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姓名 卓俊賢(Jorge M. Matute)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
論文名稱 瓜地馬拉居民參與資源回收行為之要因分析
(Study of Factors Affecting Social Participation towards Recycling in Guatemala City, Guatemala)
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摘要(中) 瓜地馬拉市是中美洲最大的都市,人口超過一百萬人,其都市固體廢棄物 (Municipal Solid Waste, MSW) 之生產亦逐漸增加。然而,如同許多開發中國家,該市對於MSW的管理仍然非常粗糙與缺乏效率。高科技策略已被證實為無效用或無法處理這項難題,顯示出為了發展有效的 MSW 管理方法,資源回收是最為適當的策略,因為這項社會參與對於MSW管理的成功而言是不可或缺的關鍵。本篇論文之主要目的在於評估此項實際社會參與,以及鑑定出影響瓜地馬拉市居民在廢棄物資源分類 (Source Separation of Waste, SSW) 方面上最為重要的因素。受本研究所評鑑的各項因素包括社會人口統計學因素、心理因素、經濟因素、基本規範因素,以及這些因素和瓜地馬拉市市民對於廢棄物分類之實際態度和意願之間的關係。本文以卡方檢定與邏輯迴歸來分析經隨機取樣法所篩選出的十五歲以上民眾之面訪研究資訊。最終總樣本數為 446 人,最終抽樣誤差為 4.5%。
本研究結果顯示全瓜地馬拉市市民之中僅有30.5% 的人口真正在實際參與 SSW。本研究發現,依據重要性來排序,年齡、性別以及社經地位乃是在SSW之實際社會參與上展現出最高相關性以及最強影響力之社會人口統計學因素。環境關懷、利他主義以及內在滿足等心理因素被證明為最重要與最具影響力的原因,解釋了為何有 76.1% 的受訪者基於此因素實際參與 SSW,而基於經濟因素實際參與SSW的受訪者則居次,僅佔18.5%。本研究發現人們參與SSW的意願強度介於92% 至 96%之間,然而由於資源回收計畫、資源回收教育與相關資訊以及MSW之相關法律與規範的各項匱乏所導致的獎勵之缺乏,被證明為主要的限制性變因。最後,研究結果提出瓜地馬拉市居民擁有高度意願參與SSW,然而地方當局以及決策者必須將此資訊付諸於實踐,並將其行動及資源聚焦於新的議題設計以使相關瑕疵能夠完整地獲得處理,藉以在瓜地馬拉市當中為一套更為持久的整合性都市固體廢棄物管理系統發展出更有效力的策略。
摘要(英) Guatemala City is the largest city in Central America reaching more than 1 million inhabitants with an increasing generation of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), but as in many developing countries, its management still remains primitive and inefficient. High tech strategies have proven ineffective or have failed to deal with this problem, showing that the most suitable strategy to develop effective MSW management is Recycling, for this social participation is required and crucial to its success. The main purpose of this thesis is to assess the actual social participation and identify the most important factors that influence Guatemala City’s population towards Source Separation of Waste (SSW). The factors assessed by this study were Socio-demographic, Psychological and Economical & Normative Factors and their relationship with Guatemala City citizen’s actual waste separation attitude and willingness. Chi-square tests and Logistic Regression were used to analyze the information gathered by a face-to-face survey to the people above 15 years old chosen by a random size sampling method. The final total sample size was 446, with a final 4.5% error in the estimate.
Results showed that only 30.5% of the sampled Guatemala City population is actually participating in SSW. It was found that age, gender and socio-economical status, in order of importance, are the socio-demographical factors showing more relationship or influence with the actual social participation in SSW. Psychological factors, as environmental concern, altruism and intrinsic satisfaction, prove to be the most important and influential reasons why people are participating in SSW with 76.1% of all respondents followed by Economical factors with only 18.5%. It was found that the grade of people’s willingness to participate in SSW is between 92% and 96%, but the lack of incentives due to the lack of recycling programs, education and information about recycling and the lack of laws and regulations regarding MSW prove to be the main limiting variable. The results finally suggest that Guatemala City people has high willingness to participate in SSW, but it’s imperative that local authorities and decision makers take this information into action and focus their efforts and resources into designing new agendas in which these flaws can be addressed integrally to develop more effective strategies for a sustainable integrated municipal solid waste management system in Guatemala City.
