博碩士論文 963303029 詳細資訊

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姓名 王仁逸(Jen-Yi Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 研磨頭氣壓分配在化學機械研磨晶圓膜厚移除製程上之影響
(Study for the wafer thin-film remove rate is affect by gas distribution in different zone of polish head on CMP process)
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摘要(中) 本研究在探討研磨頭氣壓分配在化學機械研磨晶圓膜厚移除製程上之影響。在研磨頭上製作數個氣體壓力控制區塊,並配合特定的研磨墊以及研磨液流量,加以特定的轉速,探討研磨頭內不同的氣體壓力控制區塊下施以不同的壓力,其晶圓膜厚移除的狀況。
摘要(英) This study explores that gas distribution in different zone of polish head is how to affect thin film remove rate of wafer . In the reach study , the several gas zones are made on the polish head , select a specific polish pad , polish slurry flow rate , slurry flow rate and specific polish head RPM to explore that thin film remove rate of wafer is how to affect by gas distribution in different zone of polish head actually.
In the CMP process , the remove rate of thin-file on the wafer is not easy to control the profile what the specification is , so implement the unstable remove rate is necessary . There are so many process parameter to tune these values to match the remove rate specification . The way is fast and direct to view how to affect by gas distribution in different zone of polish head actually on the study then tunning the best process recipes to create a requirement profile .
In the experiment , these wafer are measure by KLA measure tool that they are famous to reduce experiment values inaccurary . It will be shown actual response in the full experiment .
關鍵字(中) ★ 化學機械研磨 關鍵字(英) ★ CMP
論文目次 目 錄
ABSTRACT ...........................................ii
致謝 ..............................................iii
目錄 ...............................................iv
圖目錄 ..............................................v
表目錄 ............................................vii
一、 緒論 .......................................... 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 ................................1
1-2 研究目的 .......................................1
1-3 各章摘要 .......................................1
二、 文獻回顧 .......................................4
2-1 化學機械研磨歷史沿革 ...........................4
2-2 化學機械研磨製程與功能介紹 .....................6
2-2-1 化學機械研磨製程 .............................6
2-2-2 化學機械研磨功能 .............................8
2-2-3 化學機械研磨製程設備的選用 ..................10
2-3 化學機械研磨後的晶圓清洗 ......................14
2-4 化學機械研磨製程的缺陷介紹 ....................15
2-5 研磨液對化學機械研磨的製程影響 ................18
三、 實驗製作方法與設備 ............................26
3-1 實驗研磨頭說明 ................................26
3-1-1 研磨頭內部結構組成 ..........................26
3-1-2 實驗氣體壓力供給說明 ........................29
3-2 相關實驗設備 ..................................31
3-2-1 化學機械研磨機 ..............................31
3-2-2 晶圓膜厚量測機台 ............................31
3-3 實驗過程與設計.................................32
四、 結果與討論 ....................................33
4-1 研磨頭控制壓力區塊的討論 ......................43
4-2 研磨液討論 ....................................46
4-3 研磨墊討論 ....................................49
五、結論與未來展望 .................................52
5-1 結論 ......................................... 52
5-2 未來展望 ......................................53
參考文獻 ...........................................57
參考文獻 〔1〕http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_Cut
〔3〕CMP技術部 , 應用材料(股)公司
〔4〕Li ; Chou H. and Li ; Suzanne C. , Chemical mechanical polishing slurry , USA patent 6976904
〔9〕H. Xiao著,「半導體製程技術導論」,羅正忠和張鼎張譯,二版,臺灣培生教育出版,臺北市,(2004)。
〔10〕Michael Quirk、Julian Serda,等.半導體製造技術[M].韓正生 等,譯.北京:電子工業出版社,2004年
〔11〕M. Kulawski, “Advanced CMP Processes for Special Substrates and for Device Manufacturing in MEMS Applications”, VTT Publications 611, 80 p.+ app. 60 p., Technical Research Centre of Finland, (2006).
〔12〕T. Yonehara and K. Sakaguchi, “ELTRAN®; Novel SOI Wafer Technology”, JSAP International, No. 4, pp. 10-16, (2001).
指導教授 李天錫(Benjamin Lee) 審核日期 2010-7-23
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