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姓名 辛理查(Richard Chinomona)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 非協調式通路權力及關係品質: 辛巴威中小型企業行銷通路個案研究
(Non Mediated Channel Powers and RelationshipQuality: A Case of SMEs In Zimbabwe Channels of Distribution )
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摘要(中) 摘要
  本論文目的旨在探討非中介性權力如何影響辛巴威的經銷商與中小型企業間分銷通路關係之品質。本文兩項研究中所建立的兩個觀念架構來自於權力依賴理論以及關係凝聚理論-兩項理論皆來自社會交換理論。第一項研究探討經銷商的專長權力及指涉權力如何直接影響製造商眼中的分銷通路之關係品質,例如信任度、關係滿意度,以及關係投入度;第二項研究則探討經銷商的專長權力、指涉及法定權力對中小型製造商的關係投入度,及協調機制中雙方關係的信任、合作和關係滿意度之所有非直接性影響。本文中所使用的研究資料來自針對哈瑞爾(Harare)及齊東薩(Chitungwiza)兩地的中小型企業進行田野調查後所回收的447份問卷,之後本研究以SPPS 15、AMOS 7,Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) 等電腦軟體對資料進行分析並得出結果。第一項研究結果顯示,經銷商的專長權力及指涉權力是形成通道權力的重要因素,並可對中小型製造商的信任度、關係投入度,及關係滿意度產生正面影響。第二項研究分析則指出,除了合作關係中的法定權力之外,這三項權力因素皆對中介物和結果變數產生積極影響。本論文期望以本研究之發現及所得新知為現存研究做出貢獻。
摘要(英) This thesis is set to investigate the influence of non-mediated powers on relationship quality between dealers and small and medium enterprise manufacturers (SMEs) in Zimbabwe’s channels of distribution. Two studies (Study 1 and 2) are conducted and two conceptul models developed drawing from power dependency theory and relational cohesion theory - all premised on social exchange theory, and research constructs literature review. In particular, Study 1 investigates the direct influence of dealers’ expert power and referent power on distribution channels relationship quality (trust, relationship satisfaction and relationship commitment) as percieved by the SME manufacturers; while Study 2 investigates the indirect influence of dealer’s expert, referent and legitimate powers on SME manufacturers’ relationship commitment and the mediating mechanism/effects of trust, cooperation, and relationship satisfaction in this relationship. Field study is conducted in Harare and Chitungwiza for the two studies and research data are collected from 447 SME manufacturers. Using SPSS Version 15 and AMOS 7 software programme, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is performed to analyze the data set. In Study 1, the results reveal that the dealers’ expert power and referent power are important sources of channel power that positively influence SME manufacturers’ trust, relationship commitment, and relationship satisfaction. In Study 2, the analysis revealed that the three sources of power positively influence the mediators and outcome variable in a significant way except for legitimate power to cooperation relationship. As a contribution to the existing body of knowledge, new academic knowledge and literature are generated and practical implications provided based on the thesis’ findings.
關鍵字(中) ★ 關係品質
★ 非協調式通路權力
關鍵字(英) ★ non mediated channel powers
★ relationship quality
1.1. Introduction 1
1.2. Research Background 4
1.2.1. The SME Manufacturing Sector in Zimbabwe 4
1.2.2. Dealers and the Distribution Channel Systems in Zimbabwe 7
1.3. Identification of Research Gaps and Problem Statement 9
1.4. The Purpose and Justification of the Study 10
1.5. Research Objectives and Research Questions 11
1.5.1. Study One (1) Research Objectives 11
1.5.2. Study One (1) Research Questions 12
1.5.3. Study One (1) Main Research Questions 12
1.5.4. Study One (1) Subsidiary Research Questions 12
1.5.5. Study Two (2) Research Objectives 13
1.5.6. Study Two (2) Research Questions 13
1.5.7. Study Two (2) Main Research Questions 13
1.5.8. Study Two (2) Subsidiary Research Questions 14
1.6. Research Limitations 15
1.7. An Overview of the Research Process 15
1.8. Organization of the Thesis 16
1.9. Summary of Chapter One (1) 18
2.1. Introduction 19
2.2. Theoretical Review: 19
2.3. Social Exchange Theory 20
2.3.1. The development of social exchange theory 20
2.3.2. Exchange behaviorism: 23
2.3.3. Exchange structuralism: 24
2.3.4. Assumptions of Social Exchange Theory 26
2.3.5. Social “Exchange” as an Extension of Economic Exchanges 27
2.3.6. Defining Social Exchange Theory 28
2.3.7. Power as the Outcome Of Social Exchange Relations 31
2.4. Power – Dependency Theory 35
2.5. Relational Cohesion Theory 38
2.6. Empirical Review 43
2.7. Relationship Quality 43
2.7.1. Trust 44
2.7.2. Cooperation 47
2.7.3. Relationship Satisfaction 50
