博碩士論文 962202035 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃俊瑋(Chun-Wei Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 氧化對鉛奈米顆粒自發磁性之影響
(The spontaneous magnetism of Pb nanoparticles by oxidation)
★ 銦錫鐵氧化物稀釋磁性半導體與微粒薄膜之研究★ 高溫超導銪-釔-銅-氧化合物的磁有序及磁鬆弛探討
★ 矽材質之正本負感光二極體的製程與量測★ 鑭-鈰-鈣-錳超巨磁阻氧化物的結構與磁有序特性探討
★ 鋰離子電池材料鋰-鎳-氧化合物的結構與磁性研究★ 鋰離子電池材料鋰-錳-鈷氧化物之結構與磁性研究
★ 雜摻鐠與鑭之鐠-鋇-銅氧化合物對結構與磁性的研究與探討★ 奈米粉粒的熱縮效應
★ 零維奈米鉛粉粒超導偶合強度與粒徑關係探討★ 利用X光繞射峰形探討奈米粉末的粒徑分佈
★ 零維奈米鉛粉粒超導磁穿透深度與粒徑關係探討★ 以比熱實驗探討奈米微粒的量子能隙
★ 奈米金粉粒的原子結構及吸收光譜與粒徑關係探討★ 921斷層泥中奈米礦物微粒的探尋 與滑動時地層溫度標定
★ 鐠系與鉍系龐磁阻材料結構、電性、磁性間的互動關係研究★ Ag/PbO奈米複合材料的電子傳輸與異常磁阻探討
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摘要(中) 使用熱蒸鍍法製作鉛奈米顆粒,以Pb090908表示。並利用共同體積函數擬合X光繞射圖判定粒徑為24 nm,使用GSAS分析X光繞圖,確定樣品成份皆為鉛,無氧化物或者其他元素。
摘要(英) Pb nanoparticles were fabricated by the thermal evaporation method. X-ray diffraction patterns were performed to examine particle size and composition. X-ray diffraction patterns showed that the mean particle diameters of pure Pb nanoparticles are 24 nm. No trace of oxidation or other impurity was found.
The M-H curves in difference temperatures of the Pb nanoparticles can be investigated by physical property measurement system. The result of measurement was found that Pb nanoparticles had spin polarization and diamagnetic. The M-H curves of the Pb nanoparticles can be described by the Langevin function plus the diamagnetic term. A series of oxidation dependent experiments produce the oxide compound on surface of the samples. We found that spontaneous magnetism in zero magnetic field. With the increasement of temperature and oxidation, the spontaneous magnetism was enhancement. At first, the ingredients of Pb/PbO that magnetic moment μp would be increased with the thickness of PbO is thickening; when the ingredients of Pb3O4 was appearance, the magnetic moment μp would be weakened. The saturation magnetization Ms in Pb/PbO would be weakened with the PbO is thickening. The saturation magnetization Ms in Pb/PbO/Pb3O4 would be opposite.
A series of oxidation dependent on experiments reveal the influence of oxidation on spontaneous magnetism in core shell of Pb nanoparticles.
關鍵字(中) ★ 自旋極化
★ 自發磁性
★ 奈米顆粒
★ 鉛
關鍵字(英) ★ spontaneous
★ nanoparticles
★ spin polarization
★ Pb
論文目次 目 錄
論文摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
誌謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
圖目錄與表目錄 Ⅵ
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 奈米系統的介紹 1
1-2 鉛的基本性質 5
1-3 實驗動機 8
第二章 樣品製作與實驗儀器介紹 10
2-1 樣品製作 10
2-2 粒徑分析 14
2-3 成份分析 21
2-4 物理特性量測系統 23
第三章 自旋極化參數分析 27
3-1 奈米微粒的自旋極化 27
3-2 磁化曲線擬合分析 30
3-3 熱激發對磁矩之影響 37
3-4 熱擾動對飽和磁化強度之影響 40
第四章 氧化對自旋極化參數之影響 46
4-1 氧化過程與核殼結構 46
4-2 氧化與高溫狀態的磁化強度位移 50
4-3 隨不同氧化程度對顆粒磁矩之影響 54
4-4 隨不同氧化程度對顆粒飽和磁化強度之影響 63
第五章 結論 72
參考文獻 第一章
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指導教授 李文献(Wen-Hsien Li) 審核日期 2010-7-16
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