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姓名 李美秀(Mei-Hsiu Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 醫療倫理決策模式之研究:莊遜、諾丁與儒家
★ 諾丁關懷倫理學的道德理論研究★ 《莊子》命論之研究
★ 宋代天台山家山外第二次論諍─以智者大師的原始思想決疑★ 判斷底邏輯形式與範疇-康德「範疇之形上推證」研究
★ 梁漱溟文化哲學研究★ 許敬菴.周海門九諦九解義理研究
★ 對諮詢同意原則之反思:哈伯馬斯溝通理論之應用★ 從女性主義論墮胎的道德爭議: 胎兒道德地位與女性身體自主權
★ 論癌末病人知情權★ 從儒家觀點省思複製人的倫理問題
★ 論基因倫理:基因治療及基因增強相關之倫理爭議★ 代理孕母與親子關係:一個倫理分析
★ 無行為能力病人的醫療代理決策研究:以智能障礙者為例★ 高爾拔(Lawrence Kohlberg)的道德教育理論之道德哲學面向研究
★ 自願安樂死的出路---從死亡權的角度分析★ 論癌末病人醫助自殺之道德性
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摘要(中) 中文論文提要
摘要(英) Abstract
A good medical ethical decision-making model can be widely used on clinical practices to solve increasingly complex ethical issues because the sources of morality, interpersonal relationship, and the moral concepts and principles applied are presupposed to be able to accommodate the conditions and requirements of a medical situation. In this thesis, I employ these three aspects in the analysis of a medical decision model to show its special features. The sources of morality is the foundation of a medical decision model and this foundation explains not only the meaning of morality, but also implies the kind of personal interaction and the moral concepts and principles are derived from this source. In other words, the source of morality is the fundamental principle, and the moral concepts and principles are applied to clinical practice. The three aspects are so interrelated and inseparable and through their analysis we could grasp the advantages and disadvantages of a model. Taking the current western mainstream medical ethical decision-making model created by Albert R. Jonsen as an example, we could see that its source of morality is the “common morality” of principlism. Its main concepts are the four principles, i.e. the principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, respect of autonomy and justice. These principles of principlism presuppose the liberal individualism of the west. Under this background, Jonsen’s model takes priority the principle of respect of personal autonomy. Personal relation is the typical citizen contractual relationship. Persons involved in medical decision making are limited to doctors and patients while familial participation could be scraped. The self-determination of patients is enhanced. However, under certain conditions, it is risky to leave medical decision making to the patient whose power of judgment is inflicted by the disease. Patient sometimes does not wish to disclose his or her choice and value judgments, and it easily leads to
tough ethical dilemmas. Confucian conception of family participation and family autonomy could supplement the shortcomings of Jonsen’s model. Furthermore, Jonsen’s citizen contractual physician-patient relationship is too loose and his model does not respond to the loss of trust between doctors and patients. Confucianism provides family participation to relieve the patient’s lonely helpless predicament. While Noddings care ethics has detailed how to improve interactions between the caring and the cared, some of the elements could be applied in clinical practice.
For Noddings, care between persons is the source and foundation of morality. In medical situation, caring is the basic physician-patient relationship, and from this we could derive Noddings’ medical decision model. Confucianism takes the mind of empathy as the source of morality and emphasizes human ethical familial relation. Presently, Confucian communities are still deeply affected by this philosophy, and their life style and behaviors still embody these old Confucian thoughts. Therefore, in a society that takes Confucianism as the basis, it always shows certain Confucian elements in its medical decision model.
