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姓名 李佳霖(Chia-lin Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英美語文學系
(The Uses of "Men who have Sex with Men" in Taiwan's Official AIDS Discourse)
★ 情感裂隙與酷兒(對抗)位置性:當代台灣男同志E藥文化中的性與親密關係★ 性平治理與友善校園:兒少保護主義的含蓄政治
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摘要(中) 本論文探討「男性間性行為者 (MSM)」一詞在台灣官方的愛滋論述中如何被使用。科學家與公共衛生官員通常認為MSM一詞是被醫學淨化的以及政治立場中立。但批評家Paula A. Treichler 指出男同志的身體在一個特定的社會文化脈絡中被生物醫學論述建構為愛滋故事的主要文本。基於此,我將把MSM一詞的創造視為深深鑲嵌在論述涵義與社會文化規範之中。本文分析以及批判的目標是建構MSM身體的台灣官方愛滋防治論述。
Treichler 主張如果沒有認知到愛滋的物質和語意上的雙重性 (the duality of AIDS),那麼就無法做出穎睿的介入行動。基於此,我將透過檢視MSM一詞的語意/論述層面並且批判它的問題涵義來介入台灣的愛滋政治。藉由指出MSM的身體所涉及的涵義不同於男同志的身體,我企圖揭示與批判台灣官方愛滋防治行動中使用MSM一詞所產生的規訓效應。換句話說,本論文將會透過論述和文化的角度切入檢視MSM身體在官方論述中的形構與效應。我將聚焦在台灣本地男同志三溫暖流行病學研究以及血液安全政策之中所浮現的MSM身體。我企圖批判性地分析當台灣衛生主管機關佈署此名詞所衍生的問題涵義。透過這個批判分析,不僅能夠揭示國家公權力在MSM一詞的名義之下介入本地男同志的社交空間,並且標示出對於官方愛滋論述中MSM做出批判反思與質問的重要性。
摘要(英) This thesis investigates the uses of "Men who have Sex with Men (MSM)" in Taiwan’’s official AIDS discourse. Scientists and public health officials generally assume that the term MSM is medically sanitized and politically neutral. But following critic Paula A. Treichler’’s proposition that the body of gay men was constructed by biomedical discourse as the major text of AIDS stories in a specific socio-cultural milieu, I will approach the invention of the term MSM as deeply embedded with discursive connotations and socio-cultural codes. The target of my analysis and critique is Taiwan’’s official AIDS prevention discourse that constructs the MSM body.
Following Treichler’’s argument that intelligent interventions cannot be formulated without recognizing the "duality of AIDS" as both material and linguistic, I will intervene into Taiwan’’s AIDS politics by examining the linguistic/discursive aspect of the term MSM and critiquing its problematic implications. By proposing that the meanings entailed by "the MSM body" differ from that of the gay male body, I intend to expose and critique the disciplinary effects produced by the official deployment of the term MSM in the state’’s AIDS prevention moves. In other words, my thesis will examine the MSM body through discursive and cultural lenses. I will focus on the MSM body as it appears in Taiwan’’s local gay bathhouse epidemiology research and in the blood safety policy. I intend to critically analyze the problematic implications entailed by the term MSM when it is deployed by Taiwanese health authority. The critical analyses of these implications not only expose the intervention of state power into the local gay socializing space under the rubric of MSM, but also mark out the importance of a critical reflection on and interrogation of MSM in the official AIDS discourse.
關鍵字(中) 關鍵字(英) ★ MSM
論文目次 Table of Contents
Chinese Abstract……………………………………………………………………...ii
Chapter One: Introduction: Inventing “Men who have Sex with Men”……………....1
Chapter Two: The MSM Body and Sexual Tropics………………………………….16
Chapter Three: The Blood Ban on MSM in Taiwan………………………………....41
Chapter Four: Conclusion: Toward a Critical Reflection on MSM………………….63
Works Cited………………………………………………………………………….68
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指導教授 黃道明(Dao-ming Huang) 審核日期 2011-1-25
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