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姓名 吳清雄(Ching-hsiung Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 天文研究所
論文名稱 使用鹿林一米望遠鏡對黑洞雙星Swift J1753.5-0127及A0620-00之可見光波段時變研究
(Lulin One-meter Telescope Observations for Black Hole Binaries Swift J1753.5-0127 and A0620-00)
★ 長期監測低質量X-Ray雙星4U 1820-30之軌道週期演化及運行機制★ 利用鹿林前山一米望遠鏡對低質量X-射線雙星 XTE J1118+480 (KV UMa) 之光學波段時變研究
★ 利用參數化的方法研究低質量X光雙星系統 X1916-053 的X光dip之性質★ 長期監測吸積驅動毫秒波霎SAX J1808.4-3658之時變性質
★ 吸積驅動毫秒脈衝星 XTE J1814-338 之軌道參數及不同能量間相位延遲之研究★ 吸積毫秒脈衝星XTE J0929-314之不同能量間脈衝相位關係之研究
★ 吸積毫秒脈衝星SAX J1808.4-3658於2002年爆發之不同能量間脈衝相位關係之研究★ 低質量X光食雙星EXO 0748-676之軌道週期改變之研究
★ 低質量X光雙星4U1820-30之長週期X-ray光變改變之研究★ 以X射線連續光譜限制在GX 339-4中的黑洞的自旋
★ Applications of the Hilbert-Huang Transform on the Non-stationary Astronomical Time Series★ 低質量 X 光雙星 4U 1323-62 和 4U 1254-69 之軌道週期演化
★ 高質量 X 光雙星 LMC X-4 之軌道與自轉參數變化之研究★ 利用巡天計畫資料研究激變變星的長周期光變現象
★ 以全天監測X光望遠鏡觀測資料進一步研究高質量X光雙星天鵝座X-3之軌道週期變化★ Applications of the Hilbert-Huang Transform on Low-Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations in Black Hole X-ray Binaries
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摘要(中) 本篇論文是利用鹿林一米望遠鏡 (LOT) 在2008及09年期間對黑洞雙星系統Swift J1753.5-0127及A0620-00進行可見光波段的觀測,並進行光變的分析。
Swift J1753.5-0127於2005年的爆發後才被發現,至今其可見光波段的仍十分明亮。Zurita et al. (2008) 藉由其複雜的光變曲線而認為3.24小時的光變是由superhump所造成。然而,只從光變曲線做判斷不夠嚴謹,應再討論其他軌道性質如週期變化率 。A0620-00自1975年爆發後,迄今其X光波段仍處在沉靜期 (quiescent state),但Cantrell et al. (2008) 提出在其可間光波段的顏色-星等關係圖 (color-magnitude diagram) 可能有一個約30天的週期變化,若此現象是由吸積盤的進動所造成,那麼A0620-00可能存在著superhump的現象。因此,我們藉由對Swift J1753.5-0127及A0620-00的時間分析來研究這兩個系統是否有superhump現象存在。
我們制定了一套取得光變曲線的流程,除了基本的資料校正 (data reduction)外,並探討傳統標準星校正法在數學邏輯上的問題,重新設計出合理的擬合過程。並將此概念融入較差測光 (differential photometry) 中,以減少大氣質量及消光效應對後續時間分析的影響。
在對每天光變曲線進行趨勢移除 (trend removal) 後,利用Lomb-Scargle (LS) peirodogram與Phase dispersion minimization (PDM)方法計算出光變最有可能的訊號。接著使用Period04對光變曲線進行正弦函數的擬合,得到光變模型。再對其殘餘量 (資料點扣除模型) 進行LS periodogram與PDM的分析,檢查是否有其他的週期訊號存在。解析出所有的訊號後,Swift J1753.5 -0127並沒有發現任何與3.24小時相近的週期;而A0620-00也呈現單純的橢圓光變,沒有其他週期訊號存在。將三個波段所求出的週期做加權平均後得到Swift J1753.5 -0127的平均週期為3.2442 ±0.0002小時,與Zurita et al. (2008) 所提出R波段的結果3.2454±0.0080小時一致;A0620-00的平均週期為7.75229 ±0.00004小時,亦與McClintock & Remillard (1986) 提出的7.75234 ±0.00010小時一致。
從窗函數的分析中,我們發現Swift J1753.5-0127殘餘量的週期訊號可能皆為3.24小時的頻率與窗函數耦合的而成的結果。另外我們使用O-C方法試圖找出 ,而過大的觀測空窗期使得分析結果的可信度並不高,因此在我們的研究中仍無法決定出3.24小時究竟是superhump或是軌道週期。A0620-00其30天的週期也並不是由superhump現象所造成,而是可能來自於其他未知的原因。
摘要(英) In this thesis, I report the observations and analysis results for black hole binaries Swift J1753.5-0127 and A0620-00 for their timing properties with Lulin One-meter Telescope (LOT) during 2008 and 09.
Swift J175.5-0127 was first observed after its 2005 outburst, and its optical band remains bright to date. Zurita et al. (2008) claimed that the 3.24 hrs modulation is the superhump period from its complex modulation profile. However, it is not conscientious enough to determine only by the modulation profile except other properties, i.e. period change . A0620-00 stayed in X-ray quiescent state after its 1975 outburst, but Cantrell et al. (2008) proposed a 30-days period is shown in the color-magnitude diagram. If this is caused by the disk precession, the superhump phenomenon may exist in this system. Therefore, we analyzed the variations of Swift J1753.5-0127 and A0620-00 to verify if these two systems exist superhump phenomena.
