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姓名 方麗玉(Li -yu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所在職專班
論文名稱 國內企業導入人力資源管理資訊系統之研究
(A study on the Domestic enterprises utilize Human Resources Management Information System.)
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摘要(中) 人力資源管理資訊系統(Human Resource Information System;HRIS)主要功能在於利用電腦科技來進行人力資源管理活動的資料收集、存取及彙整。實際上資訊科技不僅深深影響人類的生活,也對企業的運作與管理方式產生重大影響,甚至成為提升組織競爭力的重要手段。過去國內有關HRIS的研究對象多以大型企業為主,且多針對整個HRIS系統進行探討,本研究將人力資源管理資訊系統分為五大子系統,包含:人力資源規劃、招募甄選、績效管理、訓練與發展、及人事薪資管理等子系統,分別探討台灣企業在各子系統的建置現況與未來的建置規劃,並探討目前台灣企業所使用的HRIS系統支援之作業層次為何?而哪些關鍵因素會影響企業建置HRIS,建置HRIS又可以為企業帶來哪些效益?
* 五大子系統中以人事薪資管理子系統已建置比例最高,人力資源規劃子系統已建置比例最低。除了績效管理子系統與訓練發展子系統以公司自行開發的比例最高外,其餘三大子系統皆以套裝軟體建置方式的比例為最高。
* 以電腦化層級的分類來看,在EDP層級中員工基本資料登錄與發薪作業的電腦化程度最高,員工生涯意向登錄的比例最低;在MIS層級中出缺勤統計分析的電腦化程度最高,部門生產力分析的比例最低;在DSS層級中薪資調整模擬電腦化程度最高,而訓練發展決策模擬比例最低。
* 企業成立年數不同與員工人數不同,其建置績效管理子系統與訓練發展子系統的情形也會有不同;企業資本額不同與分支機構數不同,訓練發展子系統的建置情形也會有差異;產業別不同,各子系統之建置情形並不會不同。
* 人力資源規劃子系統未來建置方式以採購套裝軟體方式建構,其預算以91萬元以上之比例為最高;其餘子系統皆以採購套裝軟體的費用在30萬元以下之比例為最高。
* 建置HRIS的重要影響因素為:「高階主管的支持程度」、「系統所提供資訊正確性的程度」、「資訊管理部門的支援程度」。
* HRIS系統建置效益:在人力資源管理效能因素中以「改善人力資源活動的作業效率」的效益為最大;在公司效益部分,「增加生產品質」與「提升公司整體形象」的效益較高。
* 企業建置HRIS系統的效益認知僅在「人力資源管理效能」構面,會因企業員工人數而有差異。
摘要(英) Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) utilize computer technology to perform Human Resource Management activities, and those activities include: data collection, data access, and data management. In today’s world, technology not only affects the lives of human beings, but it also affects business processes and business management tremendously. Furthermore, technology helps a corporation to gain a competitive edge. In the past, research on HRIS focused on large businesses, and on the HRIS system as a whole. This research focuses on current and future HRIS development planning, as well as researching how HRIS apply to different business processes. It has found HRIS to support five main functions; these functions include human resource planning systems, recruiting systems, performance management systems, training and development systems, and payroll management systems. Furthermore, my research explores key influences affecting the development of HRIS and what contributions the development of HRIS will bring to the business.
The samples of this research came from the human resource management department personnel of 106 domestic enterprises. The results are as follows:
* Within the 5 subsystems, payroll management systems are the most highly-developed in comparison to the others, while human resource planning systems are the least developed. Aside from performance management systems and training development systems, which are mostly developed internally, the rest of the systems are generally supported by off-the-shelf software packages.
* The HRIS Systems are separated into 3 levels, namely, Electronic Data Processing (EDP), Management Information Systems (MIS) and Decision Support Systems (DSS). In the EDP level, basic personnel information and payroll management have been the most highly-computerized, while career intentions for personnel has been the least computerized. In the MIS level, attendance evaluation is the most highly-computerized, while departmental productivity analysis is the least computerized. In the DSS level, compensation simulation is the most highly-computerized, while training development decision simulation systems are the least computerized.
* How long the company has been operating and how many employees are in the company are criteria for developing performance management systems and training development systems. The capital invested in the company and the number of branches within the company are criteria for developing training development systems. Finally, the type of industry does not affect the development of the HRIS subsystems.
* Development of Human Resource Planning systems will utilize off-the-shelf software packages; the majority of companies budget above NTD91,000 for Human Resource Planning systems. The other systems will also utilize off-the-shelf software packages, and the majority of companies budget below NTD30,000 for these systems.
* HRIS development is affected by many factors. The 3 most important are: 1.) Support from top-level executives, 2.) Accuracy of the data in Information Systems, and 3.) Support from the MIS department.
* The advantages of developing HRIS are as follows: First, in Human Resource Management, HRIS improves human resource activity efficiency. This is the most important contribution of HRIS. Second, for the company, it improves the quality of products produced by the company and improves the company image.
* The benefits of enterprise to build HRIS system only focus on "Human resources management efficiency "dimension. However, this mindset is different based on the number of employees of a company.
關鍵字(中) ★ HRIS
★ e-HR系統
★ 人力資源資訊系統
★ 人力資源管理資訊系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Human Resource Information System
★ e-HR Syst
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝辭 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章、 緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景 1
第二節、 研究動機 2
第三節、 研究目的 3
第二章、 文獻探討 5
第一節、 人力資源管理的定義與分類 5
第二節、 人力資源管理資訊系統 6
第三節、 HRIS應用實證研究 9
第四節、 HRIS建置方式 14
第五節、 建置與規劃HRIS系統的影響因素 17
第六節、 導入HRIS系統的績效評估指標 17
第三章、 研究方法 20
第一節、 研究流程 20
第二節、 研究設計 21
第三節、 資料分析 22
第四章、 研究結果分析與討論 24
第一節、 樣本特性分析 24
第二節、 實施HRIS之現況分析 27
第三節、 未來實施HRIS之規劃分析 52
第四節、 影響HRIS電腦化因素之研究結果 58
第五節、 HRIS電腦化效益之研究結果 60
第五章、 結論及建議 67
第一節、 研究結論與建議 67
第二節、 研究限制 69
第三節、 後續研究建議 69
參考文獻 71
附錄:HRIS子系統問卷 74
參考文獻 一、中文部分
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指導教授 黃同圳(T. C. Huang) 審核日期 2011-7-5
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