博碩士論文 93243009 詳細資訊

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姓名 歐陽長風(Chang-Feng Ou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學學系
論文名稱 台灣氣態污染物背景值變化特徵與大氣傳輸機制之關係
(The relationship between atmospheric transport and the characteristics of gaseous pollutants in Taiwan)
★ 有機薄膜電晶體材料三併環及四併環噻吩衍生物之開發★ 以逆吹式氣相層析法分析氣體成份
★ 氣相層析法應用於工業排放連續監測★ 煙道氣揮發性有機化合物連續監測方法開發
★ 自製新型除水及熱脫附濃縮裝置用於GC/MS線上分析揮發性有機汙染物★ 觸媒式非甲烷總碳氫分析儀開發與驗證
★ 自製除水器及熱脫附儀用於線上GC/MS/FID揮發性有機污染物之分析★ 大氣及水樣中揮發性有機氣體自動化分析技術之建立及應用
★ VOC前濃縮與預警系統之建構★ 建立自動化甲烷連續量測系統與其在指示大氣輻射冷卻之應用
★ 臭氧前趨物連續監測與臭氧生成之光化學探討★ 以近連續方式量測空氣中甲烷與異戊二烯及其生成之季節性探討
★ 自行架設光化學測站與商業化儀器平行比對及所得資料初步分析★ 近地表臭氧前驅物分析之前濃縮技術改良
★ 自動化噴霧捕捉分析系統之建立與研究★ 大體積固相微萃取水中揮發性有機污染物
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摘要(中) 本研究探討台灣氣態污染物的變化特徵與大氣傳輸行為之關係,以鹿林山測站之氣態污染物觀測做為台灣高山背景值的依據,並利用台北雙園光化測站及南投竹山光化測站的觀測資料,討論近地表大氣之傳輸特徵與其影響。研究發現,處於東亞邊陲地帶的台灣,控制其高低層氣態污染物的特徵因素不盡相同,對於高山背景空氣而言,春季因東南亞地區生質燃燒所產生的大量排放,可藉由長程輸送途徑而抵達位於西風帶下游之台灣,使高層大氣中之氣態污染物濃度增加。同時,對於近地表之低層空氣,台灣承受了東北季風所帶來的老化氣團,利用甲烷/丁烷比值的變化,研判春季台灣北部和中部地區均受境外移入的影響,空氣組成改變,例如臭氧濃度上升、一次污染物濃度下降等。夏季因為海洋性氣團的調和,使得氣態污染物呈現較低濃度,該季節轉而受本地排放為主導。根據甲烷/丁烷和乙基苯/對二甲苯比值的變化趨勢和風向資料,推判秋季海陸風的交替為中部地區地表臭氧之主要影響因子。鹿林山測站的觀測結果顯示,氯仿和一氧化碳存在季節性變化,且其濃度日變化趨勢顯示山谷風為主要的形成機制,其餘長生命期之鹵碳化合物的含量穩定,可能為鄰近國家排放減量的結果。
摘要(英) In this study, characteristics of gaseous pollutants at a high altitude (~3 km) and surface level in Taiwan were investigated by the observatories at Lu-Lin baseline station and PAMS stations, respectively. Elevated concentration and CO and O3 were measured in spring at Lu-Lin due to biomass burning in Southeast Asia. During the same period, a relatively higher values of ethane/n-butane compared to those in summer was also observed at Shaung-Yuan PAMS station, which indicates the aged continental air masses carried by the monsoon impacting northern Taiwan. In springtime, the abrupt changes from domestic to long-range transport (LRT) conditions for the 4 LRT events identified in Taipei metropolitan area can be sensitively reflected on the variation of the ethane/n-butane ratios, which is consistent with the changes of O3 and NOx concentrations. The north-easterlies in spring can also affect the ages of air masses in central Taiwan, resulting in relatively higher ethane/n-butane and O3 levels than those in summer as observed by the Chu-Shang PAMS station. However, in this study, ethylbenzene/m,p-xylene was found more sensitive than ethane/n-butane in terms of revealing the phenomenon of land-sea breeze. Meanwhile, the diurnal variations of CO at Lu-Lin were found to be driven by mountain-valley breezes. The coupling of the two atmospheric movements is yet to be investigated.
The measurements of the mostly anthropogenic halocarbons showed steady-state trends throughout the period from the end of 2007 to 2009, which was the result of the global phase-out of these substances. Meanwhile, greenhouse gases were found to have significant growth during the same period.
Situating on the rim of west Pacific facing east China, Taiwan can serve as an ideal location for monitoring the change of air pollutants to assess the level of impact. Our knowledge of the gaseous air pollutants via these well-operated stations can shed light to the understanding of many aforementioned issues, i.e., LRT of Asian continental outflows or biomass burning emissions from Southeast Asia.
關鍵字(中) ★ 大氣背景值
★ 長程輸送
★ 鹿林山
關鍵字(英) ★ background values
★ long-range transport
★ Lulin
論文目次 謝誌 - I
著作目錄 - III
中文摘要 - V
英文摘要 - VII
第一章 緒論 - 1
第二章 文獻回顧 - 4
2.1 背景大氣污染物之長期監測 - 4
2.2 大氣生命期與長程輸送 - 9
2.3 長生命期空氣污染物與全球暖化效應 - 13
2.4 台灣之空氣污染物境外移入相關議題 - 23
第三章 微量氣體長期監測方法 - 26
3.1 測站概述 - 26
3.1.1 鹿林山測站概述 - 27
3.1.2 光化測站概述 - 28
3.2 微量氣體連續量測方法 - 30
3.2.1 臭氧(O3) - 30
3.2.2 一氧化碳(CO) - 32
3.2.3 鹵碳化合物(halocarbons) - 33
3.2.4 非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHCs) - 38
第四章 台灣高層背景大氣氣態污染物特徵研究 - 43
4.1 台灣高層背景大氣之溫室氣體長期觀測 - 43
4.2 台灣高層背景大氣之鹵碳化合物長期觀測 - 53
4.3 台灣高層背景大氣之反應性氣體長期觀測 - 60
第五章 台灣低層大氣臭氧前趨物特徵研究 - 77
5.1 台灣北部地面光化測站之臭氧前趨物長期觀測 - 79
5.2 台灣中部地面光化測站之臭氧前趨物長期觀測 - 98
第六章 結論 - 113
參考文獻 - 116
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指導教授 王家麟(Jia-Lin Wang) 審核日期 2010-8-2
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