博碩士論文 983204047 詳細資訊

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姓名 李雨純(Yu-Chun Lee)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 製備具核殼結構之均一粒徑次微米球
(Synthesis of monodispersed submicrospheres containing soft shell structure)
★ 快速合成具核殼結構之均ㄧ粒徑次微米球與其表面改質之特性研究★ 高效率染料敏化太陽能電池及製備次模組元件之研究
★ 利用核殼結構次微米球建構具耐溶劑性質及機械性質之光子晶體膜★ 利用次微米球建構具機械性質之光子晶體薄膜
★ 電漿高分子聚合膜對二氧化碳及甲烷氣體之分離性研究★ 同時聚合下製備聚苯乙烯/矽膠高分子混成體
★ 甲基丙烯酸酯系列團聯共聚物為界面活性劑之迷你乳化聚合研究★ 含水溶性藥物之乙基纖維素微膠囊的製備
★ 銅箔基板環氧樹脂含浸液之研究★ 含光敏感單體之甲基丙烯酸酯系列正型光阻之製備
★ 溶膠-凝膠法製備聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 / 二氧化矽混成體之研究★ 均一粒徑無乳化劑次微米粒子之合成及種子溶脹製備均一粒徑微米級之緻密或交聯結構粒子
★ 溶膠-凝膠法製備環氧樹脂/二氧化矽有機無機混成體★ 溶膠-凝膠法製備相轉移材料微膠囊
★ 親疏水性光阻製備★ 奈米多孔性材料之製備
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摘要(中) 本研究乃利用二階段無乳化劑乳化聚合法於沸騰溫度下製備具軟殼結構之均ㄧ粒徑次微米球,將MAA 與St 聚合反應一段時間後,添加BMA單體製備出核殼結構次微米球,分別討論第一階段轉化率、單體添加量、鏈轉移劑的影響以及不同殼層單體的影響,並利用自組裝之方法將其應用於三維光子晶體之組建。
  結果顯示, 在第一階段單體轉化率為80% 時製備之
P(MAA-co-St)/P(St-co-BMA)核殼結構次微米球,其核殼重量比例由0.6 製備至2,經由分析可發現兩個Tg,當BMA 添加量增加,可使殼層高分子之玻璃轉移溫度由56.7℃降至39℃,而添加鏈轉移劑則不使Tg 有所改變,另外藉由添加丙烯酸丁酯(BA)為殼層單體,可使其殼層單體降低至14.9℃,且其粒徑範圍在224-282 nm 之間,Cv 皆小於4%。
摘要(英) Preparation of monodispersed P(MAA-co-St) /P(St-co-BMA) core-shell structure submicrospheres has been developed by two-step soap-free emulsion polymerization at boiling status. MAA and St were polymerized during a period
of time. Then BMA was introduced to the above reaction solution and polymerized. The conversion of the first step, the amount of monomer and chain transfer agent, and kinds of monomers at the second step were discussed. The
application of these monodispersed submicrospheres and dye-doped submicrospheres self-assembled to three dimensional photonic crystals (PCs) also have been discussed.
  The results showed that P(MAA-co-St)/P(St-co-BMA) core/shell submicrospheres were easily prepared when the first step conversion was 80%. The weight ratios of core to shell were 0.6-2.0. There were two Tgs appeared in
the core/shell submicrospheres. The Tg of shell were decreased from 56.7 ℃ to 39 ℃ with increasing the content of BMA monomer. The Tg of shell were kept the same value when the chain transfer agent was introduced. Futhermore, the Tg of shell was decreased to 14.9 ℃ by adding BA monomer. The size and Cv of core/shell submicrospheres were 224-282 nm and less than 4%, respectively.
  When the various sizes of monodispersed submicrospheres were self-assembled by capillarity driven, the structure colors in the whole range of the visible lights were observed. In UV-Vis spectra, the reflection of
self-assembled PCs of submicrospheres and dye-containing submicrospheres with the (111) planes in face-centered cubic (FCC) arrangement to confirm with the theoretical value calculated by Bragg’s law. Moreover, the structure color of dye-containing submicrospheres would be more brightly.