The paper employs the framework of moral sources, personal relation, and moral concepts and principles in the analysis of the medical ethical decision models of Jonsen, Noddings and Confucianism and after some detailed analysis, it tries to construct a Confucian community medical ethical decision model. It is a medical decision model built upon interpersonal empathy with universal significance. In this new model, we take the Confucian moral empathy as the source of morality which could contain Noddings’ caring and the common morality of Jonsen’s model. The mind of empathy is an inherent and intrinsic feature of every person. It is our inherent conscience and moral capability, and it fits closely with our moral experiences and judgments. As the patient is usually weak and dependent, the capacity for judgment naturally decreased, hence family participation in medical ethical decision is
legitimate and a kind of protection for the patient. According to Noddings’ care ethics, family members are in the innermost circle of caring and would provide much more care than others. Hence, Noddings may also approve Confucian family autonomy. In this model, we absorb the concepts and principles of Jonsen, Noddings and Confucian theories into a well-founded model. It tries to remove the shortcomings of each single theory and merges the advantages of three theories in order to improve the quality of medical care. Furthermore, it employs the Confucian point of view and reconstruct the situations of human being, the meaning and value of life. It constitutes a different model and could provide a workable model for medical professionals to solve probable moral dilemmas, so as to arrive at the best ethical solution for the medical professionals, the patient and the family.
關鍵字(中) ★ 醫療倫理決策模式
★ 莊遜
★ 諾丁
★ 儒家
★ 儒家社群決策模式
關鍵字(英) ★ medical decision model
★ Albert Jonsen
★ Nel Noddings
★ Confucianism
★ Confucian community model
論文目次 目 錄
第一章 導論 1
第一節 研究目的、動機與方法 2
第二節 當前的醫療倫理決策之主流模式 7
第三節 道德根源、人際關係和應用的概念與原則三者與醫療倫理決策
模式的關係 11
一、道德根源之意義 12
二、人際關係 18
三、應用的概念與原則 22
第四節 對未來臨床實務之貢獻以及論文章節與結構 24
第二章 莊遜的臨床倫理決策模式 26
第一節 莊遜的模式之倫理學背景:原則主義 26
一、道德根源 27
二、人際關係 28
三、應用的概念與原則 29
四、理論的限制 31
第二節 莊遜的臨床倫理決策模式之要義 34
一、道德根源 34
二、人際關係 35
三、應用的概念與原則 36
四、理論的限制 55
附錄 60
第三章 以諾丁的關懷倫理學建立一個醫療倫理決策模式 61
第一節 諾丁的關懷倫理學理論:以關懷為中心 61
一、諾丁的關懷理論之先驅 61
二、諾丁的關懷倫理學之道德根源 64
三、諾丁的關懷倫理學之人際關係 66
四、諾丁的關懷倫理學之應用概念與原則 69
五、諾丁對原則主義之批判 77
第二節 諾丁的關懷倫理於臨床實務之應用 80
一、醫護人員看見病人不適時:內心所湧起的「我必須」 80
二、護理人員與病人的不平等相遇 81
三、被關懷者—病人 82
四、關懷者—醫護人員 83
五、關懷與行動 85
六、結論 86
第三節 諾丁的醫療倫理決策模式 87
一、諾丁之醫療倫理決策模式之要點 89
二、典型案例之應用 94
第四節 諾丁的關懷倫理之優缺點 99
第四章 儒家醫療倫理決策模式 102
第一節 儒家倫理學之基本觀念 102
一、道德價值根源:孔子的「仁」與孟子之「不忍人之心」 103
二、人際關係:五倫與家庭共同體之關係 107
三、應用的概念與原則 112 第二節 儒家醫療倫理決策模式之架構 117
一、第一序之決策 118
二、第二序的決策 121
第三節 案例之應用 124
第四節 儒家醫療倫理決策模式之缺點與優勢 129
第五章 以莊遜、諾丁與儒家為根基所建立的臨床倫理決策模式 133
第一節 融合莊遜、諾丁與儒家之臨床倫理決策模式 133
一、道德的根源 134
二、人際關係 136
三、應用的概念與原則 138
第二節 案例之應用 146
第三節 對當前臨床應用之反省 153
一、對現行的臨床倫理困境之反思 153
二、對傳統臨床倫理決策模式之突破與啟發 158
三、對學生與臨床醫護人員面臨實務工作時之生命教育之貢獻 159
四、促使學生與臨床醫護人員對倫理困境之相關知識的挹注 159
參考文獻 161
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指導教授 李瑞全 審核日期 2013-7-24
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