We set up a procedure to get the light curves, including the fundamental data reduction and reexamining the problem for the traditional standard star calibration, and reconstructing a reasonable fitting process. We also applied this concept into the differential photometry to minimize the effect of airmass and extinction as we do timing analysis.
After removing the daily trend, we performed Lomb-Scargle (LS) Periodogram and Phase Disperiosn Minimization (PDM) to calculate the most probable periods of modulation. Then we used Period04 to do multi-sinusoidal fitting and derive the model of modulation. After removing the ~3.2 hrs modulation, no clear side-band was found in the spectra of Swift J1753.5-0127’s residual light curves. A0620-00 showed pure ellipsoidal modulation, and no other significant signal was detected after removing its orbital variation. The best period of Swift J1753.5-0127 evaluated from this method is 3.2440 ±0.0002 hrs, consistent with the one proposed by Zurita et al. (2008) (3.2454±0.0080 hrs). The same analysis technique was applied for A0620-00 and yielded a period of 7.75229±0.00004 hrs, also consistent with the orbital period proposed by McClintock & Remillard (1986) ( 7.75234±0.00010 hrs).
From the analysis of window function, we found the residual signals of Swift J1753.5 -0127 may be the coupling of 3.24 hrs period and window function. We attempted to evaluate the period derivative from O-C method. But the large observation gaps also made the O-C results not significant. Therefore, we still cannot determine the 3.24 hrs period is the orbital period or the superhump one. The 30-day period of A0620-00 is unlikely caused by superhump phenomenon, but from other unknown origins.
關鍵字(中) ★ 黑洞雙星
★ 時間分析
★ 鹿林一米望遠鏡
關鍵字(英) ★ LOT
★ Black hole binary
★ superhump
★ Timing anlysis
論文目次 中文摘要 (Chinese Abstract)………………………………………………….……………….i
緒論 (Introduction)..…………………………………………………………….…………….1
1.1 X光雙星 (X-ray binary)…………………………………………………….…..1
1.2 Soft X-ray transient, SXT………………………………………………………..2
1.3 Superhump.....……………....................................................................................4
1.3.1 激變變星中的Superhump (Superhump in Cataclysmic variable; CV)…………………………………………………………………..……. .4
1.3.2 低質量X光雙星系統中的superhump (Superhump in LMXB)…………...4
1.4 Swift J1753.5-0127………………………………………………………………6
1.5 A0620-00………………………………………………………………….……..8
1.6 論文概述 (Outline of This Thesis)………………………………………….…11
觀測和資料較正 (Observation and Data Reduction)……………………………….………12
2.1 觀測 (Observations)………………………………………………..…………..13
2.1.1 鹿林天文台與鹿林一米望遠鏡 (Lulin Observatory and Lulin One-meter Telescope)……………………………………………………..…………..13
2.1.2 觀測計畫 (Observation Plan)…………………………………………….14
2.1.3 觀測資料 (Observation Data)…………………………..………………...16
2.2 數據處理 (Data Reduction)…………………………………………..………..22
2.2.1 偏壓修正 (Bias Correction)………………………………………………22
2.2.2 暗電流修正 (Dark Correction)…………………………………………...22
2.2.3 平場修正 (Flat Correction)……………………………………….………22
2.2.4 影像修正 (Frame Correction)………………………………………….…23
2.3 孔徑測光 (Aperture Photometry)……………………………………..……….23
2.4 比較星 (Comparison Stars)……………………………………………….……24
2.5 標準星校正 (Standard Stars Calibration)……………………………….……..27
2.5.1 傳統方法 (Traditional Method)…………………………………………..27
2.5.2 公式演譯法 (Formulae Deduction)………………………………………27
2.5.3 顏色相轉換 (Color-term Transfer)……………………………………….30
2.5.4 目標星校正 (Calibrations for Our Targets)………………………..……..31
2.6 較差測光 (Differential Photometry)…………………………………………...33
資料分析 (Data Analysis)……………………………………………………….…………...35
3.1 趨勢移除 (Trend Removal)……………………………………………………36
3.2 週期分析-LS Periodogram & PDM (Periodicity Analysis-LS Periodogram & PDM)………………………………………………………..………….…...44
3.2.1 Lomb-Scargle Periodogram……………………………..……..………….44
3.2.2 Phase Dispersion Minimization (PDM)…………………..……………….45
3.2.3 分析結果 (Results)……………………………………….…….………...46
3.3 Period04………………………………………………………………………...50
3.4 光變曲線分析與模型 (Light Curve Analysis and Models of Modulations)……………………………………………………….……...……51
3.4.1 光變曲線分析 (Light Curve Analysis)………………………….………..51
3.4.2 光變模型 (Models of Modulations)…………………………….………..56
討論 (Discussion)………………………………………………………….………………...61
4.1 趨勢移除之影響 (The Effect of Trend Removal)……………………………..61
4.2 Swift J1753.5-0127之殘餘訊號 (Residual Signals of Swift J1753.5 -0127)……………………….…………………………………………………..63
4.3 O-C分析與星曆表 (O-C Analysis and The Ephemeris)……………………....65
4.3.1 Swift J1753.5-0127……………………………………………………......67
4.3.2 A0620-00……………………………………………………………….....70
總結 (Summary)......................................................................................................................72
參考文獻 (Reference)…………………………………………………………………..........73
1 公式演譯法……………………………………………………………………….75
1a. 7×7矩陣.......................................................................................................75
1b. 4×4矩陣.......................................................................................................78
2 顏色項轉換……………………………………………………………………….81
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指導教授 周翊(Yi Chou) 審核日期 2010-7-14
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