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姓名 魏明多(Ming Narto)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 橋樑樁基礎在不規則液化土層中之受震反應
(Seismic Responses of Bridge Pile Foundation in a Liquefiable Soil Stratum Underlain by Irregular Bedrock)
★ 鋼筋混凝土構架制震設計與分析★ 版牆結構隔減震設計
★ 連續壁防治土壤液化之初步研究★ 符合設計譜人工地震之相位角對樓板反應譜之影響
★ 樁基礎橋梁地震反應分析★ 利用連續壁防治土壤液化之探討
★ Nakamura方法估算土壤第一模態頻率之適用性研究★ 黏性土層中隧道開挖引致之地盤沉陷及破壞機制
★ 側向非均勻土層之地表受震反應★ 砂土層中井樁承受反覆水平荷重之初步研究
★ 以人工地震探討二維不規則土層對建築物受震反應的影響★ 以離心模型試驗探討高含水量黏性背填土 加勁擋土牆之穩定性
★ 以加勁長度改善高含水量下粘土加勁擋土牆穩定性之研究★ 內扶壁在基一區(K1)對連續壁變位之影響
★ 打樁引致非均質土層地表振動數值之模擬★ 深開挖工程與鄰近捷運隧道受震反應的三維分析
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摘要(中) 橋樑通常是透過樁基礎穿越軟弱土層,將荷載傳遞到可承載的深層土層。過去許多地震災害的報告中,都可看到橋樑之樁基礎受土壤液化而導致損壞的情況。本研究的目的是探討橋樑樁基礎在不規則液化土層中之受震反應。
  本研究中,不規則液化土層中基樁的受震反應分析是採用三維非線性有效應力有限元素法。非線性土壤的行為以依 Mohr-Coulomb破壞準則的帽蓋模式模擬,而孔隙水壓則採用Pacheco模式。參數研究方面採用三方向的加速度歷時作為輸入震源,針對側邊岩盤坡度的變化、局部岩盤凸起與二種樁帽與基樁的銜接方式來分析液化土層中的樁基礎的受震反應。
摘要(英) Pile foundations are often used to transfer loads of bridge through soft soil to stronger bearing strata at depth. In the past earthquakes, there have been many reports about damage to bridge’s pile foundations caused by soil liquefaction. The purpose of this study is to investigate the seismic responses of pile foundations of a bridge pier in a liquefiable soil stratum underlain by irregular bedrock.
  In this study, the effect of irregular bedrock on the seismic responses of pile is investigated using nonlinear three-dimensional effective stress finite element method. The nonlinear soil behavior is modeled using the Cap model with Mohr-Coulomb type failure line. The pore pressure model adopted is the one proposed by Pacheco. The seismic responses of pile foundations in liquefiable soil stratum were then studied for slope variation of inclined lateral rock and local intrusion of bedrock and two types of connection between pile cap and piles were considered in the analysis: fixed connection and hinge connection. Three acceleration time-histories were used as input motion.
  From the parametric studies, it was found that the effect of irregular bedrock on the pile responses (displacement, shear force, axial force and bending moment) depends on the characteristics of earthquake motions, location of pile within the pile group and sometimes the configuration of the irregular bedrock. Therefore, it is important to check the adequacy of pile foundation design using the earthquake motions measured at the construction site whose bedrock configuration should be determined as accurately as possible.
關鍵字(中) ★ 有限元素法
★ 液化
★ 樁基礎
★ 不規則岩盤
關鍵字(英) ★ finite element method
★ irregular bedrock
★ pile foundation
★ Liquefaction
論文目次 摘 要 i
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Research Objectives 2
1.3. Structure of this study 2
2.1. Introduction 3
2.2. Liquefaction 3
2.2.1. Definition of Liquefaction 3
2.2.2. Susceptibility of Liquefaction 3
2.3. Pile Foundation 4
2.3.1. Failure and Behavior of Piles 5
2.3.2. Behavior of Soil-Piles-Structure 6
2.4. Analysis of Piles 8
3.1. Basic Equation of Motion for Porous Media 10
3.2. Description of Cap Model and Pore Pressure Model 12
3.3. Numerical Integration 16
3.4. Verification and Validation 17
4.1. Introduction 18
4.2. Model Description 18
4.2.1. Description of soil-pile-bridge pier model 18
4.2.2. Models with irregular bedrock 19
4.2.3. Input earthquake ground motions 19
4.3. Pile Displacement Responses 20
4.3.1. El Centro earthquake 20 Effect of variation of slope of inclined lateral rock 20 Effect of local intrusion of bedrock 21
4.3.2. 1999 ChiChi Earthquake at Chiayi Station (CHY014) 22 Effect of variation of slope of inclined lateral rock 22 Effect of local intrusion of bedrock 24
4.3.3. 1999 ChiChi Earthquake at Taipei Station (TAP014) 25 Effect of variation of slope of inclined lateral rock 25 Effect of local intrusion of bedrock 26
4.4. Summaries of Pile Displacement Responses 27
4.5. Pile Shear and Axial Force Responses 28
4.5.1. El Centro earthquake 28 Effect of variation of slope of inclined lateral rock 28 Effect of local intrusion of bedrock 29
4.5.2. 1999 ChiChi Earthquake at Chiayi Station (CHY014) 30 Effect of variation of slope of inclined lateral rock 30 Effect of local intrusion of bedrock 31
4.5.3. 1999 ChiChi Earthquake at Taipei Station (TAP013) 32 Effect of variation of slope of inclined lateral rock 32 Effect of local intrusion of bedrock 33
4.6. Summaries of Pile Shear and Axial Force Responses 33
4.7. Bending Moment Responses 34
4.7.1. El Centro earthquake 34 Effect of variation of slope of inclined lateral rock 34 Effect of local intrusion of bedrock 35
4.7.2. 1999 ChiChi Earthquake at Chiayi Station (CHY014) 36 Effect of variation of slope of inclined lateral rock 36 Effect of local intrusion of bedrock 37
4.7.3. 1999 ChiChi Earthquake at Taipei Station (TAP013) 37 Effect of variation of slope of inclined lateral rock 37 Effect of local intrusion of bedrock 38
4.8. Summaries of Pile Bending Moment Responses 39
5.1. Conclusions 40
5.2. Recommendations 41
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指導教授 陳慧慈(Huei-Tsyr Chen) 審核日期 2010-8-2
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