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姓名 江婉甄(Wan-Chen Chiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 應用修正式德菲法於智慧型電動載具規格之研究
(Applying Modified Delphi Method to Construct the Specification for Intelligent Electric Vehicles)
★ 品牌管理與評價流程之研究★ 企業運籌與自由貿易港區的應用:以遠翔FTZ航空貨運園區為例
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摘要(中) 近年來各國認為電動車輛改變交通方式和型態可解決碳排放之污染及對原油的依賴性,但目前尚未有智慧型電動載具標準規格相關之公開研究,因此本研究探討智慧型電動載具之規格,推敲載具雛形,使開發系統模組時能有目標可循,以減少研發成本、縮短開發時程、並增加生產效率。
摘要(英) Countries around the world consider that the change of people drive vehicles from fuel vehicles into electric vehicles may solve the polluted problems of exhausting emission of carbon and the dependence on crude oil in recent years, but there are no such public researches of the specifications of intelligent electric vehicles yet. However, no standards have been concluded so far. This research is trying to probe into the specifications of intelligent electric vehicles and to deliberate the prototypes of vehicles so that every system module has a developing method to follow, to reduce the cost, to shorten the time, and to increase the efficiency of the products during the development.
The researching methods is to organize and analyze references, to make self-concluded dimensions and indicators, and to give a qualitative analysis via the half-structured interview with experts to find the usability and future growth possibility to make an initial specification of intelligent electric vehicles from it. Then we conduct an survey by using the modified delphi method to make a quantitative analysis of the view to various field experts after two rounds investigation until the indicators converge and achieve unity result, the key specification of intelligent electric vehicles and nine main dimensions can be made: including vehicle functions, power systems, battery systems, battery management systems, vehicle control unit, chassis, active safety systems, passive safety systems, in-car equipments, and thirty indicators in total. Via key specification of intelligent electric vehicles, mainly developed items of electric vehicles can be known to be the basis of whether to put in fund and investigations. Appendixes are basic specification of electric vehicles and additional arranged dimensions and indicators, giving vehicle standards a variety of researching methods through key specifications, basic specifications and additional functions, a complete electric vehicles standard given to be a reference material of related fields.
關鍵字(中) ★ 質化分析
★ 深度訪談法
★ 修正式德菲法
★ 電動載具規格
★ 標準規格
關鍵字(英) ★ Modified Delphi Method
★ In-Depth Interview
★ Qualitative Analysis.
★ Standard Specifications
★ Electric Vehicle Specifications
論文目次 摘要 I
目錄 III
表目錄 V
圖目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景 1
1.2. 研究動機 2
1.3. 研究目的 3
1.4. 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1. 智慧型電動載具 5
2.1.1. 電動載具之定義 5
2.1.2. 智慧型載具之定義 5
2.1.3. 智慧型電動載具之定義 6
2.1.4. 電動載具之種類 7
2.2. 目前台灣電動載具發展之環境 10
2.3. 探討國內外電動載具的相關政策 11
2.3.1. 國外電動載具之相關政策 11
2.3.2. 本國電動載具之鼓勵措施 14
2.3.3. 台灣電動載具之發展策略 15
2.4. 車輛之技術條件 17
2.5. 探討電動載具之元件與結構 21
2.5.1. 整車關鍵性結構 21
2.5.2. 細部元件 22
2.6. 指標評選準則來源 35
2.7. 深度訪談 39
2.7.1. 深度訪談之定義 39
2.7.2. 深度訪談法之特色 40
2.8. 德菲法與修正式德菲法 41
2.8.1. 德菲法之定義與發展歷程 41
2.8.2. 修正式德菲法之定義 43
2.8.3. 修正式德菲法之特性與應用 44
第三章 研究方法 45
3.1. 研究施測步驟 45
3.2. 訪談之步驟 46
3.2.1. 訪談之蒐集方法 47
3.2.2. 訪談專家對象 48
3.2.3. 訪談之設計 49
3.3. 修正式德菲法 50
3.4. 設計修正式德菲法問卷 50
3.4.1. 問卷實施方式 50
3.4.2. 問卷設計 51
3.4.3. 建立修正式德菲法測量工具 51
3.4.4. 選取專家小組成員 52
3.4.5. 研究施測時程 54
第四章 資料分析與解釋 56
4.1. 專家深度訪談 56
4.1.1. 深度訪談之內容 56
4.1.2. 深度訪談之結果 61
4.2. 修正式德菲法問卷結果分析 64
4.2.1. 回收率 64
4.2.2. 第一回合問卷結果分析 65
4.2.3. 第二回合問卷結果分析 70
4.3. 指標收斂過程及選取 74
4.4. 智慧型電動載具之基本規格 74
4.5. 附加功能之項目 75
4.6. 規畫整車構面指標與建構 76
4.6.1. 智慧型電動載具指標架構圖 76
4.6.2. 智慧型電動載具構面指標與定義 78
第五章 結論與建議 84
5.1. 研究結論 84
5.2. 研究限制 85
5.3. 後續研究建議 85
文獻探討 86
附錄一訪談大綱 94
附錄二 「應用修正式德菲法於智慧型電動載具規格之研究」第一回合問卷 96
附錄三 「應用修正式德菲法於智慧型電動載具規格之研究」第二回合問卷 102
附錄四 修正式德菲法兩回合統計一致性結果分析表 112
附錄五 中英文對照表 115
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指導教授 薛義誠(Yih-Chearng Shiue) 審核日期 2010-6-17
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