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姓名 陳依婷(Yi-Ting Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 全民健保與少子高學歷對台灣老人居住安排之影響分析
(Analysis of the National Health Insurance, Low Birthrate and High Education on Living Arrangement of Elderly in Taiwan)
★ 國際貿易對勞動需求彈性之影響分析-以臺灣上市櫃製造業公司為例★ 組織變革與技術別薪資差異之關係:以臺灣製造業為例
★ 心理資本、薪資水準與工作努力程度關係之研究:以某跨國企業為例★ 人口政策與生男偏好之城鄉分析
★ 臺灣本籍與外籍配偶生育差異之分析★ 會計師執照價值及其薪資不均之研究
★ 效率工資理論測試--離職率模型台灣之實証研究★ 台灣學用配合度與經濟成長關係之研究
★ 工作風險對世代間行業選擇之影響-以製造業為例★ 長期照護機構之勞動要素需求探討
★ The Impact of Unemployment on Crime in Europe★ 中國大陸薪資不均、教育溢酬與貿易開放關係之研究
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★ Phillips Curve from Psychological Perspectives★ 台灣景氣循環對勞動市場影響之探討
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摘要(中) 本文探討全民健康保險推行與台灣老人居住安排兩者之影響。另外,台灣目前面臨少子化及高學歷兩種變化,因此本研究也試圖從生育率降低及教育程度提高兩方面對台灣老人居住安排選擇之影響加以探討。本文使用行政院衛生署國民健康局之「中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查系列」共五個年度的調查資料;並將老人的居住安排區分為「廣義獨居」、「與孩子同住」及「與其他人同住」三類,以Mixed logit model與Difference in Difference in Difference方法進行研究分析。
摘要(英) This paper discusses the implementation of National Health Insurance (NHI) in Taiwan between the effect of elderly living arrangements. In addition, Taiwan’’s current low birthrate and high education of two changes, this paper also tried to lower fertility and higher levels of education both in terms of living arrangements for elderly people in Taiwan to investigate the effect of selection. This paper is based on the Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan, and living arrangements of elderly divided into the living alone or with spouse, living with children and living with others. We applied Mixed Logit Model with Difference in Difference in Difference method of analysis.
The empirical results show that NHI has significant effect on the living alone or with spouse. That is, higher medical subsides for the elderly, the more likely to live alone. Married elderly will reduce the probability of living with others. Living in central or southern regions of the elderly will reduce the probability of living with the children. Household structure, number of children and the eldest son of the more higher education level increases the probability of living with children. Financially, housing owned by parent will increase the probability of living alone or with spouse. If the main income source from children support will increase the probability of living with others. Low birthrate and high education, through the simulation of predictive value is found that high degree of low birthrate and high education will increase the probability of living alone, including institutional care. Appear in the trend of low birthrate and highly educated, the elderly living alone in Taiwan and institutional care will become more widespread, living arrangements with these policies should receive more attention.
關鍵字(中) ★ 少子化
★ 高學歷
★ 全民健保
★ 居住安排
關鍵字(英) ★ NHI
★ low birthrate
★ high education
★ living arrangement
論文目次 第一章 序論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 5
第一節 社會安全對老人安全的居住影響 5
第二節 其他因素對老人居住安排影響 6
第三章 實證研究方法 10
第四章 資料來源與變數分析 14
第一節 資料來源 14
第二節 樣本基本資料分析 15
第三節 變數建構 18
第五章 實證結果分析與預測 27
第一節 居住安排估計結果 27
第二節 居住安排之模擬預設分析 36
第六章 結論及政策意涵 45
參考文獻 49
附錄一 廣義獨居居住安排機率模型之參數差異比率表 52
附錄二 與孩子同住居住安排機率模型之參數差異比率表 53
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 黃麗璇(Li-Hsuan Huang) 審核日期 2010-7-7
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