博碩士論文 946402005 詳細資訊

以作者查詢圖書館館藏 以作者查詢臺灣博碩士 以作者查詢全國書目 勘誤回報 、線上人數:43 、訪客IP:
姓名 吳善薇(Sin Mei)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球物理研究所
論文名稱 Seismic hazard assessment in Taiwan: Insights from historical seismicity and radar interferometry analyses
(Seismic hazard assessment in Taiwan: Insights from historical seismicity and radar interferometry analyses)
★ 應用雷達干涉法在彰化縣員林地區地層下陷研究★ 應用太空大地測量法探討台南地區之地表變形
★ 應用地形分析方法研究台灣中央山脈東翼地表抬升★ 利用衛星影像萃取近岸地形-以台灣北部為例
★ 台灣西南部前陸地區演育與古應力分析★ 桃園臺地群地表變形與地下構造之研究
★ 應用永久散射體差分干涉法觀測台灣北部地區之地表變形★ 台灣東部縱谷南端之活動構造研究
★ 台北盆地及周圍山區之現今地表變形研究★ 利用永久性散射體差分干涉法探討台南地區之地殼形變
★ 臺灣南部橫貫公路向陽-初來段之構造與邊坡穩定★ 莫拉克風災山崩區域之地質構造與大地應力分析
★ 台灣中部埔里盆地的構造活動: 衛星遙測和野外觀測★ 恆春半島的構造地形演化
★ 青藏高原東緣龍門山造山帶與四川前陸盆地間之構造演化★ 利用測地資料分析花東縱谷北段之地殼變形
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摘要(中) 中文摘要
代地震儀記錄的地震資料來制訂一個本地規模(Local magnitude)與震央震度
(Epicentral intensity)的經驗公程式:ML = 0.08I0
– 0.04I0 + 3.41,ML 係本地規模,
而I0 則是震央震度。通過此關係式,我們可以系統地依相同標準規納比較臺灣從
17 到20 世紀發生的歷史地震。歷史地震研究對於地震災害評估是很重要的,這
久散射體差分干涉法(Persistent Scatterers InSAR method)研究桃園-新竹-苗栗
外平均和累加的PGA 和PGV 災害圖也在這章中呈現與討論。
摘要(英) Abstract
Earthquake hazard mitigation is a world-wide matter of great urgency and an
effective seismic hazard assessment is vital to it. In this dissertation, five chapters are
organized: Chapter I provides background information about tectonic setting of
Taiwan, active faults, geologic domains, earthquake cycle and recurrence models.
Chapter II describes how the instrumental seismic data can be utilized to formulate an
average empirical relationship between ML, the local magnitude, and I0, the epicentral
intensity: ML = 0.08I0
– 0.04I0 + 3.41, which, in turn, summarizes historical data for
three hundred years in a homogeneous way in Taiwan. The study of historical
seismicity is imperative in seismic hazard assessment since the instrumental seismic
recorded history is too short to record a sufficient amount of large earthquakes for
study. Historical data provide a window for us to qualitatively analyze large
earthquakes in the first approximation. Following the first approximation in Chapter II,
the seismogenic zone of Taoyuan-Hsinchu area (zone II) becomes the test region for
investigating recent tectonic activity using Persistent Scatterers InSAR (PSI) method.
We shift our angle of view in assessing seismic hazard from historical seismic events
to crustal deformation from the space in Chapter III. In Chapter IV, this PhD
dissertation addresses the inaccurate seismic hazard assessment arisen from
earthquake intensity scale problem in Taiwan. Characteristics of damaging seismic
events in Taiwan are also depicted. At last, in Chapter V, percentage error is especially
performed to test the validation and reliability of the empirical relationship done in
Chapter I: ML = 0.08I0
– 0.04I0 + 3.41. Average and cumulative PGA- and
PGV-depicted seismic maps are compared to our results in historical seismicity study
in Chapter II and radar interferometry analysis in Chapter III.
關鍵字(中) ★ Seismic harzard assessment
★ historical seismicity
★ radar interferometry
關鍵字(英) ★ Seismic harzard assessment
★ historical seismicity
★ radar interferometry
論文目次 Abstract ........................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................ ii
Contents ........................................................................................................................ iii
Table list ........................................................................................................................ vi
Figure list ..................................................................................................................... vii
Chapter I:
Taiwan tectonic and earthquake cycle overviews .......................................................... 1
1.0 Taiwan tectonic overview ........................................................................................ 1
1.1 Active faults in Taiwan ............................................................................................ 3
1.2 Geologic domains .................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Earthquake cycle overview ...................................................................................... 6
1.4 Recurrence models ................................................................................................... 7
References ................................................................................................................. 9-11
Figures 1.1-1.5 ........................................................................................................ 12-17
Chapter II:
Earthquake cycle in western Taiwan: insights from historical seismicity ................... 18
2.0 Chapter overview ................................................................................................... 19
2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 20
2.2 Seismic records in Taiwan ..................................................................................... 22
2.2.1 Early stage (1900-1935) ................................................................................ 23
2.2.2 Intermediate stage (1936-1972) .................................................................... 23
2.2.3 TTSN stage (1973-1991) .............................................................................. 25
2.2.4 CWBSN stage (1992-Present) ...................................................................... 26
2.3 Magnitude Estimates .............................................................................................. 27
2.3.1 Magnitudes and intensity scales.................................................................... 27
2.3.2 Measured intensities and intensity at epicentre ............................................ 29
2.3.3 Application to Taiwan earthquakes ............................................................... 29
2.3.4 Insights from present-day seismicity ............................................................ 32
2.3.5 Comparison with previous studies ................................................................ 35
2.4 Seismogenic Zones and Earthquake History ......................................................... 35
2.4.1 Main historical earthquakes of the West Taiwan belt ................................... 36
2.4.2 Techniques used to summarize historical earthquake activity ...................... 40
2.5 Discussion and conclusion ..................................................................................... 43
References ............................................................................................................... 52-56
Tables 2.1-2.3 .......................................................................................................... 57-63
Figures 2.1-2.15 ...................................................................................................... 64-86
Chapter III:
Neotectonics of growth blind fault system in Taoyuan-Hsinchu area, northwestern
Taiwan revealved by InSAR persistent scatterers ........................................................ 87
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 88
3.2 Local geology......................................................................................................... 89
3.3 Study method ......................................................................................................... 91
3.3.1 From radar interferometry to InSAR persistent scatterers (PSI) .................. 91
3.3.2 Data ............................................................................................................... 92
3.3.3 PSI mean velocity ......................................................................................... 93
3.4 Interpretation of PSI result ..................................................................................... 93
3.5 GPS ........................................................................................................................ 94
3.5.1 Velocity field ................................................................................................. 94
3.5.2 Strain rate ...................................................................................................... 95
3.6 Discussion and Conclusion .................................................................................... 95
References ............................................................................................................... 98-99
Tables 3.1-3.2 ...................................................................................................... 100-101
Figures 3.1-3.9 .................................................................................................... 102-113
Appendix A ......................................................................................................... 114-115
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指導教授 張中白、Françoise Courboulex
(Chung_Pai Chang、Françoise Courboulex)
審核日期 2010-7-23
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