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姓名 林鉦傑(Jeng-jie Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 應用單字學習策略於英語閱讀輔助系統開發之分析
(On Applying Vocabulary Learning Strategies in the Design of Computer-Assisted English Reading Systems)
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摘要(中) 目前大學生常常需要面對原文書內容,原文書多是由英語所撰寫的,很多情況是:學生人手一台電子辭典來查閱其中較為艱深的單字,並將查到的單字字義謄寫至書中空白處或是單字的旁邊,以隨時提醒自己這個單字的字義。很多學生因為常常在閱讀中遇到大量不會的生字而放棄了閱讀,或是花很多時間在查閱單字上面。
摘要(英) Many undergraduates in Taiwan have to read original English text book, but with poor English ability, they often have difficult ability to understand the content in. Students adopt a lot of methods to improve their vocabulary, such as using the electronic dictionary to search difficult words and translating those words into Chinese to remind them. Lots of students give up reading English text books or spend too much time in searching vocabularies because they have so many unfamiliar words in the books.
This study wants to improve this situation by proposing a new Computer-Assisted Language Learning system. With this system, we can provide a faster word-searching function for students, and store the words which are often-searched to help students review those words quickly. Our research tries to shorten students‟ reading time and enrich their vocabularies.
Through experiments, this study has learners used the proposed system to probe whether this system improve students‟ English ability in reading and learning. Using questionnaires, we want to find out students‟ perceived usefulness, ease of use, and intention of continue to use in this system. The result shows that our system improves students in words learning and saves a lot of words-searching time. Many students are willing to use our system for their further learning of English text books.
關鍵字(中) ★ 單字學習
★ 閱讀理解
★ 學習策略
★ 電腦輔助語言學習
關鍵字(英) ★ vocabulary learning
★ learning strategy
★ reading comprehension
論文目次 摘要 ........................................................................................................................ i
Abstract .................................................................................................................. ii
目錄 ..................................................................................................................... iii
圖目錄 .................................................................................................................. vi
表目錄 ................................................................................................................. vii
第一章、緒論 ....................................................................................................... 1
1-1 研究背景............................................................................................ 1
1-2 研究動機............................................................................................ 3
1-3 研究目的............................................................................................ 4
1-4 研究問題............................................................................................ 5
第二章、文獻探討 ............................................................................................... 6
2-1 英語閱讀理解(Reading Comprehension) .................................... 6
2-2 學習策略(Learning Strategy) ....................................................... 9
2-2-1 字彙學習策略(Vocabulary Learning Strategy) ....................... 9
2-2-2 閱讀策略(Reading Strategies) ............................................... 10
2-3 電腦輔助語言學習(Computer-Assisted Language Learning)... 12
2-4 與現行英語輔助軟體比較.............................................................. 13
第三章、研究方法 ............................................................................................. 15
3-1 系統概述-字義再編輯子系統...................................................... 16
3-2 系統概述-閱讀學習子系統.......................................................... 20
3-2-1 即時字義查詢 ........................................................................ 21
3-2-2 單字標記功能 ........................................................................ 22
3-2-3 克漏字測驗功能 .................................................................... 23
3-2-4 反覆練習單字功能 ................................................................ 25
3-3 問卷製作.......................................................................................... 27
第四章、實驗 ..................................................................................................... 31
4-1 實驗設計.......................................................................................... 31
4-1-1 實驗對象背景說明 ................................................................ 31
4-1-2 實驗流程 ................................................................................ 32
4-2 實驗分析.......................................................................................... 35
4-2-1 閱讀時間之分析 .................................................................... 36
4-2-2 閱讀問答測驗成績之分析 .................................................... 38
4-2-3 閱讀克漏字測驗成績之分析 ................................................ 39
4-2-4 字彙測驗成績之分析 ............................................................ 41
4-2-5 總成績之分析 ........................................................................ 42
4-2-6 實驗部分小結 ........................................................................ 42
4-3 問卷結果與分析.............................................................................. 44
4-3-1 可用性 .................................................................................... 45
4-3-2 易用性 .................................................................................... 46
4-3-3 未來使用意圖 ........................................................................ 47
4-3-4 整體目標 ................................................................................ 48
4-4 質性訪談結果.................................................................................. 50
第五章、結論 ..................................................................................................... 52
5-1 結論.................................................................................................. 52
5-2 研究限制.......................................................................................... 52
5-3 未來展望.......................................................................................... 53
參考文獻 ............................................................................................................. 54
附錄1、實驗組測驗說明文件及測驗內容 .............................................. 57
附錄2-1、實驗組質性訪談0002號受測者 ............................................. 65
附錄2-2、實驗組質性訪談0004號受測者 ............................................. 66
附錄2-3、實驗組質性訪談0007號受測者 ............................................. 67
附錄2-4、實驗組質性訪談0009號受測者 ............................................. 68
附錄2-5、實驗組質性訪談0012號受測者 ............................................. 69
附錄2-6、實驗組質性訪談0013號受測者 ............................................. 70
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指導教授 許智誠(Chih-cheng Hsu) 審核日期 2010-7-23
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