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姓名 羅翊戩(Yi-Chien Lo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 高功率LED 照明之二次光學設計效率的研究
(The study of optical efficiency for secondary optical design for high-power LED lighting)
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摘要(中) 本論文主要探討發光二極體應用照明燈具上之光學效率及光學有效利用率之分析,並且於不同設計中考慮其他要求的光學品質之變化。首先,在探討準直光系統中,我們發現晶片尺寸以及二階光學機構大小對於光學效率及光學有效利用率有極大的影響。而具截止線之燈具中,發散角越小的區域攔截到的能量越多,法規面上強點與光學有效利用率將被提升。而散光形設計,雙反射式具微結構之設計不但可以得到柔和之光形且眩光值較低;而全反射式透鏡將有利於路燈這類需要大面積之照明,其可滿足北美法規之之均勻度要求。
摘要(英) In this dissertation, we discuss the optical efficiency and optical utilization factor about the lighting application which based on high power LEDs. Afterwards, we also discuss the variation about other optical requirements in each different case. First, we find out the optical efficiency and optical utilization factor depend on the chip size and the structure size of the optical module in the collimator system. Then, we discuss the optical module with high contrast. The intercepted energy in the area with small extended angle become relatively higher, the optical utilization factor and the illuminance of the hot spot in the regulation plane become higher as well. In the wide-angle design, the double-reflector module with multi-segment not only gives a smoothing pattern, but also prevents the glare effect. At last, we introduce a wide-angle lens. It can meet the uniformity of the regulation by IESNA.
關鍵字(中) ★ 光學有效利用率
★ 發光二極體
★ 二次光學設計
★ 光學效率
關鍵字(英) ★ LED
★ Optical design
★ Optical efficiency
★ Optical utilization factor
論文目次 目錄
第一章 緒論......................................................................................1
1.1 照明發展史.................................................................................................1
1.3 LED燈具....................................................................................................7
1.4 論文大綱.....................................................................................................9
第二章 基本原理............................................................................10
2.1 光度學........................................................................................................10
2.2 中場擬合法...............................................................................................14
第三章 二次光學機構尺寸對光學效率及有效利用率之影響...17
3.1 研究動機...................................................................................................17
3.3 二次光學機構大小對於光學效率及光學有效利用率之分析..............22
第四章 具截止線聚光型燈具之光學效率及光學有效利用率之分析........................................................................................36
4.1 簡介...........................................................................................................36
4.2 LED下打式自行車燈的光學有效利用率之分析..................................37
第五章 散光型燈具之光學效率及光學有效利用率之分析.......55
5.1 簡介...........................................................................................................55
5.2 具微結構LED散光形反射燈具之光學效率與眩光值之分析.............55
5.3 全反射式透鏡之路燈設計與有效利用率之分析..................................66
第六章 結論...................................................................................75
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指導教授 孫慶成(Ching-Cherng Sun) 審核日期 2011-11-6
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