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姓名 李宛茜(WAN-CHIEN LI)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 融合自律學習循環模式於電腦輔助記憶大量單字
(On the Applying of Self-regulated Learning in CALL for Memorizing More Vocabulary)
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摘要(中) 單字為語言的基礎與核心。學習者必須要有足夠的單字量,建立基本的語言能力,否則無法閱讀文章字義,無法撰寫訊息,甚至,更嚴重到完全無法透過語言來和對方進行溝通。然而,雖然學習單字很重要,但是學習者卻依然很難記憶單字。
摘要(英) Vocabulary is the foundation and core of language. Learners must have sufficient amount of vocabulary to establish basic language skills; otherwise, learners can’t understand meaning of articles, write any message, and communicate with others. Learning vocabulary is important, but learners are still difficult to remember vocabulary.
To solve this difficult problem of remembering vocabulary for learners, this research will consider learning behaviors in the learning environment to propose a computer-aided learning system where the self-regulated learning cycle model is applied to assist in memorizing more vocabulary. The learning cycle mode is divided into four steps: self-evaluation and monitoring, goal setting and planning, strategy implementation and monitoring and strategy outcome monitoring. Learning strategies are divided into three: cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies and motivational strategies. Based on these three categories, the research provides nine vocabulary memory leaning strategies: (1) word cards, (2) flash card, (3) multiple choice, (4) spelling test, (5) vocabulary learning cycle strategy, (6) time management strategies, (7) system monitoring learning strategies , (8) self-efficacy and feedback strategy, and (9) peer incentive strategy.
The purposes of this research are to help learners develop self-discipline habits, to promote learners continued to accumulate more amounts of vocabulary, and to enhance memorizing vocabulary learning performance. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that the proposed self-regulated learning system can help learners to memory more vocabulary and enhance their learning performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 單字記憶學習策略
★ 自律學習循環模式
★ 電腦輔助語言學習
關鍵字(英) ★ self-regulated learning cycle model
★ computer-assisted language learning
★ vocabulary memory learning strategies
論文目次 摘要 ................................... I
ABSTRACT ............................... II
目錄 ............................,...... III
表目錄 ................................. V
圖目錄 ................................. VI
第一章 緒論 ............................ 1
1-1. 研究背景與動機 .................... 1
1-2. 研究目的 .......................... 3
第二章 文獻探討 ........................ 4
2-1. 自律學習循環模式 .................. 4
2-2. 單字記憶學習策略 .................. 7
2-3. 反覆學習 .......................... 8
第三章 研究方法 ........................ 10
3-1. 單字記憶學習策略 .................. 10
3-2. 自律學習循環模式 .................. 17
3-3. 總結 .............................. 20
3-4. 問卷製作原理 ...................... 24
第四章 實驗與討論 ...................... 27
4-1. 實驗流程 .......................... 27
4-2. 實驗對象 .......................... 28
4-3. 進行七天學習過程 .................. 29
4-4. 實驗分析與結果 .................... 43
第五章 結論與未來發展 .................. 61
5-1. 結論 .............................. 61
5-2. 研究限制 .......................... 61
5-3. 未來發展 .......................... 62
參考文獻 ............................... 63
附錄1 .................................. 65
附錄1-1. 質性訪談-1 號學習者 ........... 65
附錄1-2. 質性訪談-2 號學習者 ........... 67
附錄1-3. 質性訪談-3 號學習者 ........... 68
附錄1-4. 質性訪談-4 號學習者 ........... 70
附錄1-5. 質性訪談-5 號學習者 ........... 71
附錄1-6. 質性訪談-6 號學習者 ........... 72
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指導教授 許智誠(Chih-cheng Hsu) 審核日期 2010-7-21
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