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Essay1:Information Trading around Open Market Share Repurchases:Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Exchange
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Essay 2:The wealth effects of open market share repurchase on suppliers
Akhigbe, A., and J. Madura, 1999. Intra-industry effects of bank stock repurchases. Journal of Financial Services Research 15(1), 23-36.
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Chan, K., D. Ikenberry, and I. Lee, 2004. Economic sources of gain in stock repurchases. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 39, 461-479.
Chen, S.-S., and S.-M. Lai, 2007. The vertical information transfer effects of earnings restatements along the supply chain. Unpublished paper, National Taiwan University and National Chengchi University.
Comment, R., and G.A. Jarrell, 1991. The relative signaling power of Dutch-auction and fixed-price self-tender offers and open market share repurchases. Journal of Finance 46, 1243-1271.
Dann, L.Y., 1981. Common stock repurchases: an analysis of returns to bondholders and stockholders. Journal of Financial Economics 9, 113-138.
Dittmar, A., 2000. Why do firms repurchase stock? Journal of Business 73, 331-355.
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Grullon, G., and R. Michaely, 2004. The information content of share repurchase programs. Journal of Finance 59, 651-680.
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Lie, E., 2005. Operating performance following open market share repurchase announcement. Journal of Accounting and Economics 39, 411-436.
Massa, M., Rehman, Z., and Vermaelen, T., 2007. Mimicking repurchases. Journal of Financial Economics 84, 624-666.
Miller, M.H., and K. Rock, 1985. Dividend policy under asymmetric information. Journal of Finance 40, 1031-1051.
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Shahrur, H., 2005. Industry structure and horizontal takeovers: Analysis of wealth effects on rivals, suppliers, and corporate customers. Journal of Financial Economics 76, 61-98.
Stephens, C., and M. Weisbach, 1998. Actual share reacquisitions in open market repurchase programs. Journal of Finance 53, 313-334.
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