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姓名 姜家斌(Chia-Pin Chiang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 汽車正廠售後服務零件之競爭策略探討—以個案Y公司為例
(Competitive Strategy of Automobile Genuine Parts — A Case Study for Y Company)
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摘要(中) 台灣的經濟這幾年歷經了產業外移、信用緊縮、雙卡效應、原物料高漲、高油價、世界性的金融海嘯風暴等因素影響,造成了車輛銷售市場的大幅衰退,國內各家汽車業者面臨這史無前例的產業的不景氣無不絞盡腦汁思考對應策略。為了企業生存以及永續經營的目標,汽車業者的經營重心已由先前的「新車銷售」轉變成為較不受景氣循環影響且獲利穩定的「售後服務」。以目前台灣整體售後車輛維修市場規模已達每年1000億元,而售後服務零件佔整體營業規模的比重高達70%以上。在汽車售後服務零件佔整體營運的獲利比重逐漸加大且具獲利穩定之特性,目前各家汽車業者所面臨的問題是:該以何種策略方法來提升正廠零件的銷售量、正廠售後服務零件在競爭產品眾多且價格居於劣勢的情況下如何運用競爭策略在激烈的產業競爭之下,可以脫穎而出且創造出正廠零件的競爭優勢?
以下的研究將對於一間經營時間已長達64年之久且在汽車業界是具有代表性之標竿企業,也是國內知名的汽車代理經銷商Y公司。其在民國36年以汽車零件材料販賣銷售為其之營運業務,至今不斷的以垂直以及水平整合來擴大企業版圖;也因如此所以個案公司具有其研究之價值。本研究將以Porter的競爭理論為主,輔以產業、SWOT、五力分析以及Hill and Jones的策略管理理論,找尋個案公司的獨特能力以及價值並以正廠售後零件的直、間接產品特徵進行訪談,並根據產品與競爭產品所獲得之調查結果,進行優劣勢的比較分析。然後檢視企業所擁有的資源與能力,找出可以協助個案公司建立競爭優勢的核心資源與能力,將以建立正廠售後服務零件新的特徵組合,以作日後持久性的競爭優勢為終極目標。
摘要(英) Affected by the relocation of factories, crunching of credit, Double-Card (cash card and credit card) debt crisis, surging in material and oil price, as well as recent global financial crisis, the economy condition in Taiwan was deeply shattered. The automotive market also declined sharply. Local makers tried all their efforts to find effective strategies in order to survive and sustain. Their focus has, therefore, moved from new car sales to after service, which drives stable revenue and is less affected by the fluctuation of economy status. The total revenue of automotive related after service business in Taiwan reached NTD100 billion with parts sales accounts for 70% of it. Since the percentage of profit generated from selling parts against companies’ total profit grows steadily, to develop a strategy that could increase the sales of genuine parts , and to improve the competitive position over various low-priced non-genuine parts, become the biggest challenge for automotive makers.
By providing considerate, heart-touching after service to customers and using value-for-money genuine parts, companies could certainly expand their revenue from after service operation and, to the end, generate substantial profit. Moreover, a good after service helps to improve customer satisfaction as well as brand loyalty and makes customers purchase the same brand next time. In all, after service and new vehicle sales are equally importany and complement to each other.
The following is a study about a well-known automotive dealer : Y company who has been established for 64 years and is a benchmark in automotive industry. It started its business in 1947 by selling automotive parts. The company is worth a study due to its large in scale, after various vertical and horizontal integrations. This study is based on Poter’s Competition Theory model, with analysis in automotive industry,SWOT analysis, Poter’s Five Force Analysis and Hill and Jones’ Strategic Management Theory. Firstly, it identifies the unique capabilities and value of Y company in after service, as well as the direct and in-direct characteristic of genuine parts by interviewing the people in Y organization. Based on the investigation done by comparing genuine and non-genuine parts, we then identify and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of them. By reviewing the resource and capability of this company, we try to identify the core of its competitive advantage. Lastly, suggestions are made for establishing a sustainable competitive advantage by introducing new characteristics of genuine parts.
Through this study, we hope to find a profitable “Blue Ocean Strategy” of genuine parts business and avoid the severe price-only “Red Ocean” competition for the automotive industry.
關鍵字(中) ★ 核心資源與能力
★ 正廠售後服務零件
★ 競爭策略
★ 競爭優勢
★ 產品特徵
關鍵字(英) ★ core resource and capability
★ genuine parts
★ competition strategy
★ competitive advantage
★ product characteristic
論文目次 第一章 緒論..................................................………………………………………..1
1.1 前言.........................................……………………………………………1
1.2 研究動機……………………………….…................................................2
1.3 研究目的………….…………………............................................………3
1.4 研究範圍與限制….………………...................................….........………3
1.5 論文架構……………….…...................................….........………………4
第二章 文獻探討…………………………………..............…..................................8
2.1 汽車產業概述............................................…………………………….....8
2.2 產業分析………….…………………………..........................................18
2.3 企業策略....................……………………………….....................……..42
2.4 競爭優勢....................……………………………….....................……..52
第三章 個案公司介紹……………………………..................................................60
3.1 個案公司所屬集團介紹..............................………………….................60
3.2 集團規模….……………………………..................................................61
3.3 個案公司所屬集團營運狀況…….………..............................................62
3.4 個案公司介紹…………….………………..............................................64
3.5 個案公司營運狀況…..............................…………………….................65
3.6 個案公司未來挑戰…….……………..…............................................…68
第四章 產業環境與個案分析…………………………..........................................70
4.1 汽車產業概況….…………………………..............................................70
4.2 產品特徵以及競爭力分析…….…………..............................................95
4.3 競爭策略………….………………………………………....................114
4.4 初步成果確認…….………………………………................................143
第五章 結論與建議...............................................……………………………….148
5.1 研究結論………………….………................................................……148
5.2 研究貢獻以及對個案公司之建議..................................................…...150
5.3 後續研究建議...............................................…………………………..155
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指導教授 何應欽 審核日期 2010-6-14
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