博碩士論文 973204058 詳細資訊

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姓名 雲惟勝(Wei-Sheng Yun)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 不含離子非水溶液之電動力學行為
(Electrokinetics in Salt-Free Non-aqueous Solution)
★ 反離子的凝聚作用和釋放於界劑溶液中添加鹽類的影響之研究★ 以離子型界劑溶解微脂粒之研究
★ 奈米添加物對微乳液滴靜電特性的影響–蒙地卡羅模擬法★ W/O型微乳液液滴之電荷分佈量測
★ 溫度和PEG-脂質對磷脂醯膽鹼與離子型界面活性劑間作用的影響之研究★ 明膠的溶膠-凝膠相變化與微乳液-有機凝膠相變化
★ 膽固醇與膽鹽對微脂粒穩定度的影響★ 電解質溶液的表面張力-蒙地卡羅模擬法
★ 稀薄聚電解質溶液中的反離子凝聚現象★ 溫度不敏感性之電動力學行為於毛細管區域電泳
★ 以熱力學性質定義帶電粒子的電荷重正化現象★ 聚乙二醇與界面活性劑的作用
★ 聚電解質溶液中的反離子凝聚現象★ 聚電解質在中性高分子溶液中的泳動行為
★ 在聚電解質溶液中的有效電荷★ 以分散粒子動力學法模擬雙性團聯共聚物微胞之探討
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摘要(中) 一般來說,當粒子處於低介電係數溶劑中,因較強烈的庫倫作用力導致其反離子不易解離帶電。但是,電子紙卻是利用粒子在低介電係數溶液中解離並於施加電場後進行電泳。本論文主要利用毛細管電泳,研究在低介電係數溶液中,電滲流及電泳行為並配合理論推算,進而分析其解離原因、泳動速度及改善方法。
摘要(英) In general, the dissociation of counterion from charged particle is difficult in a medium with low dielectric constant due to strong Coulomb attraction. However, in electronic paper, charged particles exist in low dielectric medium and migrate by application of an electric filed, so called electrophoresis. In this work, the electrophoretic mobility and the origin of counterion dissociation from charged particle are investigated by using capillary electrophoresis system through electro-osmosis in a salt-free and low dielectric constant medium, in which the Joule heat effect is insignificant under strong electric field due to low electric current.
Owing to strong Coulomb interaction, the surface charge density (?) of silica particles in a salt-free and low dielectric constant medium is very small compared to that in water. Therefore, the electrophoretic mobility is essentially zero. Intuitively, it is anticipated that the electro-osmotic flow (EOF) is absent in a fused silica capillary because of the lack of counterions. We consider organic solvents with low dielectric constant (?), including ethanol (? = 24), propanol (? = 20), butanol (? = 19), tetrahydrofuran (? = 7), and dioxane (? = 2), and their mixtures with water. The dielectric constant of the mixture can be controlled by tuning the concentrations (c). It is interesting to find that EOF always occurs regardless of the dielectric constant. The mobility generally declines with increasing viscosity or decreasing dielectric constant. The relationship between surface charge density and dielectric constant can be described by surface charge decsity ~ exp(-ac) ~ (dielectric constant)^b.
In conclusion, even in a salt-free and low dielectric constant medium, counterion dissociation always takes place and thus electrokinetic phenomena occur, as long as particles’ sizes are large enough. An example is EOF, which involves a very large surface area of an inner tube wall. Consequently, in order to increase the response time in e-paper applications, the electrophoretic mobility can be increased by increasing the surface charge density or particle size.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電子紙
★ 毛細管電泳
★ 低介電係數
★ 電滲流
關鍵字(英) ★ capillary electrophoresis
★ electronic paper
★ electro-osmotic
★ low dielectric constant
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 V
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論及文獻回顧 1
第二章 毛細管電泳(Capillary Electrophoresis, CE)介紹 6
2-1 毛細管電泳發展史 6
2-2 毛細管電泳裝置 7
2-2-1 毛細管(Capillary) 7
2-2-2 毛細管管徑與溫度關係 9
2-2-3 電源供應器(Power supply) 9
2-2-4 樣品注射方式 10
2-2-5 偵測器 11
2-3 毛細管區域電泳(Capillary Zone Electrophoresis,CZE) 12
2-4 毛細管電泳原理 12
2-4-1 電雙層理論 12
2-4-2 Zeta potential 14
2-4-3 電滲透(Electro-osmosis) 15
2-4-4 電滲流的優點 19
2-4-5 影響電滲流的因素 20
2-4-6 電泳(Electrophoresis) 21
2-4-7 焦耳熱效應 26
第三章 實驗介紹 28
3-1 實驗材料 28
3-2 實驗儀器 29
3-3 實驗步驟 30
第四章 結果與討論 33
4-1 焦耳熱效應(Joule Heat Effect)在系統中對電滲流的影響 33
4-2 不同溶劑與去離子水混合之電滲流行為 38
4-2-1 Salt-free乙醇和丙醇黏度對電滲流mobility的影響 39
4-2-2 Salt-free 1,4-dioxane黏度對電滲流mobility的影響 40
4-3 不同salt-free溶液的電滲流行為 49
4-4 毛細管管壁在電滲流中之電荷密度 55
4-5 在含電解質水溶液中之電泳行為 57
4-6 二氧化矽在去離子水與低介電係數媒介中之電泳 59
4-7 zeta電位分析儀測量電泳mobility 65
4-8 在低介電係數環境中之解離機制 68
4-9 在電子紙中的電泳行為 69
第五章 結論 71
第六章 參考文獻 72
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指導教授 曹恒光(Heng-kwong Tsao) 審核日期 2010-6-21
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