博碩士論文 90342002 詳細資訊

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姓名 婁自強(Tze-Chiang Lou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 事故隨機發生下高速公路警車排程最適化之研究
(Optimizing the Scheduling and Dispatching of Freeway Police Patrols Under Stochastic Accident Occurrence)
★ 紅燈右轉人車衝突風險分析★ 機車騎士紅燈怠速熄火意願及其預期成效之研究
★ 雪山隧道路徑導引策略研究★ 利用回饋式類神經插補探討路段車輛偵測器佈設間距
★ 利用基因規劃法進行車輛偵測器資料填補★ 機車紅燈怠速熄火節能減碳效果評估
★ 應用存活分析法於運具移轉行為之研究★ 利用基因規劃法預測高速公路旅行時間
★ 以鏈結串列搜尋車輛偵測器遺漏值最佳填補方式★ 應用存活分析法於鋪面坑洞影響因素及使用年限之研究
★ 機車隨機到達情況下紅燈怠速熄火效果之研究★ 雪山隧道行車速率特性分析
★ 應用存活分析法於公路長隧道事故分析之研究★ 需求反應式運輸系統營運模式與績效評估-以復興鄉為例
★ 應用存活分析於市區公車駕駛行為異常之研究★ 市區公車油耗與節能減碳之研究
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摘要(中) 國道高速公路為陸路運輸動脈,交通事故為主要壅塞原因之一,若提升事故處理績效,能減少延誤與降低衍生事故發生風險。故本研究在不增加警力等資源條件下,以警車排程最適化規劃,改善勤務編排與派遣方式,縮短事故到場時間,加速事故處理,達成交通安全與順暢等目的。
摘要(英) Freeways form the primary traffic corridor in Taiwan, and traffic accidents are a major cause of traffic congestion. By increasing the speed of the processes for handling traffic accidents, unexpected delays and the risk of derivational accidents can be reduced. To shorten response time and improve the efficiency of accident processing, this study schedules and allocates police patrols using an optimization method to enhance traffic safety and order.
First, data of all accidents occurring on National Highway No. 1 and No. 3 in 2006 were collected. The accident characteristics, accident responses, and shift scheduling were analyzed using correlation coefficients and ANOVA. Following these analyses, this study determined the following two conclusions: (1) No relationship exists between the response time and accident severity; and (2) a significant and positive quantity relationship exists between shift scheduling and accidents. Additionally, every stage of the accident processing procedure was identified. These data will form the parameters of future research.
Second, through further research, the response time was found to be influenced by three factors, as follows: the accident characteristics, accident response, and shift scheduling, which interact with each other. Achieving optimal scheduling and dispatching under complex factors using only one method is difficult. Therefore, this study employs a two-stage method to solve this problem. The first stage involves creating a chance-constrained optimization model for scheduling by using the minimal patrol units to meet the demands of accident handling. The second stage involves creating a dispatch simulation, which can simulate the operation of a police car under current conditions and evaluate the effectiveness. Additionally, eight patrol patterns, including moving and stationary patterns, are also inputted in the simulation. Indices are established for response time, extra supportive patrol units, extra work hours, and utility.
Third, the Taishan platoon was chosen as the case study. The simulation results led to two conclusions: (1) the optimal patrol schedule occurs at a confidence level of 99 %; and (2) the optimal patrol patterns are achieved by c based on accident frequency and rate. These values are evaluated using a composite index that integrates response time, extra supportive patrol units, extra work hours. Additionally, the correlation coefficients among above three indices are positive and near 1. These results also imply that they follow the same trend. The results of this study can provide a useful reference for other traffic enforcement agencies affected by similar conditions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 到場時間
★ 勤務編排
★ 派遣
★ 模擬
關鍵字(英) ★ simulation
★ response time
★ scheduling
★  dispatching
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究對象與範圍 2
1.4研究內容 3
1.5研究方法與流程 5
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1勤務編排相關文獻 7
2.1.1車輛排程 7
2.1.2人員排班 8
2.1.3隨機性需求擾動 10
2.2勤務派遣相關文獻 14
2.2.1派遣區位與事故前派遣最佳位置 15
2.2.2事故(前)發生時派遣路線與策略 17
2.2.3警力分布與勤務部署 21
2.3事故(件)流程與派遣處理模擬相關文獻 24
2.4文獻評析 27
第三章 高速公路事故特性及事故處理作業分析 29
3.1高速公路事故分布分析 30
3.2事故特性與交通量影響分析 31
3.3事故到場與清除現況分析 39
第四章 警車排程問題因應策略分析 55
4.1警車排程作業分析 55
4.2警車排程問題因應策略 60
第五章 勤務編排模式建構 63
5.1模式構建 63
5.2參數設定 68
5.3模式測試 71
5.4小結 72
第六章 勤務派遣模擬建構 73
6.1現行勤務派遣方式 73
6.2.模擬情境設定 73
6.3模擬架構與流程 74
6.4模擬模組 77
6.5勤務派遣方案研擬 86
6.6模擬視窗介面 87
6.7模擬驗證 91
第七章 實例分析 98
7.1現況分析 98
7.2 勤務編排結果分析 103
7.3績效評估指標 109
7.4勤務派遣模擬績效評估 111
7.5 勤務派遣方案評估 118
7.5.1 到場時間分析 119
7.5.2支援班次分析 126
7.5.3加班時數分析 128
7.5.4 效益分析 131
7.5.5 方案比較分析 133
第八章 結論與建議 136
8.1結論 136
8.2建議 138
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指導教授 吳健生(Jiann-Sheng Wu) 審核日期 2011-8-23
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