博碩士論文 953403041 詳細資訊

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姓名 許哲瑋(Che-wei Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 恆溫蒸發熔煉鑄造製程合成鎂基介金屬化合物及其氫化特性之研究
(Study on hydrogenation properties of Mg-based intermetallic compounds produced by Isothermal Evaporation Casting Process)
★ 非破壞性探討安定化熱處理對Al-7Mg鍛造合金微結構、機械與腐蝕性質之影響★ 非破壞性探討安定化熱處理對Al-10Mg鍛造合金微結構、機械與腐蝕性質之影響
★ 冷加工與熱處理對AA7055鍛造型鋁合金微結構與機械性質的影響★ 冷抽量對AA7055(Al-Zn-Mg-Cu)-T6態合金腐蝕性質和微結構之影響
★ 熱力微照射製作絕緣層矽晶材料之研究★ 分流擠型和微量Sc對Al-5.6Mg-0.7Mn合金微結構及熱加工性之影響
★ 銀對於鎂鎳儲氫合金吸放氫及電化學性質之研究★ 氧化物催化劑對亞共晶Mg-Ni合金之儲放氫特性研究
★ 熱處理對7050鋁合金應力腐蝕與含鈧鋁薄膜特性之影響研究★ Ti-V-Cr與Mg-Co基BCC儲氫合金性質研究
★ 鋰-鋁基及鋰-氮基複合儲氫材料之製程開發及研究★ 銅、鎂含量與熱處理對Al-14.5Si-Cu-Mg合金拉伸、熱穩定與磨耗性質之影響
★ 無電鍍鎳多壁奈米碳管對Mg-23.5wt.%Ni共晶合金儲放氫特性之影響★ 微量Sc對A356鑄造鋁合金機械性質之影響
★ 熱處理對車用鋁合金材料熱穩定性與表面性質之影響★ 鍶改良劑、旋壓成型及熱處理對A356鋁合金磨耗腐蝕性質之影響
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摘要(中) 鎂基儲氫合金因具有儲氫量高、質量輕、原料成本低廉之優點而被視為相當有潛力之儲氫合金系統,但由於鎂蒸氣壓大,且鎂(649℃)與在儲氫應用上所需搭配之元素如鎳(1455℃)、銅(1085℃)等元素其熔點差異甚大,因此傳統熔煉法無法成功熔配出大量高純度鎂基儲氫合金,如Mg2Ni、Mg2Cu等合金。因此本研究重點在於開發恆溫蒸發熔煉鑄造製程,進行鎂基介金屬化合物量產製程開發,於800℃下進行鎂與鎳熔湯攪拌,使其形成均質鎂鎳熔湯,其後進行降溫至兩相區持溫,持溫過程因鎂蒸氣壓高之特性,使其自行蒸發,導致液相組成往富鎳方向偏移,其後提高溫度至720℃,加速其蒸發速率,最後達到Mg2Ni包晶反應線,僅殘留均質Mg2Ni固體。所生產之Mg2Ni合金經由XRD與ICP分析,確認為高純度Mg2Ni合金。其後粉碎並過篩所生產之Mg2Ni塊材,進行不同初始粒徑對活化性質之測試,而其充分氫化後之Mg2Ni合金於300℃下可達3.58wt.%之儲放氫量,接近其理論值3.6wt.%,並施以極限吸放氫循環測試發現Mg2Ni合金吸氫極限溫度約在140℃時仍可吸收3wt.%之氫氣,而放氫極限溫度約為217℃,尚有0.55wt.%之放氫量。
摘要(英) Mg-based hydrogen storage alloys are attractive materials for hydrogen storage because due to their high hydrogen storage capacity, light density and low cost. Unfortunately, most studies indicate that it is difficult to produce Mg2Ni alloy with the accurately desirable composition by conventional melting methods because of the large differences in melting points and vapor pressures between Mg(649℃)and Ni(1455℃). Therefore, an innovative method, Isothermal Evaporation Casting Process (IECP), is developed to produce Mg2Ni alloy for mass production in this study. In the past, high vapor pressure of Mg was considered as a disadvantage for producing pure Mg2Ni alloy. However, this characteristic was used to develop a refinement procedure to separate primary Mg2Ni alloy from Mg/Mg2Ni eutectic matrix. Characteristics of as-cast specimens measured by X-ray diffraction (XRD), inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) and electron probe X-ray microanalyzer (EPMA) reveal that mass production of Mg2Ni alloy was successfully fabricated by IECP.
