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姓名 林義彬(Yi-bin Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 以圖對為基礎之啟發式演算法,探討實際設施規劃問題
(Exploring practical facility layout planning with a graph pair-based heuristic)
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摘要(中) 自Koopmans與Beckmann提出設施規劃問題已五十多年。在業界以及學術界均受到重視:在業界,有效率的物料搬運及設施規劃,可降低企業10%至30%的總生產成本,由此可知,設施規劃對於生產活動之重要性可見一般;在學術界,設施規劃問題求解困難,因此,許多在作業研究及管理科學領域的研究人員對此問題進行廣泛的探討。
摘要(英) Since Koopmans and Beckmann proposed facility layout planning problem has been 50 years. It has been considered very important in both academia and industry. In the industry, efficient material handling and facilities layout planning could reduce the total production cost from 10 to 30 percent. Therefore, the facilities layout planning for the production is very important; in academics, facing the solving difficulties of the facilities layout planning problem, many researchers in the field of operations research and management science have extensively discussed the issue.
Facilities layout planning is a NP-complete problem. Many researchers have developed heuristic algorithms to help solving this problem. For example, simulated annealing algorithms, genetic algorithms, ants algorithms and so on. This study develops static simulated annealing algorithm to solve facilities layout planning. Based on the Montreuil’s model (1990), we will use graph-pair to represent the value of the binary variables, and convert it to the linear model. First, we use the original layout planning to be the initial solution, and via simulated annealing procedures to obtain the better solution, that is, less flow costs. With solving the better solution, this study also considers the demand for facility layout planners, focuses on the needs of users, and develops the corresponding functions. Its features include: improving the facility layout. This study also proposed two methods of solving the dynamic facility layout problem. Ultimately, the objective is to develop a practical prototype of the facility planning system.
關鍵字(中) ★ 圖對
★ 設施規劃系統
★ 混合整數規劃
★ 模擬退火演算法
★ 設施規劃問題
關鍵字(英) ★ facility layout system
★ mix integer programming
★ simulated annealing algorithm
★ facility layout problems
★ graph-pairs
論文目次 摘 要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與假設 2
1.4 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 最佳求解SFLP 6
2.1.1 二元指派問題 6
2.1.2 混和整數規劃 7
2.2 近似求解SFLP 11
2.2.1 混和整數規劃 11
2.2.2 啟發式演算法 12
2.2.3 大規模啟發式演算法(Meta heuristic algorithms) 13
2.3 最佳求解DFLP 14
2.4 近似求解DFLP 15
2.5 多樓層設施規劃問題 16
2.5.1 MULTIPLE 17
2.5.2 SABLE 18
2.5.3 STAGES 18
第三章 運用圖對求解靜態設施規劃問題 19
3.1 SFLP基本模型 19
3.2 使用圖對表示部門相對位置 20
3.2.1 迴圈 22
3.2.2 遞移邊線 22
3.3 圖對相關演算法 23
3.4 建構圖對與操作圖對 23
3.4.1 建構初始廠房佈置 23
3.4.2 部門交換 24
3.4.3 邊線搬移 25
3.5 模擬退火演算法 26
3.6 實驗數據 29
第四章 運用圖對求解其他廠房佈置問題 34
4.1 改善目前廠房佈置 34
4.2 實驗數據 35
第五章 運用圖對求解動態設施規劃問題 37
5.1 以單一圖對產生每期廠房佈置 37
5.2 於每期產生相對應之圖對求解 39
第六章 結論與未來研究 41
6.1 結論 41
6.2 未來研究 41
參考文獻 43
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指導教授 王啟泰(Chi-tai Wang) 審核日期 2010-7-12
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