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論文名稱 藉由教師監督以增進手機字彙學習效率之系統設計與 實證研究
(Design and Empirical Study on Improving the Effectiveness of Self-Directed Vocabulary Learning via E-Learning Systems on Mobile Devices with Teachers’ Monitoring)
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摘要(中) 字彙學習是英文學習的基礎。學生掌握越多的單字量,對其英文之聽、說、讀、寫 之進步有很大的幫助。但對學生來說,過去的學習模式在字彙累積的過程中往往會因為 乏味且單一方式,使學習逐漸失去主動學習動機而趨於懶惰,以致於成效不彰並缺乏持續性。
根據過去的研究,雖然數位學習能夠增加學習的趣味以及人與人之間的互動性,但 卻無法提供使用者隨時隨地、無所不在地使用便利性。但近年來隨著無線網路基礎建設 的成熟以及資通訊技術的快速發展,人們透過手持裝置學習的機會越來越多,因此本研 究延續資通發展之進步情況,依照自我導向式學習之概念建置─新手機字彙學習程式。 在此程式中,除了傳統字彙學習的功能之外,本系統亦結合了社群概念,讓學生在學習過程中,能透過排行榜與教師監督訊息等功能增加自我學習之動機。
承襲本研究之精神,除了開發手機字彙學習程式與教師監督訊息平台之外,本研究 同時針對中央大學學生進行為期兩週之字彙學習實驗。實驗設計的目的是希望瞭解學生 在自我導向式的字彙學習當中,教師監督與陪伴之訊息是否會影響學習者的學習表現以 及學習動機。並將實驗過程區分成實驗組與對照組,分別在不同監督情況下使用本系統 平台進行學習。
研究顯示,使用具有教師監督訊息功能的手機字彙學習程式之實驗組,在經過學習 過後,其學習表現與學習動機明顯優於對照組。但值得討論的是,實驗組學生普遍反應 教師監督之功能對於英文字彙學習並沒有直接性的幫助,只間接具有提醒與陪伴的功能。
因此本研究在以此實驗結果進行更深入分析,發現實驗組在經過此系統學習過後,對於 單字的掌握度比對照組來的好,答錯的單字數量較少,並且錯誤單字皆為難度較高之單 字。同時,根據質量化問卷調查結果顯示,兩組學生對於本手機程式皆具有不錯的滿意 程度。
由上述實驗結果發現透過手機進行字彙學習確實能夠有助於學生之學習成效,並且 透過教師監督訊息更能提昇學習表現與動機。期望此結果能夠為後續研究者發展行動學 習平台之設計考量。
摘要(英) Vocabularies are the most fundamental part when it comes to English studying. The skills of oral, aural, reading and writing of English will be definitely improved as soon as we are able to know more words. The students, however, mostly tend to feel it tedious to memorize all the words due to the lack of leaning motivations during their learning courses.
According to previous studies, although E-learning will be able to improve the willingness of learning, and interactions between learners, it is believed that the mobility and accessibility of E-learning will be the primary problems for users. With the maturity of the wireless network infrastructures and the rapid development of information and communication technology this decade, it has become more and more feasible for us to learn through handheld devices. Therefore, this research will be based on the concept of self-directed learning, and thus designed a ─ new mobile program with vocabulary learning. In addition to the traditional functions, the system also incorporates the concept of community, for instance, the teachers will be able to motivate students through text messages.
Besides the development of the program and teacher supervision platform, a two-week vocabulary learning experiment for students in NCU was held during this research. The purpose of this experiment is for the understanding whether the performance and motivation of students will be influenced by self-directed vocabulary learning, and teachers’ supervision. Our subjects were divided into experimental group and control group during the experiment, which are under two different learning and supervised environment in the system respectively.
Studies have shown that the learning motivation and performance of students in the experimental group, with supervision-enabled mobile program, was significantly better than those in the control group. However, what interesting is that the general response of the experimental group shows that there’s no direct help from the functional supervision of teachers; instead, it was only considered an indirect influence as a function of companionship and reminder. Consequently, it is more about an in-depth analysis of the experimental results, and it then shows that the students in experimental group have a better understanding of the words than those in control group. Percentage of wrong answers of experimental group among the vocabulary test was much lower than the other, and most of the faults are more difficult. In addition, according to the survey, both groups of student were satisfied with the mobile application.
Above all, the result shows that vocabulary learning through mobile phone and teacher supervision can indeed improve the performance and learning motivation of students. This result is expected to be beneficial and inspiring to the later development of the mobile learning researches.
關鍵字(中) ★ 字彙學習
★ 行動學習
★ 自我導向式學習
★ 教師監督訊息
★ 學習動機
關鍵字(英) ★ Vocabulary learning
★ Mobile learning
★ Self-directed learning
★ Teacher supervision
★ Learning motivation
論文目次 摘要 I
致謝 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究問題 5
1.4 研究目的 6
二、文獻探討 7
2.1字彙學習理論 7
2.2 行動學習 10
2.4 線上即時之教師監督 13
2.5 評分量尺理論 14
三、研究方法 17
四、系統設計與架構 19
4.1 字彙學習模型基於自我導向式學習模型 19
4.2 系統實作流程 21
4.3 字彙學習系統及教師監督訊息平台之實作描述 22
五、 實驗設計與程序 40
5.1 實驗設計 40
5.2 實驗程序 41
5.3 系統評估與問卷設計 41
5.4 半結構訪談 47
六、資料分析與討論 48
6.1 結果分析 48
6.2 結果討論 64
七、結論與未來工作 70
7.1 結論 70
7.2 研究限制 72
7.3 未來工作 73
英文參考文獻 74
中文參考文獻 80
附錄一 學習前測驗卷 81
附錄二 學習後測驗卷 94
附錄三 REID知覺風格問卷 107
附錄四 實驗組後測問卷 108
附錄五 對照組後測問卷 110
附錄六 質化問題之答題狀況 112
附錄七 質化訪談逐字稿 117
附錄八 實驗組與對照組學習時間與學習表現統計總表 119
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指導教授 許智誠(Chih-cheng Hsu) 審核日期 2013-7-10
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