博碩士論文 963302030 詳細資訊

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姓名 戴荏國(Jen-kuo Tai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 提升地方政府鄉鎮市層級防救能力之研究-以新竹縣竹北市、竹東鎮、五峰鄉為例
(The research for improving disaster prevention and protection ability of the local authority and township (city) - take Zhu Bei City, Chutung Town and Wufong Township for example)
★ 橋梁混合式隔減震研究★ 高阻尼樓房結構耐震研究
★ 高架橋梁地震資料分析與耐震評估研究★ 地層振動衰減研究
★ 含軌道橋梁耐震研究★ 摩擦單擺支承雙向隔震橋梁耐震研究
★ 樓房用增效式阻尼裝置之振動台試驗★ 延伸LQG設計法則於結構主動控制器設計
★ 應用寬頻網路於結構監測系統之可行性研究★ 安裝增效式阻尼裝置樓房之水平雙向振動台試驗與分析
★ 增效式阻尼裝置之鋼筋混凝土樓房 耐震補強研究★ 結構震後安全即時檢知系統之研究
★ 增效式阻尼裝置應用於樓房耐震之研究★ 具增效式阻尼裝置之鋼筋混凝土樓房地震非線性反應研究
★ 鋼筋混凝土樓房耐震能力評估研究★ 安裝增效式阻尼裝置鋼筋混凝土樓房之非彈性地震反應
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摘要(中) 臺灣特殊環境條件下面臨的天然危害種類繁多,尤其近數十年來在人口數量、土地開發與使用強度等社會環境與生活型態巨大轉變下,整體社會的易致災性與風險也不斷向上攀升,加上全球氣候變遷日益顯著,災害所帶來的衝擊可能較往昔更為巨大。根據研究指出,台灣暴露於三種天然災害之人口與面積比例均為73﹪;暴露於兩種天然災害之人口與面積比例為90﹪~95﹪,皆為世界之冠,可見台灣為高災害潛勢地區,我們沒有重視防災防救的理由。
摘要(英) There are many types of natural disaster in the distinctive environment of Taiwan. Especially, under the tremendous transition of life style and social circumstance in population, land development and use intensity for decades, the society for vulnerability of disaster risk is on the increase obviously with globe climate change which is considerably different day by day. Compared with the impact in the past time, the impact which a disaster brings nowadays probably causes a greater effect. According to the research, the proportion of population and land area of three natural disasters that happened in Taiwan is 73%, and the proportion of population and land area of two natural disasters that happened in Taiwan is 90%~95%, both proportions are first ranking in the world. Therefore, Taiwan is high disaster potential analysis region; it goes without saying that we have to emphasize the important of disaster of prevention and protection.
According to Article 20 of Disaster Prevention and Protection Act, the executive units of municipal, or county(city) disaster prevention and protection council shall draw up regional prevention and protection plan according to the Disaster Prevention and Protection Basic Plan, related disaster prevention and protection operation plans and potential characteristics of regional disasters, seek the authorization from respective disaster prevention and protection councils for implementation and report to the Central Disaster Prevention and Protection Council for reference. Formerly, through the promotion and implement of assisting the municipal, or county/city government to enhance middle disaster prevention and protection plan for three years; moreover, the alliance and cooperation of government, enterprise and higher educations, local government not only applies the work of disaster prevention and protection technology to the primary disaster prevention and protection business, but also raises our disaster prevention and protection ability obviously. The municipal, or county/city regional plan of disaster prevention and protection have been amended to be specific and feasible. However, it is not easy for local government to implement regional disaster prevention and protection result from insufficient disaster prevention and protection specialty, staff and unit of literacy and competence to coordinate, integrate, supervise, and implement related items of disaster prevention and protection. At the same time, as far as Disaster Prevention and Protection Act is concerned, not only the municipal government, or county (city) governments but also township (city) office in disaster prevention and protection system is in charge of disaster prevention procedures, and the investigation shows that the instituion which assist the local government is lack of techniques, experiment and human resource in any aspect relatively. In addition, the competence and mechanism of municipal government in the past is under-performed situation, so that municipal government , county (city) doesn’t consult and enhance township (city) office about the disaster prevention mission and implementation or regional disaster prevention plan draft and execution . Hence, the central regulating authorities, municipal government and county (city) are playing an important role in the execution of disaster prevention and protection in Taiwan. The township (city) office doesn’t actively participate in those related items as a leading role. This make disaster prevention and protection not to proceed at first time, it still needs to depend on the superior government organization’s assistance and logistic support. Consequently, we do the comparison by means of observation field and citation. Then, we hope to find out those related shortcomings and problems, review the operating procedure, and supply policy, furthermore, those can enhance disaster prevention and protection competence of the township (city) office.
