姓名 |
曹根禎(Ken-Chen Tsao)
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工業管理研究所在職專班 |
論文名稱 |
知識型工作作業流程切割設站原則與方式-以電路板維修產業為例 (The method and the principle of cutting Knowledge-based work processes - for example in circuit board repair industry)
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摘要(中) |
摘要(英) |
Knowledge economy is the major economic growth sectors in the economic development in recent years, and how to manage knowledge becomes a major research topic. The past studies show that selection, education, assignment and retaining for knowledge workers is the key success factors of knowledge management. Many companies and countries consider attracting the best talent of the world is the most important goal to develop the competitiveness but training knowledge workers needs to spend a lot of resources .However, there exists the risk that well- trained knowledge workers may leave and serve another company after training. This risk is particularly harmful to small companies. To resolve this problem, this research attempts to break down the knowledge-based work into different workstations and individual officers by the concept of standardization of production processes. So, the knowledge which is used to complete the work at each station contained less than the original, and companies can reduce training resources in each station workers.
This study tried to find out the knowledge transfer way by literature research. The past research results showed that using knowledge externalization we can transfer knowledge by documentation. Knowledge-based work can be cut into sub-station operations by the output session file and documents. This research also studied the circuit board maintenance industry as a case study, and the result showed that knowledge-based work can be successfully cut into the work processes of individual workstations and the knowledge of the various stations and training needs were a lot lower than the original. It solves the personnel training problem and should be able to help small companies to solve the shortage of knowledge workers.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 知識工作者 ★ 知識管理 ★ 人員培訓 ★ 知識外化 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ knowledge management ★ knowledge externalization ★ knowledge worker training |
論文目次 |
第一章 緒論...............................................1
1-1 研究背景...........................................1
1-2 研究動機...........................................5
1-3 問題分析...........................................8
1-4 研究目的...........................................9
1-5 電路板維修產業簡介................................10
1-5-1 電路板維修技術說明................................11
1-5-2 技術人員技能需求說明..............................12
第二章 文獻探討..........................................13
2-1 知識定義..........................................13
2-2 知識的分類........................................13
2-3 知識轉化過程......................................15
2-4 知識傳播與分享....................................17
第三章 研究方法..........................................19
3-1 研究性質..........................................19
3-2 研究方法..........................................19
3-3 研究步驟..........................................20
第四章 個案探討..........................................22
4-1 個案概述..........................................22
4-2 知識型工作作業流程切割及分站步驟說明..............22
4-3 深度訪談內容整理結果..............................23
4-3-1 電路板維修作業流程................................23
4-3-2 執行工作需求技能說明..............................32
4-3-3 作業流程知識傳遞可行性評估結果....................38
4-4 分站原則訂定 ......................................40
4-5 電路板逆向工程及電路板維修程序建立作業流程切割結果43
第五章 結論與建議........................................49
5-1 研究結論..........................................49
5-2 後續研究建議 ......................................51
參考文獻 |
〔1〕辜樹仁,「韓國 慢經濟下的新商機」,天下雜誌, 453, 112-113頁,2010。
〔2〕熊毅晰,「讓洗衣師傅從工匠到大師」,天下雜誌, 453, 144-147頁,2010。
〔3〕蕭富元,「知識農夫賺綠錢」,天下雜誌, 450, 174-179頁,2010。
〔4〕 陳怡之,「知識產業發展-無形資產技術鑑價及產業政策意涵」,科技發展政策報導,SR9111,815-816頁,2002。
〔6〕孫曉萍,「菅直人 推動日本成長戰略」,天下雜誌, 450, 276-277頁,2010。
〔7〕吳怡靜,「引進人才,是強國興邦最好策略」,天下雜誌, 455, 26-28頁,2010。
〔9〕林紹婷,「企業如何留住知識力」,天下雜誌, 454, 158-159頁,2010。
〔10〕蕭富元,「管理大師給未來領袖的六堂課」,天下雜誌, 455, 72-73頁,2010。
〔11〕蕭富元,「管理大師給未來領袖的六堂課」,天下雜誌, 455, 76頁,2010。
〔12〕司徒達賢,「寧買設備,不辦培訓」,天下雜誌, 450, 297頁,2010。
[13]Barry Render and Jay Heizer,Principles of Operations Management,second edition,PRENTICE HALL international, Inc,Upper Saddle River, New Jersey , USA,1997。
[16]Ikujire Nonaka & Hirotaka Takeuchi,創新求勝,楊子江、王美音譯,初版,遠流出版事業股份有限公司,台北市,民國八十六年。
指導教授 |
葉英傑(Ying-Jie Yeh)
審核日期 |
2011-7-12 |
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