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姓名 游承書(Cheng-Shu You)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 數學系
論文名稱 高階投影法求解那維爾-史托克方程組
(High-order projection methods for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations)
★ 遲滯型細胞神經網路似駝峰行進波之研究★ 穩態不可壓縮那維爾-史托克問題的最小平方有限元素法之片狀線性數值解
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★ 兩種迭代最小平方有限元素法求解不可壓縮那維爾-史托克方程組之研究★ 非線性耦合動力網路的同步現象分析
★ 邊界層和內部層問題的穩定化有限元素法★ 數種不連續有限元素法求解對流佔優問題之數值研究
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摘要(中) 本文主要研究投影法中的高階緊緻有限差分在非交錯網格下的空間離散方法求解非靜態不可壓縮的納維爾-史托克方程組。首先我們給定時間變數的半離散的格式,再經由投影技巧將該問題分割成兩個子問題,其中我們先求解反應-擴散方程從而得到一個中間速度場,接著將它投影到零散度空間進而取得下一個時間步的速度及壓力。對於子問題的空間變數離散,我們使用四階的緊緻有限差分法在非交錯網格下求其差分近似解。我們提供兩個數值實例來驗證此方法的精確度,包含具有正確解的流場問題和凹槽驅動流場問題。經由數值實驗結果觀察,我們確認此種高階投影法能夠取得合理的精確度。
摘要(英) In this thesis, we study the high-order compact difference schemes for spatial discretization on non-staggered grids in the projection methods for solving the unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. We first give a semi-discretization in time for the transient problem and then split the semi-discrete formulation into sub-problems by using the projection techniques, where we solve a reaction-diffusion equation to yield the intermediate velocity field and then project it onto the space of divergence-free vector fields to obtain the velocity and pressure at next time level. For the treatment of the spatial discretization of the sub-problems arising in the projection methods, we employ the high-order compact difference schemes of fourth-order accuracy on non-staggered grids. Two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed high-order projection methods, including the exact forced flow problem and the lid driven cavity flow problem. From the numerical results, we may observe that the proposed high-order projection methods can achieve a reasonable accuracy.
關鍵字(中) ★ 高階緊緻差分法
★ 有限差分法
★ 投影法
★ 不可壓縮那維爾-史托克方程組
關鍵字(英) ★ projection method
★ high-order compact difference scheme
★ incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
★ finite difference scheme
論文目次 中文摘要 ..... i
英文摘要 ..... ii
Contents ..... iii
Abstract ..... 1
1 Introduction and problem formulation ..... 2
2 Time discretization by the projection methods ..... 4
3 Spatial discretization by the high-order difference schemes ..... 8
4 Numerical experiments ..... 12
5 Conclusions and future work ..... 17
Appendix A ..... 18
References ..... 19
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指導教授 楊肅煜(Suh-Yuh Yang) 審核日期 2011-7-13
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