關鍵字(中) ★ 防救災體系
★ 鄉鎮市災害防救任務與執行能力
★ 地區災害防救計畫
關鍵字(英) ★ disaster prevention and protection system
★ mission and implementation of township (city) o
★ regional disaster prevention and protection.
論文目次 中文摘要 v
英文摘要 vi
誌謝 viii
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與背景 1
1-2 研究方法 2
1-3 研究架構與步驟 3
1-4 研究目標與預期成果 5
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2-1 資料收集 6
2-2 國內外現行防救災體系、分工與聯合作業機制之比較7
2-2-1 美國現行地方防救災體制分析 7
2-2-2 日本現行地方防救災體制分析 11
2-2-3 台灣現行地方防救災體制分析 15
2-2-4 國內外現行災害防救體系之比較 22
2-3 國內外災害防救法規之比較 24
2-3-1 美國現行災害防救法規 24
2-3-2 日本現行災害防救法規 24
2-3-3 台灣現行災害防救法規 25
2-3-4 國內外防災法規之比較 26
2-4 國內強化地方災害防救政策 27
2-4-1 協助直轄市、縣(市)政府強化地區災害防救計畫3年中程計畫 27
2-4-2 災害防救深耕5年中程計畫 34
2-4-3 深耕5年中程計畫與「3年中程計畫」之比較 51
第三章 鄉鎮市公所災害防救辦公室規劃探討 56
3-1 竹北市、竹東鎮、五峰鄉自然及人口條件與重大災例 56
3-1-1 竹北市概況 56
3-1-2 竹東鎮概況 58
3-1-3 五峰鄉概況 60
3-2 檢視三鄉鎮市現行防救災體系、人員任務分工及應變中心軟硬體設備運作情形 62
3-2-1 現行體系運作及人員分工情形 64
3-2-2 應變中心軟硬體設備運作及防災預算編列概況 68
3-2-3 艾利颱風案例 71
3-2-4 三鄉鎮市目前防救災體系之問題 79
3-3 地方政府災害防救辦公室規劃現況 86
3-3-1 防災人員問卷調查及結果分析 86
3-3-2 縣市政府及鄉鎮市災害防救辦公室現況規劃討論 90
第四章 水災及土石流災害之疏散撤離機制執行探討 96
4-1 水災、土石流災害疏散避難計畫內容探討 98
4-1-1 三鄉鎮市公所水災危險潛勢地區疏散撤離機制分析 98
4-1-2 三鄉鎮市公所土石流防災疏散避難機制分析 108
4-2 以莫拉克風災檢視三鄉鎮市公所疏散避難機制 116
4-2-1 莫拉克風災案例 116
4-2-2 三鄉鎮市水災、土石流災害疏散避難執行面問題討論 119
第五章 結論與建議 143
5-1 結論 143
5-1-1 鄉鎮市公所災害防救辦公室推動專人制度 143
5-1-2 透過縣府及公所溝通協調,務實確立彼此任務分工 143
5-1-3 鄉鎮市公所水災及土石流疏散避難機制細緻化 144
5-1-4 公所應變中心設備應以災情傳遞及撤離安置兩大任務 為第一優先 144
5-1-5 評估現有收容所位置及複合性災害時可容納人數,規劃外地收容所及緊急疏散路線,獎勵自主性疏散撤離,並定期實施演練 145
5-2 建議事項 146
5-2-1 因應人口密集區域,提出減災及應變相關對策 146
5-2-2 持續推動防災社區,並藉由風險觀念之溝通,強化民眾防災熱誠 146
5-2-3 實施跨鄉鎮市實際演練,並結合國軍兵力,形成鄉鎮市互相支援完備救災機制 147
參考文獻 148
附錄一 五峰鄉災害應變中心各防災編組單位任務分工表 150
附錄二 竹東鎮災害應變中心各防災編組單位任務分工表 155
附錄三 竹北市災害應變中心各防災編組單位任務分工表 161
附錄四 新竹縣防救災工作意見調查問卷 165
參考文獻 〔1〕國立中央大學災害防治研究中心,檢視縣府轄內災害防救分工與聯合機制,2009。
指導教授 唐治平、李維森 審核日期 2011-7-26
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