博碩士論文 983204006 詳細資訊

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姓名 洪慧芳(Hui-Fang Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 氧化鋯奈米粒子在聚甲基丙烯酸酯薄膜分散、聚集及偏析行為
(Dispersion, Aggregation and Segregation Behaviors of Zirconia Nanoaprticles within Poly(methyl methacrylate) Thin Films)
★ 利用高分子模版製備具有表面增強拉曼訊號之奈米銀陣列基板★ 溶劑退火法調控雙團鏈共聚物薄膜梯田狀表面浮凸物與奈米微結構
★ 新穎硬桿-柔軟雙嵌段共聚物與高分子混摻之介觀形貌★ 超分子側鏈型液晶團鏈共聚物自組裝薄膜
★ 利用溶劑退火法調控雙團鏈共聚物奈米薄膜之自組裝結構★ 溶劑退火誘導聚苯乙烯聚4-乙烯吡啶薄膜不穩定性現象之研究
★ 光化學法調控嵌段共聚物有序奈米結構薄膜及其模板之應用★ 製備具可調控孔洞大小的奈米結構碳材用於增強拉曼效應之研究
★ 結合嵌段共聚物自組裝及微乳化法製備三維侷限多層級結構★ 嵌段共聚物/多巴胺混摻體自組裝製備三維多尺度孔隙模板
★ 弱分離嵌段共聚物與均聚物雙元混合物在薄膜中的相行為★ 摻雜效應對聚(3,4-乙烯二氧噻吩):聚苯乙烯磺酸紫外光照-導電度刺激響應之影響與其應用
★ 可撓式聚(3,4-乙烯二氧噻吩):聚苯乙烯磺酸熱電裝置研究:微結構調控增進熱電性質★ 由嵌段共聚物膠束模板化的多層級孔洞碳材: 從膠束(微胞)組裝到電化學應用
★ 聚苯乙烯聚4-乙烯吡啶共聚物微胞薄膜之聚變與裂變動態結構演化之研究★ 除潤現象誘導非對稱型團鏈共聚物薄膜之層級結構
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摘要(中) 本研究探討表面接枝不同鏈段長度的羧酸氧化鋯奈米粒子於不同分子量聚甲基丙烯酸酯薄膜(PMMA)中的分散、聚集及偏析行為,依據碳鏈長短,所使用的羧酸有甲基丙烯酸(Methacrylic acid, MA)、丁酸(Butyric acid, BA)、亞麻油酸(Linoleic aicd, LOA)三種接枝鏈。同時也改變聚甲基丙烯酸酯分子量,進而探討這三種接枝鏈段影響氧化鋯奈米粒子在聚甲基丙烯酸酯聚集行為之熱力學機制。
接枝相異鏈段的氧化鋯粒子與均聚物甲基丙烯酸酯之間有不同的相容性,其中接枝鏈段為甲基丙烯酸和丁酸與甲基丙烯酸酯的相容性較佳,相對的,接枝鏈段為亞麻油酸的氧化鋯粒子其相容性最差,因為亞麻油酸的接枝鏈段與均聚物甲基丙烯酸酯之間不相互容,使得氧化鋯粒子彼此聚集成團聚物,此三種相容性差異造成MA-ZrO2 及BA-ZrO2在PMMA高分子中以團聚物的形式分散及LOA-ZrO2 在PMMA高分子中呈現團聚物聚集的形式。
藉由熱回火處理,接枝不同鏈段種類的氧化鋯粒子會聚集成不同尺寸的團聚物,團聚物的種類上有線狀、圓盤狀以及趨近於球狀等結構。然而相容性最差的LOA-ZrO2 不僅會聚集成大尺寸的圓盤狀團聚物,在熱回火過程還會形成奈米尺度的內連結圓盤狀聚集結構,同時也形成微米尺度的非潤濕結構,此時LOA-ZrO2會偏析至薄膜高低起伏的邊緣處聚集,降低PMMA鏈段的伸展熵,這是接枝亞麻油酸鏈段的氧化鋯粒子較為特殊的現象。
摘要(英) In this work, I investigated organic-inorganic thin films of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) homopolymers of three molecular weights (MWs, Mn =17, 45 and 105 kg/mol) hybridized with zirconia nanoparticles (ZrO2 NPs). Prior to mixing with PMMA, the ZrO2 NPs were surface-modified by grafting a layer of various carboxylic acids (methacrylic acid, butyric acid and linoleic acid). For brevity, the surface-modified ZrO2 NPs were designated as MA-ZrO2, BA-ZrO2 and LOA-ZrO2. In the following context, I systematically studied the dispersion, aggregation and segregation behaviors of surface-modified ZrO2 NPs within the PMMA thin films.
