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姓名 羅凱夏(Keisha Diane Rodriguez)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
論文名稱 結合城市永續發展與氣候變遷指標對發展中國家的應用:以貝里斯的貝里斯市為例
(Integrating Indicators of Sustainable Urban Development with Climate Change for application in a developing Country: A Case Study of Belize City, Belize)
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摘要(中) 21世紀的發展中國家面對三個極大相關領域的挑戰:永續發展(Sustainable Development, SD), 城市永續發展(Sustainable Urban Development, SUD) 和氣候變遷(Climate Change, CC)。因此,本論文將現在的角度來探討,預先提出發展中的國家,對永續發展概念(SD)和永續城市發展(SUD)之間的關係與氣候變遷,建構一個概念框架確定核心的標題指標,可以適當地突出主要城市關於永續發展和氣候變遷的脆弱性問題。
在A組的12高度的綜合指標,選擇使用知識的一個小組有 20位貝里斯和國際專家參與層次分析法(AHP)之意見蒐集與分析。然後應用這些指標是在貝里斯,且以面積最大的貝里斯城為例。結果發現,有一個明顯缺乏的問題,即該國特別是列入市區參照貝里斯城永續發展的論述。貝里斯市像其他許多發展中國家面臨的問題,城市貧困和惡劣的住房條件和顯著暴露在風暴,颶風和洪水的影響。確保在城市發展是一個永續發展的框架內進行,有計劃的方式既可以解決現有的城市永續發展問題以及大大減少脆弱性,增加適應和緩解氣候變遷的能力。然而,改善治理,特別是在地方之層級,特別強調了提高公民參與決策可以發揮關鍵作用,制訂和進步的眼光,對一個集體的永續性的城市,是迫切需要的。
摘要(英) Sustainable Development (SD), Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) and Climate Change (CC) are three synergistic areas that present tremendous challenges for developing countries in the 21st century. Consequently, this thesis presents current perspectives, within the premise of developing countries, on the concepts of Sustainable Development (SD) and Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) and their inter-relationship with Climate Change in an effort to establish a conceptual framework for identifying a core group of headline indicators that can suitably highlight major urban sustainability and climate change vulnerability issues.
A group of twelve (12) highly integrative indicators were chosen using the knowledge of a small group of twenty (20) Belizean and International experts and an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The indicators were then applied in case study of Belize City, the largest urban area in Belize. Results indicate that there is a marked absence of the inclusion of urban issues especially with reference to Belize City in sustainability discourse in the country. Belize City like the cities of many other developing countries faces issues of urban poverty and poor housing conditions and is significantly exposed to storm, hurricane and flood impact. Ensuring that development within the city is undertaken within a sustainability framework and in a planned manner could both address existing urban SD issues as well as considerably reduce vulnerability and increase adaptive and mitigative capacity for climate change. However, improvements to governance especially at the local level with particular emphasis on the increasing citizen participation in decision-making could play a key role in formulating and progressing towards a collective vision of sustainability for the city.
關鍵字(中) ★ 氣候變遷
★ 貝里斯
★ 永續城市發展
★ 永續發展
關鍵字(英) ★ Climate Change
★ Sustainable Urban Development
★ Sustainable Development
論文目次 中文摘要 (CHINESE ABSTRACT) i
1.1 Three Major Challenges for Developing Countries in the 21st Century: 1
1.1.1 Sustainable Development 1
1.1.2 Urbanization 2
1.1.3 Climate Change Issue in Urban Regions 2
1.2 Belize –The Challenges of a Small, Developing Country 3
1.2.1 Sustainable Development in Belize 3
1.2.2 Urbanization in Belize 4
1.2.3 Climate Change Issues in Urban Belize 5
1.3 Thesis: Integrating Indicators of Sustainable Urban Development with Climate Change for application in a Developing Country 6
1.3.1 Thesis General Objective 6
1.3.2 Thesis Specific Objectives 7
1.3.3 Thesis Methodology 7
1.3.4 Thesis Limitations 8
1.3.5 Thesis Structure 10
2.1 Introduction to Conceptual Frameworks for Indicators 12
2.2 The Concept of Sustainability and Sustainable Development (SD) 13
2.2.1 Sustainability and Sustainable Development 13
2.2.2 Sustainable Development: Early Beginnings in the International Arena 13
2.2.3 Sustainable Development: Theories and Concepts 15
2.3 The Concept of Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) 21
2.3.1 SUD: Early Beginnings in the International Arena 21
2.3.2 SUD: Theories and Concepts 23
2.3.3 SUD in the Developing Country Context 26
2.4 The Conceptual Linking of SD, SUD and CC in Developing Countries 28
2.4.1 Climate Change and Sustainable Development: An Introduction 28
2.4.2 The Climate Change-Sustainable Development Divide 30
2.4.3 Re-integrating Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Concepts and Theories 32
2.4.4 The Mitigation-Adaptation Conceptual Divide 33
2.4.5 Mainstreaming Adaptation and Adaptive Capacity Concepts 34
2.4.6 Mainstreaming Mitigation and Mitigative Capacity Concepts 36
2.4.7. Exploring Mitigation-Adaptation Synergies for Mainstreaming Application 38
2.4.8. Linking CC and SUD in Developing Countries 40
2.5 The Conceptual Framework – Integration of SD, SUD and Climate Change in Developing Countries: A Summary 43
3.1 Belize – A Country Profile 46
3.1.1 Geography and History 46
3.1.2 Demographic Structure 47
3.1.3 Socio-Economic Structure 48
3.1.4 Political Structure 48
3.1.5 Environment of Belize 49
3.2 Sustainable Development, Urbanization and Climate Change – A Regional Perspective 50
3.2.1 SD in Latin America and the Caribbean 50
3.2.2 Urbanization in Latin America and the Caribbean 51
3.2.3 Climate Change Issues in Urban Centres of the LAC Region 53
3.3 Sustainable Development, Urbanization and Climate change – The Belize Context 55
3.3.1 Sustainable Development – The Belize Context 55
3.3.2 Urbanization and SUD – The Belize Context 58
3.3.3 Climate Change – The Belize Context 60
3.4 Summary of the Belize Context 62
4.1 Indicators and Indicator Set for SD, SUD and CC 64
4.1.1 Indicators of Sustainability and Sustainable Development 66
4.1.2. Indicators of Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) 67
4.1.3 Indicators of Climate Change (CC) 68
4.2 Description of Methodology Development 70
4.3 Application of the Adaptive Learning Process for Indicator Development 73
4.3.1 Establishing Human and Environmental Context 73
4.3.2 Setting Goals and Strategies 75
4.3.3 Identifying, evaluating and selecting indicators 75
4.3.4. Indicator application by communities (Researcher) 83
4.4 Summary: Integrating Indicators of SD/SUD with Climate Change 83
5.1 Brief History of Development in Belize City 86
5.2 Application of the SD/SUD and Climate Change Headline Indicators and Implications for Belize City 88
5.2.1 Demographic Changes 88
5.2.2 Economic Development and Poverty Alleviation 94
5.2.3 Housing/Shelter 98
5.2.4 Governance 102
5.2.5 Natural Hazards 105
5.2.6 Environmental Protection and Pollution 112
5.3 Summary - Application of the SD/SUD and Climate Change Headline Indicators and Implications for Belize City 123
6.1 Summary of Research Findings 126
6.2 Suggestions for Further Research 131
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指導教授 謝定亞(Ting-Ya Hsieh) 審核日期 2010-8-6
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