A series experiments in hydrogenation properties of as-prepared Mg2Ni are also investigated. It is found that he well-activated Mg2Ni alloy achieves 3.58wt.% at 300℃ corresponding to the theoretical hydrogen storage capacity of Mg2NiH4 hydride. In addition, to research the modification of ternary Mg-Ni based alloys, the Mg2Cu1-xNix (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0) alloys are also fabricated by IECP. The XRD analysis results showed that the cell volume decreases with increasing Ni concentration, and crystal structure transforms Mg2Cu with face-centered-orthorhombic into Ni-containing alloys with hexagonal structure. The Ni-substitution effects on the hydriding reaction indicated that absorption kinetics and hydrogen storage capacity increase in proportion to the concentration of the substitutional Ni. The activated Mg2Cu and Mg2Ni alloys absorbed 2.54 and 3.58 wt% H, respectively, at 300 ℃ under 50 atm H2. After a combined high temperature and pressure activation cycle, the charged samples were composed of MgH2, MgCu2 and Mg2NiH4 while the discharged samples contained ternary alloys of Mg-Cu-Ni system with the helpful effect of rising the desorption plateau pressures compared with binary Mg-Cu and Mg-Ni alloys.
The model of constriction phenomenon induced by 3rd additives is proposed to explain that the hydrogen diffusion process may have on the lattice expansion behavior, as opposed to that of the reactions taking place on the solute atom and multi-hydrides, is an important factor to consider in determining the kinetic parameters of hydrogen movement in metal lattice. Following this model, the correlation of the plateau in PCI and the microstructure of hydrogen storage alloy may be identified clearly.
Finally, this study demonstrated the feasibility of a novel Mg vapor deposition treatment on Ni foam to synthesize a Ni-Mg texture-like structure as a new type of hydrogen absorber. Energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) yielded an estimative value of the weight percent ratio of Ni and Mg of 71.8 and 20.5 in as-prepared Ni-Mg texture-like structure. The microstructural changes were also characterized by XRD and the formed hydride tetragonal-MgH2 was confirmed. The unique combination of large surface area of catalyst (Ni) and hydrogen acceptor (Mg) reduced the hydrogenation and dehydrogenation temperatures and performed the capability of reversible hydrogen storage capacity up to 0.72 wt.% H2 at 25℃. Ni-Mg texture-like structure achieved significant hydriding-dehydriding performances at lower temperature than traditional Mg-based hydrogen storage alloys. A possible hydrogen storage mechanism was also discussed where the catalytic Ni foam with large surface area was shown to be a vital factor in improving hydriding and dehydriding kinetics.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鎂基介金屬
★ 金屬氫化物
★ 儲氫合金
★ 恆溫蒸發熔煉鑄造製程
關鍵字(英) ★ Mg-based intermetallic compound
★ metal hydride
★ Hydrogen storage alloys
★ Isothermal Evaporation Casting Process
論文目次 中文摘要-------------------------------------------------------------------------i
Figure List----------------------------------------------------------------------vii
Table List-----------------------------------------------------------------------x
Chapter 1 Introduction and motivation--------------------------------------------1
1.1 Background-------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 Motivation-------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.3 Overview of this study-------------------------------------------------------3
Chapter 2 Background of hydrogen storage alloys----------------------------------4
2.1 Introduction on hydrogen storage alloys----------------------------------4
2.2 Production methods and hydrogen storage properties of Mg-Ni alloy--------9
Chapter 3 Experimental procedures-----------------------------------------------18
3.1 The concept of Isothermal Evaporation Casting Process (IECP)-------18
3.2 Preparation procedure of Mg-based intermetallic compounds------------21
3.3 Mg vapor deposition treatment derived from IECP-------------------------23
3.4 Analysis methods and instrumentations-----------------------------------25
Chapter 4 Results and discussions-----------------------------------------------27
4.1 Observations of Mg2X(X=Ni, Cu, Si and Sn)-------------------------------27
4.1.1 Macrostructure of as-prepared Mg2X(X=Ni, Cu, Si and Sn)-----------27
4.1.2 XRD and ICP examinations of Mg2X(X=Ni, Cu, Si and Sn)--------------28
4.1.3 Pre-hydrogenation test of Mg2X(X=Ni, Cu, Si and Sn)--------------31
4.1.4 Microstructure of Mg2Ni alloy ------------------------------------ 35
4.2 Hydrogenation properties of Mg2Ni---------------------------------------37
4.2.1 Effects of initial particle sizes on activation property of Mg2N---37
4.2.2 The kinetics and PCI properties of the Mg2Ni alloy----------------44
4.2.3 The utmost reaction temperature tests of the Mg2Ni alloy----------47
4.3 Effect of Cu on hydrogenation properties of Mg2Ni-----------------------56
4.3.1 Structure identification of as-cast ternary Mg-Cu-Ni-------------56
4.3.2 The kinetic and PCI properties of the well-activated Mg-Cu-Ni---58
4.3.3 Model of Constriction phenomenon induced by 3rd additives--------65
4.4 Ni-Mg texture-like structure hydrogen absorber--------------------------73
4.4.1 Morphological characterization of Ni-Mg TLS------------------------73
4.4.2 Hydrogen absorption and desorption properties of Ni-Mg TLS---------75
4.4.3 Hydrogen storage mechanism of Ni-Mg TLS----------------------------77
Chapter 5 Conclusions and future works------------------------------------------79
5.1 General conclusions---------------------------------------------------------79
5.2 Suggested future works--------------------------------------------------82
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指導教授 李勝隆(Sheng-long Lee) 審核日期 2011-9-22
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