The dispersion, aggregation and segregation behaviors of carboxylic acid-grafted ZrO2 NPs within PMMA homopolymers depend on the enthalpic effect. According to the solubility parameters, I proposed that the MA or BA dispersants are miscible with PMMA whereas LOA is immiscible with PMMA. The former cases revealed the dispersion of small MA- and BA-ZrO2 clusters within PMMA homopolymers whereas the latter case was found to form large aggregates. The formation of the large aggregates is ascribed to reducing the unfavorable contacts between LOA-ZrO2 NPs and PMMA chains. Additionally, the ZrO2 NPs with surface grafted by a layer of LOA were found to preferentially segregate to the boundaries of cracks within the LOA-ZrO2/PMMA films. As a result, the conformational entropy loss associated with stretching of PMMA chains could be minimized.
Moreover, LOA has the lowest surface energy. It is likely that LOA-ZrO2 nanoparticles preferentially aggregate to the free surface of poly (methyl methacrylate) thin films when thermal-annealing were implemented at a high temperature far above the glass transition temperature of PMMA. As a result, the thermal-annealed LOA-ZrO2/PMMA thin films revealed a morphology of dewetting. By contrast, the thin films of MA-ZrO2/PMMA and those of BA-ZrO2/PMMA still revealed homogeneous in thickness (i.e., fully wetting) on substrates.
關鍵字(中) ★ 偏析
★ 聚集
★ 分散
★ 聚甲基丙烯酸
★ 氧化鋯
關鍵字(英) ★ dispersion
★ Poly(methyl methacrylate)
★ Zirconia Nanoaprticles
★ aggregation
★ segregation
論文目次 摘要......................................................I
第一章 緒論.............................................1
第二章 簡介...............................................3
2-1 有機-無機奈米複合材料.................................3
2-2 應用..................................................6
2-2-1 自癒材料............................................6
2-2-2 化學氣體感應元件....................................7
2-2-3 有機-無機混層太陽能電池元件.........................8
2-2-4 LED封裝材料........................................10
2-2-5 抑制高分子薄膜非潤濕行為...........................11
2-3 無機奈米粒子於有機高分子中之分散行為.................13
2-3-1 奈米粒子的分散-尺寸效應............................13
2-3-2 接枝鏈-奈米粒子分散................................18
2-4 奈米粒子於均聚物中之聚集行為.........................20
2-4-1 系統熵之調控.......................................20
2-4-2 團聚物分散或偏析行為-尺寸及鏈長效應................24
2-5 奈米粒子於均聚物中之偏析行為.........................26
2-5-1 偏析行為之焓調控...................................26
2-5-2 偏析行為之熵、焓調控...............................27
2-5-3 奈米粒子雙嵌段共聚物的微相分離奈米結構之偏析行為...30
第三章 研究動機..........................................35
第四章 實驗部份..........................................36
4-1 實驗藥品與基材 .......................................36
4-2 實驗儀器.............................................39
4-3 實驗方法.............................................40
4-3-1 基材清洗...........................................40
4-3-2 均聚物PMMA高分子混摻羧酸改質氧化鋯奈米粒子的薄膜製備.......................................................40
4-3-3 穿透式電子顯微鏡試片製備...........................41
4-4 儀器分析.............................................42
4-4-1 光學顯微鏡.........................................42
2-4-2 穿透式電子顯微鏡...................................44
4-4-3 高解析X光反射儀....................................45
4-4-4 掠角式小角度X光散射................................48
第五章 實驗結果與討論....................................54
5-1 聚甲基丙烯酸酯均聚物(PMMA)及表面接枝羧酸氧化鋯粒子之團聚物尺寸探討.............................................54
5-1-1 聚甲基丙烯酸酯均聚物(PMMA)之盤旋半徑...............54
5-1-2 表面接枝羧酸氧化鋯粒子之尺寸探討...................56
5-2 接枝鏈與均聚物之相容性...............................60
5-3 氧化鋯奈米粒子於聚甲基丙烯酸酯薄膜之分布情形.........61
5-3-1 甲基丙烯酸-氧化鋯於聚甲基丙烯酸酯薄膜之分佈情形....61
5-3-2 丁酸-氧化鋯於聚甲基丙烯酸酯薄膜之分佈情形..........65
5-3-3 亞麻油酸-氧化鋯於聚甲基丙烯酸酯薄膜之分佈情形......68
5-3-4 偏析現象之探討.....................................71
5-4 氧化鋯團聚物尺寸及結構之探討.........................73
5-4-1 甲基丙烯酸-氧化鋯於聚甲基丙烯酸酯薄膜之結構探討....73
5-4-2 丁酸-氧化鋯於聚甲基丙烯酸酯薄膜之結構探討..........75
5-4-3 亞麻油酸-氧化鋯於聚甲基丙烯酸酯薄膜之結構探討......77
5-5 薄膜穩定性...........................................80
5-6 自由能效應...........................................88
5-6-1 系統焓之效應.......................................88
5-6-2 系統熵之效應.......................................89
第六章 結論..............................................91
第七章 參考文獻..........................................93
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指導教授 孫亞賢(Ya-Sen Sun) 審核日期 2011-7-19
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