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姓名 吳成正(Cheng-cheng Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 半導體封測產業西進策略之探討–以A公司為例
★ 內衣業標準工時設定之實務研究★ 派工法則於縮短DRAM 廠生產週期時間之探討—以A公司導入自動化派工系統為例
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★ 印刷電路板產業之外包程度與競爭力分析—以個案H公司為例★ 原料藥廠運籌管理的改善方案與執行績效 -以A公司為例
★ 條碼技術於生產管理的改善應用-以某輕金屬產業公司為例★ TFT-LCD對膠帶產業未來發展的探討--以膠帶業A公司為探究對象
★ 物流中心揀貨作業改善 - 以A公司為研究對象★ 國內上市企業導入ERP系統前後績效評估 -以D供應商之ERP系統為例
★ RFID的技術、發展、導入與物流的管理應用★ 台灣資訊產業兩岸分工經營模式發展探討-以A公司為例
★ 以平衡計分卡探討衛星定位計程車業之經營策略-以A公司為例★ 自行車業導入豐田生產方式之個案研究
★ 印刷電路板(PCB)多聯板報廢移植探討-以A科技公司為例★ 台灣電弧爐鋼鐵產業之策略分析-以A公司為例
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摘要(中) 本研究所選擇的產業,為半導體封裝測試業,台灣業者憑著先進的研發能力、穩定的品質水準,與嚴格的生產成本控制,目前在全球封測領域早已超越歐、美及日本等先進國家,居於世界的領導地位。然而,在2008年金融海嘯發生後,整體半導體封裝測試產業發展遲滯衰退,無論是IDM或是SATS等封測廠均面臨極大的經營壓力,各方無不苦思為生存解套的方法。台灣業者憑藉著在半導體產業的群聚效應及供應鏈優勢地位,及成功進入國際市場的模式與經驗,是否也能在中國大陸這個全球成長最迅速的新興電子產品消費市場再創佳績呢,值得深入探討。本研究以Porter(1990)於「國家競爭優勢」一書中所提出之鑽石理論模型做為理論基礎,針對台灣半導體封測產業的特性,蒐集相關資料文獻、再以個案公司A集團在封測產業方面的競爭優勢分析,及全球化的運作模式與資源,進而來驗證並探討何種西進之進入模式最為成功,且最適合台灣封測產業廠商。本研究結果一方面可提供台灣封測產業廠商,做為未來進行西進佈局之參考,另一方面也有助於其他新興產業,就企業本身所需具備的條件,先行規劃與制定未來西進策略。
總括而言,本研究的目的為:1. 針對封測產業特性,探討企業西進的動機、與市場的選擇及進入的模式。2. 接著以個案A公司的實際運作為例來評估與建議,應進入那些市場,及何種進入策略最為成功,且最適合封測產業。
本研究歸納結論發現個案A公司,為取得最佳機會成本,以達成功進入的目標,選擇針對不同的封測製程技術領域採取差異化的進入模式:(1) 針對政策開放前先以低階封測製程進行『卡位』。(2) 『併購』現有由IDM分割出的封測廠或合併以海外自有資金成立的友好關係企業。(3) 與國外IDM廠『策略聯盟』合資成立封測廠,運用彼此優勢迅速搶佔大陸高階封測市場以達到雙贏的局面。A公司到目前為止已在中國大陸佔有一定的市場份額,由此可見,A公司的策略規劃與管理必有其可取之處,值得做為台灣業者今後進入中國大陸市場之學習典範。
摘要(英) The semiconductor back-end industry includes the semiconductor testing and assembly process. This research paper selected the semiconductor back-end industry as the study object. The semiconductor back-end vendors in Taiwan are standing on the global leading position of the industry with the advanced research capability, stable quality, and strict production cost control capability. Based on the current advantages such as semiconductor clustering effect and supply chain management strength, it is worthy to discuss whether Taiwanese semiconductor back-end vendors can also succeed in the China market which is the fastest growing electronics consumer market in the world.
The research is based on the diamond theory model from the book of Porter (1990) “The Competitive Advantage of Nations”. The paper is to verify and discuss which strategy is the most successful model to break through the China market for Taiwanese semiconductor back-end vendors. In order to find out the best model, the following subjects were discussed, the characteristic of Taiwanese semiconductor back-end industry, the related dissertations and study papers, and the case study of company A by the aspect of company A competitive advantage analysis, company A global operation model and global resources. The study can be the strategy selection reference for Taiwanese semiconductor back-end vendors to move forward to China market. It can also help other growing industries to build up their strategy for breaking through China market according to their own capability in the future.
The purpose of the study is as following,
1. Discussion of the motivation of moving forward to China market, the market selection and the business model of entering China market by focusing on the characteristics of semiconductor back-end industry.
2. Actual practice of company A as the example to evaluate and suggest which market and which strategy are the most successful and suitable for semiconductor back-end industry.
According to the conclusion of the study of company A, in order to successfully enter the China market, company A selected the different entering models for different technologies to reduce the risk of failure. It adopted 3 kinds of entering models,
1. Implemented the low end testing and package technology products in China to occupy the market share before Taiwanese government announce the green light policy for back-end semiconductor technology release to China.
2. Merged the IDM manufacturing plants in China, or merge the small partner company which is overseas booked from company A’s own capital.
3. Joint venture with the international IDM to set up high technology testing and assembly house. By utilizing the strength of both parties, it can quickly occupy the market share of high technology semiconductor back-end industry in China to get the win-win situation with IDM customers.
Although the merge or joint venture take time and cost to eliminate the different opinion between both parties, it can reduce the time, difficulties, and risks of company A to enter China market. Company A already occupied steady amount of market share in China. From the achievement of company A, its strategy and management is successful and is the benchmark and learning example for Taiwanese vendors to break through China market.
關鍵字(中) ★ 西進之進入模式
★ 西進
★ 策略聯盟
★ 購併
關鍵字(英) ★ merge
★ joint venture
★ the model of entering China market
★ Break through China market
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 研究範圍與限制 3
1.5 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 半導體簡介 7
2.2 半導體產業的沿革與封裝業的發展 10
2.3 半導體封測產業發展概況 11
2.4 台灣政府對半導體產業之相關政策 18
2.5 中國政府對半導體產業之相關政策 20
2.6 策略分析 25
第三章 個案公司介紹 36
3.1 個案公司簡介 36
3.2 成長歷程 37
3.3 基本資料 39
3.4 經營理念與核心文化 39
3.5 競爭策略 40
3.6 未來挑戰 43
第四章 個案公司西進競爭策略分析 46
4.1 半導體封測產業面臨的困境與挑戰 46
4.2 個案公司西進競爭策略探討 50
4.3 台灣主要封測廠大陸布局分析 53
4.4 中國大陸本土封測產業發展策略分析 56
4.5 兩岸封測產業競合關係 64
第五章 結論與建議 68
5.1 國內封裝測試業發展方向 68
5.2 結論 69
參考文獻 71
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指導教授 何應欽 審核日期 2010-6-15
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