2.7.4. Relationship Commitment 54
2.8. Non-Mediated Power 58
2.9. Summary of Chapter Two (2) 61
3.1. Introduction 63
3.2. Study One (1) Conceptual Model 64
3.3. Study 1: Hypothesis Development 65
3.3.1. Dealers’ Expert Power and Channel Relationship Quality 65
3.3.2. Dealers’ Referent Power and Channel Relationship Quality 67
3.4. Study Two (2) Conceptual Model 68
3.5. Study 2: Hypothesis Development 69
3.5.1. Dealer’s Expert Power, and SME Manufacturer’s Trust and Cooperation 69
3.5.2. Dealer’s Referent Power, and SME Manufacturer’s Trust and Cooperation 70
3.5.3. Dealer’s Legitimate Power, and SME Manufacturer’s Trust and Cooperation 72
3.5.4. SME Manufacturer’s Trust and Relationship Satisfaction 73
3.5.5. SME Manufacturer’s Cooperation and Relationship Satisfaction 74
3.5.6. SME Manufacturer’s Relationship Satisfaction and Relationship Commitment 75
3.6. Summary of Chapter Three (3) 76
4.1. Introduction 79
4.2. Measurement and scaling 79
4.3. Measurement Instrument 82
4.6. Sampling procedures 84
4.6.1. Target population 85
4.6.2. Sampling frame 86
4.6.3. Sampling method 86
4.6.4. Sample size 87
4.6.5. Selection of Key Informants 88
4.7. Measures Used to Enhance response Rate 89
4.7.1. Face-to- Face Surveys: 89
4.7.2. Cover letter: 89
4.7.3. Follow-ups: 90
4.7.4. Personalization of correspondence: 90
4.8. Summary of Chapter Four (4) 91
5.1. Introduction 93
5.2. Data Screening 94
5.3. Data Analytical Procedures 94
5.4. Sample Description 95
5.5. Tests of Measures and Accuracy Analysis Statistics 97
5.6. Reliability tests 97
5.6.1. Cronbach’s coefficient α 98
5.6.2. Composite Reliability 98
5.6.3. Average Value Extracted (AVE) 99
5.7. Validity tests 99
5.8. Construct validity 100
5.8.1. Convergent Validity 100
5.8.2. Factor analysis: 101
5.9. Discriminant Validity 101
5.9.1. Correlation Matrix: 101
5.9.2. △χ2 CFA Test: 102
5.10. Model Fit/ Acceptability 102
5.10.1. Chi-square (χ2) 103
5.10.2. Goodness-of-fit Index (GFI) 103
5.10.3. Root mean square residual (RMR) 104
5.10.4. The norm fit index (NFI) 104
5.10.5. The comparative fit index (CFI). 105
5.10.6. The incremental fit index (IFI) 105
5.10.7. Root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) 105
5.11. Research Study Measure Reliability and Validity 107
5.12. Study One (1) Results: 107
5.13. Reliability Test 107
5.13.1. Cronbach’s Alpha Test 108
5.13.2. Composite Reliability (CR) 108
5.13.3. Average Value Extracted (AVE) 109
5.14. Validity Test 109
5.14.1 Convergent Validity 109 Research Constructs and Factor Loading 109
5.14.2 Discriminant Validity 110 Correlation Matrix 110 Average Value Extracted (AVE) and Shared Value (SV) 111 △ χ2 CFA Test 111
5.15. Conceptual Model Fit Assessments 112
5.16. Study Two (2) Results: 113
5.17. Reliability Test 113
5.17.1. Cronbach’s Alpha Test 114
5.19.2. Composite Reliability (CR) 114
5.19.3. Average Value Extracted (AVE) 115
5.20. Validity Test 115
5.21. Convergent Validity 115
5.21.1. Research Constructs and Factor Loading 115
5.22. Discriminant Validity 116
5.22.1. Correlation Matrix 116
5.22.2. Average Value Extracted (AVE) and Shared Value (SV) 116
5.22.3. △ χ2 CFA Test 117
5.23. Conceptual Model Fit Assessments 117
5.24. Summary of Chapter Five (5) 118
6.1. Introduction 120
6.2. What is Structural Equation Modeling? 121
6.3. Basic Model 122
6.4. Standardize and Unstandardized Estimation 123
6.5. Study One (1) SEM Results 124
6.6. Model Fit and Hypotheses Testing Results 124
6.7. Discussion of Results 125
6.8. Study Two (2) SEM Results 127
6.9. Model Fit and Hypothesis Testing Results 127
6.10. Discussion of Results 129
6.11. Summary of Chapter Six (6) 130
7.1. Introduction 132
7.2. Study One (1) Conclusion 132
7.3. Study One (1) Managerial Implications 133
7.4. Study One (1) Suggestions for Future Research 134
7.5. Study Two (2) Conclusion 135
7.6. Study Two (2) Implications 136
7.7. Study Two (2) Suggestions for Future Research 137
7.8. Overall Research Contribution 138
7.9. Summary of Chapter Seven (7) 139
Appendix I 168
Research Questionnaire 168
Appendix II 174
Survey Instrument and Cover Letter 174
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指導教授 鄭明松(Ming-Sung Cheng) 審核日期 2011-1-27
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