關鍵字(中) ★ 玻璃轉移溫度
★ 光子晶體
★ 均ㄧ粒徑次微米球
★ 無乳化劑乳化聚合
關鍵字(英) ★ Soap-free emulsion polymerization
★ Photonic crystals
★ Monodispersed submicrospheres
★ Glass transition temperature
論文目次 摘要 ........................................................................................................................ I
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ II
謝誌 ..................................................................................................................... IV
目錄 ...................................................................................................................... V
圖目錄 .............................................................................................................. VIII
表目錄 .............................................................................................................. XIV
符號說明 ........................................................................................................... XV
第一章 緒論 ......................................................................................................... 1
1-1 均一粒徑高分子球之簡介與文獻回顧 .................................................... 1
1-2 核殼結構高分子球之簡介與文獻回顧 .................................................... 4
1-3 光子晶體之簡介與文獻回顧 .................................................................... 6
1-4 研究動機及目的 ....................................................................................... 10
第二章 實驗 ....................................................................................................... 11
2-1 實驗藥品 ................................................................................................... 11
2-2 實驗儀器 ................................................................................................... 13
2-3 實驗方法 ................................................................................................... 14
2-3-1 單體精製 ........................................................................................... 14
2-3-2 快速製備具核/殼結構之均ㄧ粒徑次微米球.................................. 14
2-3-2-1 P(St-co-MAA)共聚合之高分子核心 ......................................... 15
2-3-2-2 核/殼結構次微米球之製備 ....................................................... 16
2-3-3 以溶劑導入染料法製備次微米染料球 ........................................... 19
2-3-4 光子晶體之製備 ............................................................................... 20
2-4 儀器分析 ................................................................................................... 20
2-4-1 傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀(FTIR)測試條件 ................................... 20
2-4-2 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)測試條件 ................................................ 20
2-4-3 微差掃描熱分析儀(DSC)測試條件 ................................................ 20
2-4-4 紫外-可見光光譜儀(UV-Vis)測試條件 .......................................... 21
2-4-5 動態粒徑分析儀(DLS)測試條件 .................................................... 21
2-4-6 凝膠滲透色譜儀(GPC)測試條件 ..................................................... 21
第三章 結果與討論 ........................................................................................... 22
3-1 高分子核心之製備 .................................................................................. 23
3-2 二階段法製備表面改質次微米球之研究 .............................................. 35
3-2-1 第一階段不同轉化率下添加BMA 為殼層之研究 ....................... 37
3-2-1-1 表面型態與粒徑分析 ................................................................... 37
3-2-1-2 熱性質分析 .................................................................................... 37
3-2-2 以甲基丙烯酸正丁酯為殼層結構之研究 ....................................... 43
3-2-2-1 表面型態與粒徑分析 ................................................................... 43
3-2-2-2 熱性質分析 .................................................................................... 43
3-2-2-3 分子量分析 .................................................................................... 44
3-2-3 以短鏈甲基丙烯酸正丁酯為殼層結構之研究 ................................ 53
3-2-3-1 表面型態與粒徑分析 ................................................................... 53
3-2-3-2 熱性質分析 .................................................................................... 53
3-2-3-3 分子量分析 .................................................................................... 54
3-2-4 以甲基丙烯酸正丁酯及丙烯酸丁酯為殼層結構之研究................ 62
3-2-4-1 表面型態與粒徑分析 ................................................................... 62
3-2-4-2 熱性質分析 .................................................................................... 62
3-3 次微米球粒徑均ㄧ度之探討 .............................................................. 67
3-4 光子晶體之製備研究與其性質探討 ....................................................... 70
3-4-1 溫度對PS/P(St-co-BMA)之影響及其性質探討 ............................ 70
3-4-2 溫度對不同轉化率下合成之PS/P(St-co-BMA)之影響及其性質探
討 .................................................................................................................. 84
3-4-3 溫度對短鏈殼層之PS/P(St-co-BMA)之影響及其性質探討 ........ 92
3-4-4 溫度對PS/P(St-co-BMA-co-BA)之影響及其性質探討 .............. 103
3-5 以溶劑導入染料法製備次微米染料球之研究 ..................................... 111
第四章 結論 ..................................................................................................... 125
參考文獻 ........................................................................................................... 127
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指導教授 陳暉(Hui-Chen) 審核日期 2011-6-15
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