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姓名 陳乃腕(Nai-Wan Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 智顗大師圓頓止觀法門研究
(A Study on Venerable Zhi-yi’s Complete and Immediate Practice of Concentration and Contemplation)
★ 諾丁關懷倫理學的道德理論研究★ 《莊子》命論之研究
★ 宋代天台山家山外第二次論諍─以智者大師的原始思想決疑★ 判斷底邏輯形式與範疇-康德「範疇之形上推證」研究
★ 梁漱溟文化哲學研究★ 許敬菴.周海門九諦九解義理研究
★ 對諮詢同意原則之反思:哈伯馬斯溝通理論之應用★ 從女性主義論墮胎的道德爭議: 胎兒道德地位與女性身體自主權
★ 論癌末病人知情權★ 從儒家觀點省思複製人的倫理問題
★ 論基因倫理:基因治療及基因增強相關之倫理爭議★ 代理孕母與親子關係:一個倫理分析
★ 無行為能力病人的醫療代理決策研究:以智能障礙者為例★ 高爾拔(Lawrence Kohlberg)的道德教育理論之道德哲學面向研究
★ 自願安樂死的出路---從死亡權的角度分析★ 論癌末病人醫助自殺之道德性
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摘要(中) 摘要
摘要(英) Synopsis
This thesis investigates the Complete and Immediate Practice of Concentration and Contemplation founded by Venerable Zhi-yi. Topics of research include investigating his ideology, methods of practice and classification of stages of cultivation and attainment. The main focus of the thesis is to analyse the actual ways of practice and the uniqueness of the theory of this Complete and Immediate Practice of Concentration and Contemplation of the Tian-tai school.
Firstly, this thesis studies Venerable Zhi-yi’s journey of practice and attainment throughout his life. This sets the foundation for further investigation into the Tian-tai school’s Complete and Immediate Practice of Concentration and Contemplation. This thesis illustrates how Venerable Zhi-yi’s journey of practice throughout his life is in accordance with the ‘Contemplation and Practice Stage of Realisation’ (the five processes in the practice of the ‘Five Levels of Practitioners’), in the Tian-tai’s classification of stages of cultivation.
Secondly, by setting its foundation on the supreme truth of the Tian-tai school’s Complete Teaching, and from the perspectives of way of contemplation, liberation and attainment of Buddhahood, this thesis explains the uniqueness of the Complete Teaching, and the significance of the Complete Teaching’s practice of concentration and contemplation.
Then, the thesis goes on to study Venerable Zhi-yi’s three major writings on cultivation of concentration and contemplation. They are: An Explanation on Stages of Practice of Meditation Paramita (Shi Chan Bo Luo Mi Ci Di Fa Men), The Six Subtle and Magnificent Practices (Liu Miao Fa Men), The Great Practice of Concentration and Contemplation (Mo He Zhi Guan). Among them, The Great Practice of Concentration and Contemplation is the major writing that constructs the teaching of the Complete and Immediate Practice of Concentration and Contemplation. It expounds the non-sequential meditative practice of the Complete Teaching in Tian-tai, and the utmost comprehensive and immediate practice of contemplating the mind. Among the major practices of the Tian-tai school, this thesis highlights and provides explanations and analysis on the cultivation of the ‘Twenty-five Skilful Means’, the ‘Four Types of Samadhi’, the ‘Fa-Hua Samadhi’, the ‘Ten Ways of Contemplation’ and many more.
Based on the three studies mentioned above, this thesis goes a step further into discussing the significance and specialty of Tian-tai’s method of contemplating the mind. With this discussion, it analyses the meaning of the ‘Six Stages of Realisation to Buddhahood’ and the ‘Four Types of Buddhaland’ as expounded by Venerable Zhi-yi for the Tian-tai school. The author propounds that Venerable Zhi-yi’s turning to recollection of the Buddha’s name, and his vow to be reborn in the Western Pureland at his later age, is related to his theory of Complete Teaching. This view is in response to doubts and rejections that some Pureland practitioners and scholars have about Venerable Zhi-yi.
Finally, by upholding the Complete Teaching’s principle of practice of ‘neither connected nor disconnected’, this thesis concludes that Venerable Zhi-yi sees the significance of stages in practice. Venerable Zhi-yi sees the cultivation of ‘Five Levels of Practice and Contemplation’ as the cause, and the ‘Resemblance Stage of Realisation’ where the six sense organs are purified as the effect/fruition.
關鍵字(中) ★ 智顗
★ 圓頓止觀
★ 一念三千
★ 六即佛位
★ 六妙法門
★ 四種佛土
★ 釋禪波羅蜜次第法門
★ 十乘觀法
★ 觀心法門
關鍵字(英) ★ To embrace three thousands worlds in a thought
★ Venerable Zhi-yi
★ The Complete and Immediate Practice of Concentra
★ The practice of contemplating the mind
★ Six Stages of Realisation to Buddhahood
★ Four Types of Buddhaland
★ The Six Subtle and Magnificent Practi
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………………1
第一節 前人研究成果回顧──以天台止觀為主……………………4
第二節 問題意識與論述架構……………………………………………12
第二章 智顗止觀修行之經歷與證境………………………………17
第一節 賢山潛修:修信願行與得見勝相………………………………17
第二節 大蘇妙解:得陀羅尼與證法華境………………………………22
第三節 金陵弘法:講演般若與傳次第禪………………………………33
第四節 天台圓悟:華頂奇遇與入一實相………………………………38
第五節 江淮遊徙:正修六度與證五品位………………………………40
第六節 結語…………………………………………………………………………86
第三章 天台圓教思想要義……………………………………………89
第一節 天台圓教之教證──以《法華經》為主……………………89
第二節 互入相即之妙理……………………………………………………92
第三節 圓教之觀行與智果………………………………………………96
第四章 天台止觀著作發微……………………………………………101
第一節 三種止觀之分立…………………………………………………101
第二節 漸次止觀──釋《次第禪門》…………………………………106
第三節 不定止觀──釋《六妙法門》…………………………………122
第五章 圓頓止觀──釋《摩訶止觀》……………………………145
第一節 修行動機:發圓教大心…………………………………………145
第二節 助行前導:廿五方便……………………………………………153
第三節 止觀所緣:四種三昧……………………………………………164
第四節 正修止觀:十乘觀法……………………………………………178
第六章 天台「觀心法門」實修要義………………………………201
第一節 理境與觀智………………………………………………………202
第二節 觀心具事理………………………………………………………219
第三節 即事以證理………………………………………………………224
第四節 理證與佛土………………………………………………………227
第七章 結論:融貫且創新的圓教止觀……………………………233
參考文獻 論文參考與徵引書目
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指導教授 李瑞全(Prof. Shui-Chuen Lee) 審核日期 2010-7-24
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