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姓名 塗翎(Lin Tu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 太空科學研究所
論文名稱 隨季節變化之灶神星冰極模擬
(The Seasonal Exchange Model of Polar Caps of Vesta)
★ 日冕拋射物質現象在太陽第23週期之統計研究★ 土星環粒子隨時間變化之表面溫度模擬
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摘要(中) 為了探究行星原始的狀態,科學家們將目標指向保留較多原始資訊的小行星,而曙光號正是為此目的而出發的,探測目標為穀神星,灶神星,及智神星。主小行星帶的位置在火星及木星的軌道之間,在這個區域中有一條有名的邊界,雪線,是劃分小行星殘餘水分與否的標的。目前為止已經有許多研究利用模擬,探討小行星上塵埃層以下是否能留有水冰(詳見費奈立等人在1987年發表的論文及巴南等人在1989年發表的論文及薛爾福等人在2008年發表的論文)。
摘要(英) To detect the more original state of minor planets, now there is one mission exploring the main asteroids belt, Dawn Mission, and the destinations are Vesta, Ceres, and maybe Pallas. At the orbit between Mars and Jupiter, the region that main asteroids belt locates can be divided by the well-known boundary, snowline. Although the existence of water ice on Vesta hasn’t been found yet, many researches (cf. Fanale and Savail, 1987; Bar-Nun et al., 1989; Schorghofer, 2008) simulate the amount of water ice survived under dust mantle in the main asteroids belt.
This thesis applies the 3D exospheric model, 3D thermal model and ray tracing to simulate the survival rate of water ice on Vesta. Moreover, the seasonal effect on Vesta makes the diurnal temperature different, which also changes the region of adsorption and cold traps. The proposed ray tracing model can be used to compute the seasonal change of solar radiation flux which dominates the diurnal temperature. However, the mean free path of molecules in the exosphere of Vesta is dominated by the gravity. Since the shape of Vesta is not spherical, the proposed exospheric model also applies the elliptical gravity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 熱模擬
★ 外球層
★ 曙光號
★ 灶神星
★ 穀神星
★ 沾粘效應
★ 水冰
★ 彈道軌跡
★ 橢球重力場
關鍵字(英) ★ ellipsoid gravity
★ exosphere
★ Dawn Mission
★ Vesta
★ Ceres
★ cold trap
★ adsorption
★ water ice
★ ballistic motion
★ ellipsoid gravity
論文目次 摘要iii
Abstract iv
List of Figures viii
List of Tables ix
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Asteroid Belt 1
1.2 Orbi tal Dist r ibut ion 1
1.3 Size Dist r ibut ion 1
1.4 Compos i t ion 3
1.5 Types (Taxonomy) 4
1.6 Origin (families) 5
1.7 Large Asteroids of Dwarf Planet 5
1.7.1 Ceres 5
1.7.2 Pallas 6
1.7.3 Vesta 7
1.8 Dawn Mission 8
2. Exosphere 10
2.1 Relation to surface composition 10
2.1.1 Solar Wind Interaction 10
2.1.2 Micrometeoroid Bombardment 11
2.1.3 Outgassing 11
2.2 Volatiles 12
2.3 Vesta 14
2.3.1 S-type 14
2.3.2 Small gravity 14
3. Model Calculations 16
3.1 Shape 16
3.2 Solar Radiation Flux calculation 19
3.3 Thermal Calculation 21
3.4 Ellipsoid gravity field 28
3.5 Ballistic transform 30
4. Results 32
4.1 Statics 32
4.2 Survival rate 32
5. Discussion and Summary 35
Bibliography 36
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指導教授 葉永烜(Wing-Huen Ip) 審核日期 2013-7-30
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