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姓名 吳俊輝(Chun-Hui Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 非球形顆粒體在振動床中流動行為之研究
(An investgation of the flow behaviour of non-spherical particles in vibrating beds.)
★ 筆記型電腦改良型自然對流散熱設計★ 移動式顆粒床過濾器濾餅流場與過濾性能之研究
★ IP67防水平板電腦設計研究★ 汽車多媒體導航裝置散熱最佳化研究
★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器三維流場觀察及能性能測試★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器冷性能測試
★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器過濾機制研究★ 二維流動式顆粒床過濾器內部配置設計研究
★ 循環式顆粒床過濾器過濾性能研究★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器之流場型態設計與研究
★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器之流動校正單元設計與分析研究★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器之雙葉片型流動校正單元設計與冷性能過濾機制研究
★ 稻稈固態衍生燃料成型性分析之研究★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器之不對稱葉片設計與冷性能過濾機制研究
★ 流動式顆粒床過濾器之滾筒式粉塵分離系統與冷性能過濾及破碎效應研究★ 稻稈固態衍生燃料加入添加物成型性分析之研究
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摘要(中) 本文旨在研究非球形顆粒體在振動床中之流動行為,探討振動條件(振動加速度與頻率)對非球形顆粒體輸送性質之影響,並比較在相同振動條件下球形與非球形顆粒體在振動床中之流動行為。實驗採用的非球形顆粒體為雙球形體顆粒,係由兩顆尺寸相同之POM球形顆粒黏接而成。本研究採用改良式粒子追蹤法(Improved Particle Tracking Velocimetry)量測雙球形顆粒體之平移速度及旋轉速度,進而計算顆粒體輸送性質(例如:局部平均速度、局部擾動速度、局部粒子溫度、擾動速度分佈、擴散係數、無因次質量流率及整體粒子溫度與整體平均動能)。研究結果顯示改良式粒子追蹤法能精確地量測振動床中雙球形顆粒體的平移速度及旋轉速度。本研究展示雙球形顆粒體之迴流現象,另由旋轉擾動速度分佈得知顆粒旋轉在振動床中頗為顯著。
摘要(英) This thesis investigates the flow behaviour of non-spherical particles in vibrating beds, studies the influence of vibration conditions on the flow behaviours and compares the flow behaviour between spherical and non-spherical particles. At the preliminary tests, paired POM particles (one of the non-spherical particles), made by gluing two single POM beads, were studied. The improved Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) was employed to measure the translational and rotational velocities of these non-spherical particles in a vibrating bed. The transport properties of the paired POM particles in a vibrated bed, such as local average velocities, local fluctuation velocities, granular temperatures, fluctuation velocity distributions, self-diffusion coefficients and dimensionless convection flow rates, were evaluated from the experimental results and discussed. The study has shown that the improved PTV technique has the ability to measure more accurately the velocity field of non-spherical particulate systems and that the particle rotation can play a significant role in a vibrated granular bed.
 The dimensionless convection flow rates and global granular temperatures in the non-spherical granular vibrated bed increase with the increase of the vibration acceleration and velocity. The dimensionless convection flow rates also increase with increasing the global granular temperatures. The dimensionless convection flow rates and global granular temperatures in a spherical granular system are larger than those in a non-spherical granular system since the POM paired particles studied here induce a particle inter-locking than spherical particles.
關鍵字(中) ★ 改良式粒子追蹤法
★ 振動條件
★ 顆粒體輸送性質
★ 非球形顆粒
★ 振動床實驗
關鍵字(英) ★ Transport property
★ Vibration conditions
★ Improved PTV
★ Vibrated bed
★ Non-spherical particulate system
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
目錄 v
附表目錄 vii
附圖目錄 viii
符號說明 xv
第一章 緒論 1
  1.1 顆粒流 1
  1.2 顆粒體在振動床中之流動行為 2
   1.2.1 垂直振動床內的迴流現象 3
   1.2.2 振動床內運動現象之轉變 6
  1.3 研究動機與目的 7
第二章 實驗設備、量測技術與實驗步驟 9
  2.1 實驗設備 9
  2.2 量測技術 14
   2.2.1 改良式粒子追蹤影像處理技術 14
   2.2.2 影像分析流程 17
  2.3 實驗步驟 18
第三章 振動顆粒床之輸送性質 21
  3.1 局部平均速度及局部擾動速度 21
  3.2 局部粒子溫度 22
  3.3 擾動速度分佈 22
  3.4 擴散係數 23
  3.5 無因次質量流率 24
  3.6 整體粒子溫度與整體平均動能 25
第四章 實驗結果與討論 27
  4.1 非球形顆粒體在振動床中之迴流行為 27
  4.2 振動條件對非球形顆粒體輸送性質的影響 31
  4.3 球形與雙球形顆粒體在振動床中流動行為之比較 42
第五章 結論 46
參考文獻 48
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指導教授 蕭述三(Shu-San Hsiau) 審核日期 2010-8-17
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