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姓名 費瑞拉(Nailah Firdausiyah)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 考量列車迴轉與擾動因子情況下高速鐵路系統最佳化排班設計之研究
(Timetabling Optimization Design Considering Train Circulation and Disturbances for High-Speed Rail System)
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摘要(中) 高速列車的管理工作包含例行維修(如車輛迴轉以清理)與災害發生時之應變措
施等,由於高速列車中上述管理工作非常重要,台灣高鐵公司雖然已有相關列車班表模型,但是此模型尚未完整,因此,基於相關的文獻回顧,其他學者並沒有針對環狀的列車系統,例如列車的迴轉運作等,這些運作在台灣高鐵是非常重要的。本研究根據台灣高鐵的相關需求與運作方式提出一個最佳化排班模式,結合整數與動態規劃並使用CPLEX 軟體求其最佳解,當鐵道發生災害時,高鐵單位會對鐵路系統重新排程,所以本研究的模式亦支援重新排程的最佳化。本研究應用敏感度分析針對不同的參數觀察目標值的影響,參考台灣高鐵的列車資料,使用兩線軌道、128 服務、29 輛列車與8 個車站,經由實驗結果表示,本研究所求得的最佳解與高鐵公司的時刻表一致(程式執行時間為0.10 秒),因此,此模式可以應用模擬並分析相關的列車系統,提供災害發生時即時的決策支援。
摘要(英) Managing circulation of trains, including regular inspection, car cleaning times and turning back operations, has become important due to the scarcity of railway company
resources. The Taiwan High-Speed Railway (THSR) already has cyclic patterns of daily train circulation, but these patterns have not been modeled yet. Moreover, based on a review of the literature, researchers in the railway field have never considered train circulation, especially in
HSR systems, even though it is important. This research proposes a scheduling optimization model that has the capability to accommodate not only basic requirements such as railway topology, traffic rules, and user requirements, but also train circulation as well. Mixed integer
and dynamic programming have been chosen to solve the model under CPLEX. In addition, railway systems are often characterized by high traffic density and heterogeneous traffic that is sensitive to disturbances; thus, rescheduling activity for updating an existing schedule in response to disruptions is needed. This research has applied sensitivity analysis in order to identify how disturbances propagate in the original timetable and which actions to decide in order to mitigate the impact instead of cancelling many trains. Assumptions as well as input and output values are configured by using real data from THSR,which used two lines, 128 services, 29 trains, and eight stations. The model has obtained a timetable result as good as the real timetable in a short computation time (that is, 0.10 second). Sensitivity analysis results could determine critical infrastructure and parameters that are
sensitive to disturbances. Therefore, it could be a good simulation analysis for predicting the effect of disruptions on the timetable without doing real experiments such as trains being disordered and overtaken.
關鍵字(中) ★ 時刻表
★ 最佳化模式
★ 環狀列車
★ 敏感度分析
關鍵字(英) ★ sensitivity analysis
★ train circulation
★ timetable
★ optimization model
論文目次 摘要 ......................................................i
ABSTRACT................................................. ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................ iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS........................................ iv
LIST OF TABLES.......................................... vii
LIST OF FIGURES........................................ viii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION.............................................. 1
1.1. Background and Motivation............................ 1
1.2. Research Objectives.................................. 4
1.3. Research Scope and Limitations....................... 5
1.4. Research Methodology................................. 7
1.4.1. Conduct literature review.......................... 8
1.4.2. Characterize train scheduling and timetable components ............................................... 8
1.4.3. Develop model ..................................... 9
1.4.4. Collect and input data............................. 9
1.4.5. Solve and analyze model........................... 10
1.4.6. Check the model................................... 10
1.4.7. Draw conclusions and recommendations.............. 11
1.5. Structure of Report................................. 11
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW.............................. 12
2.1. Railway Planning.................................... 12
2.2. Optimization Model.................................. 13
2.2.1. Basic Concept and Numerical Method................ 14
2.2.2. Solver Software................................... 17
2.3. Sensitivity analysis................................ 18
2.4. Timetable Activities................................ 19
2.4.1. Scheduling........................................ 19 Characteristic and rules........................ 20 Train scheduling process in THSR system......... 24
2.4.2. Rescheduling...................................... 26 Characteristic and rules........................ 26 Rescheduling process in THSR system............. 27
2.5. Related works....................................... 28
2.5.1. A heuristic for the train pathing and timetabling problem (Lee and Chen, 2009)............................. 29
2.5.2. Solution of real world train timetabling problems (Caprara, et al, 2001) .................................. 35
2.5.3. Mathematical solutions for solving periodic railway transportation (Salido and Federico, 2009)............... 37
2.5.4. Train rescheduling algorithm which minimizes passenger dissatisfaction (Norio,2005)................... 41
2.5.5. A constraint based interactive train rescheduling tool (Chiu, 2002) ....................................... 42
2.5.6. Heuristic approach to train rescheduling (Mladenovic, 2007) ................................................... 44
2.6. Summary of literature review........................ 45
CHAPTER 3 MODEL DEVELOPMENT.............................. 47
3.1. Problem Descriptions................................ 47
3.2. The proposed mathematical model..................... 50
3.2.1. Objective function................................ 50
3.2.2. Model variables, parameters, and constraints...... 50
3.2.3. Notations and Indexes............................. 53
3.3. Input file creation................................. 54
3.3.1. Software.......................................... 54
3.3.2. Database.......................................... 55
3.3.3. Model application................................. 65
CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND MODEL CHECKING..................... 67
4.1. Model results....................................... 67
4.1.1. Algorithm to solve the model...................... 67
4.1.2. Timetable diagrams................................ 70
4.2. Model checking...................................... 72
4.3. Sensitivity analysis................................ 76
4.3.1. Sensitivity of the maximum operation times with respect to delay times................................... 76
4.3.2. Sensitivity of the maximum operation times with respect to allowed time margin........................... 82
4.3.3. Sensitivity of arrival times respect to maximum delay time .................................................... 83
5.1. Conclusions......................................... 88
5.2. Recommendations..................................... 89
5.3. Contributions....................................... 90
Appendix A: Model Application Instructions............... 91
BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................. 98
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指導教授 周建成(Chien-Cheng Chou) 審核日期 2010-7-26
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