utilizes firefighting vehicle maintenance and repair costs in a specified period to find the best model using Integer programming. The goal is to minimize maintenance costs and seek the best way to dispatch vehicles. The results provide a reference for policy makers in charge of vehicle logistics. The LINGO8.0 Solver Software is used to solve the problem based upon availability of different types of vehicles, the area, and the time to adjust and set the parameters. A short planning period is the best way for vehicle dispatching. In order to verify the applicability of this model we used the Taoyuan County Fire Department as the test sample. Test results are indeed better than those obtained with manually planning methods and allowed for more efficient dispatching. We find that this model is superior, allowing fire department assets to actually be used in a more practical manner. |
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