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姓名 黃士誠(Shih-cheng Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 當代的叛亂,傳統的燔犧:森村泰昌的跨界主體
(Revolt of Contemporaneity, Sacrifice of Tradition: The Crossover Subject of Morimura Yasumasa)
★ 延伸的邊界:傑洛姆(Jean-Léon Gérôme)1847-1867年間歷史畫研究★ 怪誕的存有,優雅的死亡- 湯姆斯.羅蘭森的《英國死亡之舞》
★ 流動的現代性符號— 法蘭西.畢卡畢亞1913-1920年的機械作品★ 美國之道──Stephen Shore的公路攝影
★ 頹廢與現代之美:比爾茲來的女性形象研究★ 從哲學化到體制化:早期觀念藝術的終結、離散或轉型
★ 藝術武器─喬治‧葛洛茲的政治諷刺圖像★ 紀實與抒情:黛安.阿勃絲《無題》系列中的社會邊緣人形象
★ 黑外套與白襯衫:羅曼‧布魯克絲的陽剛女性肖像研究★ 米萊恩.夏皮洛之「女像」(Femmage):裝飾的愉悅和政治性
★ 庫爾貝裸女畫與大眾色情/情色文化的辨證★ 日常的反身與政治—安內‧梅莎潔1970年代藝術實踐
★ 方言的發散:街頭、展覽、消費場域的臺灣塗鴉次文化★ 全視之眼:Andreas Gursky的攝影美學與社會意涵
★ 想/ 像的雙面繆思:蘇菲.卡勒的《真實故事》★ 光照之域:Philip-Lorca diCorcia的編導攝影研究
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摘要(中) 日本當代藝術家森村泰昌(Morimura Yasumasa, 1951-)以諧擬與挪用策略創作自我肖像攝影作品,題材涵蓋藝術史、前衛主義、大眾文化、與歷史等多重面向,同時進行許多跨界展演,在日本或國際藝壇上都極為活躍。本論文以1985-2010年間的藝術家攝影為主,聚焦於《日本美術史》、《藝術史》、《女演員》、《安魂曲-戰場頂點的藝術》等系列作品,探討森村以文化認同的曖昧與選取主題的轉變,映照出自身的日本主體性。
摘要(英) Contemporary Japanese photographer Morimura Yasumasa (1951-) creates self-portrait photographs with strategies of parody and appropriation. The motifs in Morimura’s oeuvres contain multiple spheres including history, avant-gardism, popular culture and history etc. Synchronically, Morimura proceeds with various crossover performances interacting between the realms of Japanese and international art. This thesis mainly concentrates on Morimura’s photographs created in the period of 1985-2010, with focuses on the series of “Japanese Art History”, “Art History”, “The Actress”, and “A Requiem: Art on the Top of Battlefield” to discuss the ambiguity of cultural identities and transformation of themes that are reflected in Morimura’s Japanese subjectivity.
The majority of literature on Morimura has been from European and American perspectives, much of which are brought forth through the lens of oriental exoticism. However, the grounding tone of this thesis will be the recently emerged Japanese essays on Morimura, as well as the artist’s own prolific writings. This selection of literature aims to affirm the Japanese cultural accumulation for Morimura, which becomes manifold images that inspire his works. Morimura parodies an artwork of Jakuchū to initiate the “return to Japan” and expresses traditional eastern aesthetics of Zen. Moreover, these series of photographs carry the dilemma of modernization in Japan through western art history and popular culture, juxtaposing nostalgia of pre-modernity and vulnerability of modernity, then simultaneously dispersing the spectrum of Japanese modern art: avant-garde art and anti-art performance. Finally, Morimura accomplishes his own “return to Japan” through the cultural carrier of Mishima Yukio, and also composes requiem dedicated to the 20th century historical Men. From “Art History” to “A Requiem: Art on the Top of Battlefield”, spectators perceive diversified masquerades of Morimura from women to men, and the intertwinement of oeuvres with personal experiences reveals the private sphere of Morimura, thus renders a more delicate dialogue between photographs and artist.
Morimura never ceases the voyage of exploring himself from masterpieces to historical characters. Through deconstructing the signs of artworks, parodies used by Morimura escape the confines of western gender narratives, indicating the affection of the Japanese with their external life and interior mentality in the post-war atmosphere. Furthermore, the cultural constructions in post-war context ultimately manifest the Japanese subjectivity of Morimura. In the post-modern condition of multiple identities, this thesis argues for a perspective on Morimura that is vastly different from previous obscure interpretations: one that attributes a more lucid position to the artist, where his self-portraits establish hybrids from contemporary and traditional cultures spiced with the comical elements of parody.
關鍵字(中) ★ 森村泰昌
★ 三島由紀夫
★ 土方巽
★ 主體性
★ 前衛主義
★ 大眾文化
★ 諧擬
關鍵字(英) ★ parody
★ Morimura Yasumasa
★ Mishima Yukio
★ Hijikata Tatsumi
★ subjectivity
★ avant-gardism
★ popular culture
論文目次 論文提要........................................................................................................................i
第一章 主體在此,論述在彼方................................................................................15
第一節 創作歷程-森村泰昌的簡史..............................................................15
第二節 東方禪意-野菜涅槃的見立..............................................................21
第二章 場域的過渡與流轉......................................................................................35
第一節 裸與敢曝-馬內與卡蘿的再現..........................................................35
第二節 大眾浮華-電影女明星的展演..........................................................45
第三章 歷史的懷舊,再現紀實................................................................................57
第一節 生與死亡-三島由紀夫的驅力..........................................................58
第二節 時代見證-二十世紀的安魂曲..........................................................70
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指導教授 曾少千(Shao-chien Tseng) 審核日期 2011-5-23
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