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姓名 許乃寧(Nai-Ning Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣物理研究所
論文名稱 地形效應之影響與2008/6/27‐28台灣西南部局部豪雨事件之探討
(Orographic effects on localized heavy rainfall events, observed over southwesten Taiwan on 27 and 28 June 2008)
★ 1997,98梅雨季節台灣地區降水之特性分析★ 1993-1997年6月午後降水系統之研究
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★ 2005年梅雨季6月12號台灣西南部豪雨之分析★ 梅雨季台灣西南部地形對潮濕氣流影響之初步研究
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★ 颱風渦漩初始化與資料同化對颱風預報的影響★ 2012年6月10-12日台灣超大豪雨的有利條件
★ 2014年8月12日夏季臺灣西南部大豪雨個案分析
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摘要(中) 台灣梅雨季(5月中~6月中, Chen and Chen 2003)過後的6月下旬,因適合降雨的大尺度條件較梅雨季變得較差,降雨量銳減。於2008年的六月下旬,在台灣西南部地區降雨量遠大於13年(1997-2009)6月下旬的平均值。其中以6月27日及6月28日兩日的降雨最為顯著。其局部豪雨事件(>130mm/day) 主要分別發生在山區以及沿海低窪地區。因前人對台灣西南部在6月下旬局部豪雨的研究較少,為了探討地形效應如何影響降雨發生的區域(在平地或山區),本研究採取下列步驟探討。
首先藉由European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)/Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA)及中央氣象局觀測資料,分析個案發生前綜觀天氣現象及台灣降水分佈,得知局部豪雨發生前綜觀環境。在2008年6月27日、28日,在高層有從蒙古地區向西南延伸的中國槽線向東移近中國西南部,並且太平洋高壓東退,但台灣附近高層並無顯著輻散場,中層有上升運動。在低層台灣西南部上游地區有高位溫(>345K)及高水汽混合比(>17g/kg)向台灣傳送。
利用ECMWF/TOGA的綜觀環境經由理想橢圓地形的WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting Model)數值實驗。在盛行西南風影響下,山脈夫如數(Mountain Froude number,Fr=U/NH)約為0.26。由模擬得知在地形西南部低層沿岸地區會產生輻合帶、上升運動、高相對濕度、穩定度下降及較低的自由對流面高度,有利於降水之環境。
摘要(英) After the cessation of Mei-Yu season (mid-May to mid June), which in one of the major rainfall periods in Taiwan, rainfall declines quite significantly in late June (16 to 30). Rain showers are the main sources of rainfall over southwestern Taiwan. The averaged annual heavy rainfall occurrence is about 8.8 rainfall stations. However, in 2008, there are 55 heavy rainfall occurrences during late June (Shu 2010). On 27 and 28 2008, the heavy rainfall occurrences are 10 and 4, respectively. During these two day period, the occurrences of heavy rainfall are significantly larger then annual average. On 27, continuous rainfall appeared over southwestern Taiwan with peak rainfall rate over sloped areas during the period from 0900 to 1600 LST and produced 204 mm maximum accumulated rainfall over sloped areas. On 28 June, most of rainfall appeared over lowland areas near coasts from 0900 to 1600 LST and the maximum accumulated rainfall was 160 mm over lowland areas. The occurrences of localized heavy rainfall over either sloped areas or lowland areas present a difficult, yet important, challenge to skilful weather forecasting.
The hypothesis for causing localized heavy rainfall over sloped areas on 27 June is that the inland movement of the existing convection from nearby ocean embedded in the moist southwesterly winds is enhanced by orographic lifting over sloped areas in southern Taiwan. On 28 June, the lifting on the existing convection from nearby ocean embedded in the moist southwesterly winds over low level convergence areas in lowland due to prevailing southwesterly flow deflection resulting from orographic effects may facilitate heavy rainfall over lowland areas. In addition, the cool air from sloped areas may enhance the interaction between off shore flow and the prevailing wind to strengthen low level convergence.
The objective of this study is to perform observational analyses of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) data, satellite imagery, radar reflectivity, and rainfall data for the synoptic and mesoscale processes to support the importance of the above two mechanisms. The mesoscale processes associated with the development of the heavy rainfall event and the orographic effects on the enhancement of accumulated rainfall are examined by the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model.
The WRF model was employed to help understand the details of the dynamics and physical processes responsible for the localized high rainfall on 27 and 28 June 2008. In order to better resolve the orographic effect on the production of rainfall over southwestern Taiwan, nested grids were used at horizontal resolutions of 27km, 9km, and 3 km. All domain were comprised of 31 vertical levels from the surface to 50 hPa. The moisture processes included the subgrid-scale convective parementerization of Grell in Domains 1 and 2 and the grid-resolvable WSM 6-class microphysics scheme. Planetary boundary layer processes were represented by the YSU PBL paramenterization (Hong et al. 2006). The model was initialized and lateral boundary conditions derived from the ECMWF/TOGA analyses at 0800LST (0000 UTC) 26 June 2008 and integrated for 66h. In order to examine the Taiwan orographic effects on the occurrence of the heavy rainfall over southwestern Taiwan, we performed two sensitivity test without Taiwan’s topography (here after abbreviated to NT) and with the decrease of height of topography to half of those in the control run (here after abbreviated to HC) on 9 and 3-km grid spacing simulations, while keeping everything else identical to the control run. The procedure of the setup of topography in the NT is similar to that in Chiao et al. (2004). In order to investigate the effect of the cool air on the enhancement of rainfall over lowlands over southwestern Taiwan, a sensitivity experiment without the evaporation of raindrops (here after abbreviated to NEV) is performed.
Simulation results confirm our hypothesis that orographic effects offer an important role on generating localized heavy rainfall episode in southwestern Taiwan in late June during post-Mei-Yu period.
關鍵字(中) ★ 地形效應
★ 局部地區豪雨
關鍵字(英) ★ orographic effect
★ localized heavy rainfall
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖表說明 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1. 前言 1
1-2. 六月下旬綜觀尺度環境與降水特性 3
1-3. 研究動機 5
第二章 觀測與分析 6
2-1. 資料來源 6
2-2. 2008年6月27、28日綜觀天氣分析 7
2-3. 2008年6月下旬降雨資料分析 8
2-4. 2008年6月27、28日衛星雲圖及雷達回波資料分 9
第三章 理想地形模式模擬及分析 12
3-1. WRF模式介紹 12
3-2. 理想地形模式實驗設定 14
3-3. 理想地形模式實驗設計 17
3-4. 理想地形模式實驗結果 17
第四章 個案模擬設計及分析 19
4-1. 個案模擬設計 19
4-2. 6月27、28日模擬大尺度環境探討 20
4-3. 6月27、28日模擬強降水探討 22
4-4. 敏感度實驗 25
第五章 結論與未來展望 28
5-1. 結論 28
5-2. 未來展望 29
附錄A 30
附錄B 32
參考文獻 34
論文圖表 37
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指導教授 陳景森(Ching-Sen Chen) 審核日期 2010-7-21
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