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姓名 郭怡萍(Yi-ping Kuo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 家族企業的投資現金流量敏感度
(Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity in Family Businesses)
★ 股權分置對中國上市公司現金股利發放之影響★ 所有權結構與政治連結對股利政策之影響—以中國國有企業為例
★ 董監事最低持股成數規定之研究★ 合格境外機構投資人制度對投資/現金流量敏感度之影響
★ 從股票價格區間探討股票買回活動之資訊內涵★ 跨境上市對於企業負債比率的影響:以中國跨港上市公司為例
★ 家族集團之盈餘管理行為★ 股權結構與投資效率:中國上市公司之多重大股東實證研究
★ 股權分置改革對中國上市公司現金持有的影響★ 手機按鍵生命週期探討企業轉型之路
★ 制度改革對於關係人交易的影響★ 伊斯蘭教義、公司治理與營運資金管理對公司價值影響之研究—以印尼上市公司為例
★ 股利宣告對股價超常報酬的影響-以台灣集團與非集團上市公司為例★ 公司規模、股價、益本比、淨值市價比與股票超常報酬關係之實證研究
★ 台灣股票上市公司營運資金管理相關議題之實證研究★ 我國財務危機上市公司股權結構之探討
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摘要(中) 本研究探討家族企業在投資行為上與一般企業是否有差異,分析家族股權集中程度對其投資現金流量敏感度的影響。研究發現家族企業相對於非家族企業有較低的投資現金流量敏感度,其原因在於家族企業面臨較低的融資成本以及經理人與股東之間的代理成本。然而,隨著家族所有權的集中,在家族股權中度集中下,其投資現金流量敏感度反而提升,出現大、小股東之間的代理問題與管理者據守的現象。以管理型態來做為干擾變數探討其對家族持股與投資現金流量敏感度關係的影響時,發現家族企業在董事長兼任總經理(CEO duality)的情況下會降低投資現金流量敏感度,支持忠僕理論(stewardship theory)。
摘要(英) We investigate the relationship between family businesses and investment-cash flow sensitivity in Taiwan— an economy that is characterized by a high degree of ownership in general and predominant family control in particular. Family business may not only reduce investment-cash flow sensitivity because of family control mitigating agency and asymmetric information problems but also
increase investment-cash flow sensitivity for moderate levels of family ownership. Investment-cash flow sensitivity is lower in family-controlled firms with CEO duality, supporting the stewardship theory. Our results suggest that family control would be effective in mitigating investment distortions, but the entrenchment effect of the above-mentioned situations can aggravate investment distortions. CEO duality could reinforce a stewardship role in family firms.
關鍵字(中) ★ 投資現金流量敏感度
★ 雙重領導結構
★ 家族企業
★ 家族所有權
關鍵字(英) ★ Investment-cash flow sensitivity
★ Family businesses
★ Family ownership
★ CEO duality
論文目次 Contents
Abstract in Chinese ......................................i
Abstract ................................................ii
Acknowledgements....................................... iii
Contents................................................ iv
List of Table ............................................v
Chapter 1 Introduction ...................................1
1-1 Research Background ..................................1
1-2 Research Purpose .....................................3
1-3 Results Preview ......................................5
Chapter 2 Literature Review.............................. 6
2-1 Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity in Family Business.. 6
2-2 Family Ownership and Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity.8
2-3 Moderating Role of Managerial Entrenchment...........10
Chapter 3 Data Description and Empirical Specification.. 12
3-1 Sample Selection ....................................12
3-2 Empirical Specification..............................14
3-3 Descriptive Statistics...............................16
Chapter 4 Empirical Results..............................18
4-1 Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity in Family Business..18
4-2 Relation Between Family Ownership and Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity.........................................20
4-3 Results of Managerial Entrenchment ..................22
4-4 The Effect of Financial Constraints .................24
Chapter 5 Robustness Tests ..............................28
5-1 The Information Set of Expected and Surprise components ..............................................28
5-2 Noise in Cash Flow.................................. 30
5-3 Excess Cash .........................................32
5-4 Transparency ........................................33
Chapter 6 Conclusion ....................................36
6-1 Discussion ..........................................36
6-2 Theoretical and Practitioner Implications ...........37
6-3 Future Research .....................................37
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指導教授 洪榮華(Jung-Hua Hung) 審核日期 2011-3-1
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