博碩士論文 985203042 詳細資訊

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姓名 吳秉懋(Bing-Mao Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 感知無線電接取網路之頻譜挑選策略研究
(Study of Spectrum Selection Policy in Cognitive Radio Access Network)
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摘要(中) 感知無線電設計的主要目的為增進頻譜的使用效率,因此如何有效挑選通道,便成為一個很重要的議題。一些相關研究提出了不同的方法,有依據通道剩餘時間、考量偵測錯誤機率、碰撞機率等方式,達到更好的頻譜使用率。但是這些已提出的方法卻沒有考慮到通道狀況的影響,Secondary User(SU) 的傳輸速率會受到通道狀況很大的影響,例如距離、多重路徑、遮蔽衰落等狀況。因此本論文將通道狀況納入考量,提出一個有系統的通道挑選方法。
本論文中, Fusion Center(FC) 被賦予收集 SU 偵測的資訊,藉由 FC所收集的資訊挑選適合 SU 的通道,在此提出兩類的挑選策略,集中式與分散式挑選策略。集中式挑選策略中,又分成兩種方法,考慮最大化個人傳輸速率與考慮系統吞吐量。分散式有三種通道選擇策略,包括無預先換手機制、考慮 PU 將出現之剩餘時間的預先換手機制,和考慮 PU 出現前是否能傳送完 Buffer 內資料的預先換手機制。藉由模擬結果顯示,所提出的方法皆比隨機挑選方法有更好的傳輸效能。
摘要(英) The purpose of Cognitive Radio (CR) technology is to improve the spectrum utilization. Several literatures proposed different approaches, which include the spectrum sensing, detection of the appearance of primary user (PU), collision detection, the channel selection, etc., to improve CR performance. Among them, the effective channel selection is more important if there are many secondary users (SU) that contend limited spectrum holes. Furthermore, as the SU may have different channel condition in each channel and this issue shall also be carefully considered during channel selection for better transmission performance. Thus, the transmission rates of SUs will be greatly affected due to their channel condition, which may be caused by the environment distance, multipath, fading and so on. This thesis proposes a systematic method for channel selection by taking the channel condition into consideration.
In this thesis, the Fusion Center (FC) is equipped to collect information sensed by SUs. The proposed schemes assist SU to choose the appropriate channel by applying the collected information by FU. Both of the centralized and distributed channel selection strategies are proposed. The centralized channel selection strategy is further divided into two approaches: One is based on the maximization of individual transmission rate; and the other considers the maximization of system throughput. The distributed approach has three options for channel selection, including handoff scheme, pre-handoff scheme with the remaining time to the appearance of PU and pre-handoff scheme with the remaining time to clear the buffer before the appearance of PU. The experimental results show that the proposed methods present better performance when compare to that of the random selection scheme.
關鍵字(中) ★ 感知無線電
★ 頻譜挑選
★ 頻譜換手
★ 預先換手
關鍵字(英) ★ Pre-Handoff Scheme
★ Channel Selection
★ Cognitive Radio
★ Spectrum Handoff
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 - 1 -
1-1 研究背景 - 1 -
1-2 研究動機與目的 - 2 -
1-3 章節概要 - 4 -
第二章 相關研究背景 - 5 -
2-1 感知無線電基本介紹 - 5 -
2-2 頻譜偵測 - 7 -
2-3 頻譜管理 - 9 -
2-4 頻譜換手 - 12 -
2-5 頻譜共享 - 15 -
2-6 相關文獻探討 - 17 -
第三章 研究方法 - 20 -
3-1 系統架構 - 20 -
3-2 集中式 - 22 -
3-2-1 SU最大傳輸速率 - 24 -
3-2-2 系統最大Throughput - 25 -
3-3 分散式 - 25 -
3-3-1 分散式挑選通道方式 - 29 -
3-3-2 預估剩餘時間 - 29 -
3-3-3 預先換手 - 29 -
3-3-3-1 考慮 PU 出現之剩餘時間 - 32 -
3-3-3-2 考慮 PU 出現前是否能傳送完 Buffer 內資料 - 33 -
第四章 模擬結果與討論 - 34 -
4-1 模擬環境 - 34 -
4-2 SU數量的影響 - 36 -
4-3 Mean of PU’s Sleep Time 的影響 - 45 -
4-4 Interval of Broadcast的影響 - 49 -
4-5 Duration Time of Pre-Handoff的影響 - 53 -
4-6 預估剩餘時間參數α的影響 - 54 -
4-7 公平性之探討 - 56 -
第五章 結論與未來研究 - 58 -
參考資料 - 60 -
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指導教授 陳彥文(Yen-Wen Chen) 審核日期 2011-7-26
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