關鍵字(中) ★ 資源回收
★ 廢棄物分類
★ 社會參與
★ 個人與情境因素
關鍵字(英) ★ personal and situational factors
★ social participation
★ waste separation
★ recycling
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
List of Figures vii
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Importance of this Study 1
1.2. Research Purpose 2
1.3. Research Scope 3
1.4. Research Difficulties and Limitations 3
Chapter 2 Conceptual Framework 5
2.1. Solid Waste Management, Integrated Solid Waste Management and Sustainable Development 5
2.2. Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries 7
2.2.1. Factors Affecting the Development of SWM Systems Developing Countries 8 Technical Constraints 8 Financial Constraints 9 Institutional Constraints 10 Economic Constraints 10 Social Constraints 11
2.2.2. Actual SWM Practices in Latin American Developing Countries 11 Collection and Transfer 12 Composting 12 Incineration 13 Landfilling 13 Recycling 14
2.3. The Importance of Social Participation in Recycling Programs 15
2.4. Factors Affecting Social Participation in Recycling Programs 18
2.4.1. Psychological Factors 20
2.4.2. Socio-demographic Factors 21 Age 22 Education 22 Gender 23 Income 23
2.4.3. Economical & Normative Factors (Incentives & Laws)24
Chapter 3 Referential Background 26
3.1. Guatemala General Facts 26
3.1.1. Geography and Climate 26
3.1.2. Divisional and Political Organization 26
3.1.3. Demography, Education and Socio-Economical Facts 26
3.1.4. Economy 27
3.2. Guatemala City General Facts 28
3.3. Guatemala City Municipal Solid Waste Overview 29
3.3.1. Guatemala City MSW Generation 29
3.3.2. Guatemala City MSW Composition 29
3.3.3. Guatemala City MSW Collection and Final Disposal 30
3.3.4. Waste Recovery and Recycle in Guatemala 33 Recovery and Recycle in Guatemala City 35
3.4. Political Status and Policies Concerning MSW in Guatemala 37
3.5. Guatemala City Solid Waste Management Modernization Program 38
Chapter 4 Methodology 40
4.1. Research Object and Framework 40
4.2. Research Procedure 42
4.3. Surveying Tools 43
4.3.1. Sampling Design 43
4.3.2. Questionnaire design 44 Personal Information Section 45 Actual Attitude Section 46 Scenarios Section 46 Reliability of the Instrument 48
4.4. Survey Implementation (Interviews) 48
4.5. Data coding and validation 50
4.6. Data Analysis 54
4.6.1. Descriptive Statistics 54
4.6.2. Pearson’s Chi-square Test 54
4.6.3. Logistic Regression Model 56
Chapter 5 Results and Discussion 58
5.1. General Information and Survey Results 58
5.2. Social Participation in Source Separation of Waste (SSW) in Guatemala City 60
5.3. Analysis of Socio-demographic Factors and their Relationship with Social Participation in Source Separation of Waste 62
5.3.1. Descriptive Statistics 63
5.3.2. Pearson’s Chi-square Test 64
5.3.3. Multivariate Analysis (Logistic Regression) 66
5.4. Analysis of Psychological and Economic & Normative Factors and their Relationship with Social Participation in Source Separation of Waste 73
5.5. Final Analysis and Discussion 78
Chapter 6 Conclusions 82
6.1. Conclusions 82
6.2. Recommendations 84
References 85
Appendix A 88
Appendix B 90
Appendix C 92
Appendix D 96
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指導教授 王鯤生(Kuen-Sheng Wang) 審核日期 2010-11-8
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