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論文名稱 網路使用者對於多媒體廣告格式的認知與態度
(Web User's Perceptions of and Attitudes toward Rich Media Advertising Format)
★ 半導體二手設備之行銷策略-以應用材料公司為例★ 從創新擴散角度探討新科技技術行銷策略之影響 —以全球資訊大廠推廣Web Services為例
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★ 系統整合業轉型策略之探討--以A公司為例★ 顧客關係管理系統導入之研究-以A、B公司為例
★ 策略聯盟個案分析 - 以台灣光碟機廠商為例★ 資訊教育訓練機構的轉型策略 —以某資訊教育機構為例
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摘要(中) 近年來傳統網路廣告點擊率逐漸下降,取而代之的是多媒體廣告的崛起。隨著科技進步與廣告技術的改善,多媒體廣告可以利用創意特性與消費者互動,現今已發展成為最受消費者喜愛的廣告格式之一。另外,網路技術的蓬勃發展,使得廣告格式多樣化,加上廣告主對於廣告格式效益的知識不足,使得網路廣告活動的決策越來越複雜。而多媒體廣告是一種具有強迫性、娛樂性、創意等特性的廣告格式,如何使用多媒體廣告將廣告效益達到最大化已經成為一項重要的議題。
摘要(英) In recent years, the traditional internet advertising’s click rate has declined, replaced by the rise of rich media advertising. With the advent of new and improved advertising technologies, rich media has developed into a popular format for reaching and engaging consumers because the technologies allow the consumer to interact with the creative asset. Along with the rapid development of Internet technology, on-line advertising campaign decisions are further complicated by the wide variety of ad formats and advertisers’’ weak knowledge base regarding their effects. Rich media ads have many characteristics, such as intrusiveness, entertainment, and creativity. How to use rich media advertising to maximize advertising efficiency became an issue. This study used experiment design to explore a web user’s perception of and attitudes toward the rich media advertising format. The results of this study showed that web users’ perceptions of online ad formats vary across formats, with rich media ads being perceived as more entertaining, intrusive, and creative. As user perceived entertainment and creativity increases, user attitudes toward the ad become more positive, in contrast to when user perceived intrusiveness increases, user attitudes toward the ad become more negative. Web user’s perceived ad intrusiveness and creativity are directly related to ad recognition. When user feels more intrusiveness or creativity, the level of ad recognition is higher. In addition, we found that web user’s attitude toward advertising are directly related to attitude toward brand.
We expect the results can help enterprises understand that when they use internet marketing, rich media is an effective and low cost tool. What’s important in internet marketing is, selecting the right advertising presentation, which promotes not only their products but also their brand.
關鍵字(中) ★ 廣告識別度
★ 廣告創意
★ 網路行銷
★ 多媒體
★ 娛樂性
★ 強迫性
關鍵字(英) ★ Internet marketing
★ rich media
★ entertainment
★ intrusiveness
★ advertising creativity
★ ad recognition
論文目次 1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 4
2.1. Conceptual Framework 4
2.2. Rich media 6
2.3. Advertising Attitude 9
2.4. Entertainment 10
2.5. Intrusiveness 11
2.6. Creativity 13
2.7. Advertising Recognition 15
2.8. Brand Attitude 16
3. Research Method 17
3.1. Stimulus 17
3.2. Experiment Design 18 Sample and Data Collection 18 Procedure 18
3.3. Measures 19
3.4. Pretest 22
3.5. Method of Data Analysis 22
4. Analysis and Results 23
4.1. Sample description 23
4.2. Reliability and Validity 25
4.3. Hypotheses Testing 28
5. Conclusion and Managerial Implication 32
5.1. Conclusion 32
5.2. Managerial implications 34
5.3. Limitation 36
5.4. Future Research 37
References 38
Appendix Questionnaire (English) 44
Appendix Questionnaire A 47
Appendix Questionnaire B 50
Appendix Rich media and non-rich media ads 53
Appendix Submission version 54
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指導教授 李小梅(Li Shau-Mei Wang) 審核日期 2010-7-5
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