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姓名 陳怡中(Yi Chung Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 跨境上市對於企業負債比率的影響:以中國跨港上市公司為例
(The Influence of Cross-listing on the Corporate Debt Ratio:Evidence from Listed Firms in China)
★ 股權分置對中國上市公司現金股利發放之影響★ 所有權結構與政治連結對股利政策之影響—以中國國有企業為例
★ 董監事最低持股成數規定之研究★ 合格境外機構投資人制度對投資/現金流量敏感度之影響
★ 從股票價格區間探討股票買回活動之資訊內涵★ 家族集團之盈餘管理行為
★ 股權結構與投資效率:中國上市公司之多重大股東實證研究★ 股權分置改革對中國上市公司現金持有的影響
★ 手機按鍵生命週期探討企業轉型之路★ 制度改革對於關係人交易的影響
★ 伊斯蘭教義、公司治理與營運資金管理對公司價值影響之研究—以印尼上市公司為例★ 股利宣告對股價超常報酬的影響-以台灣集團與非集團上市公司為例
★ 公司規模、股價、益本比、淨值市價比與股票超常報酬關係之實證研究★ 台灣股票上市公司營運資金管理相關議題之實證研究
★ 我國財務危機上市公司股權結構之探討★ 過度反應假說在台灣股票市場之實證研究
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摘要(中) 隨著資本市場的全球化,瞭解企業跨境上市的原因和影響成為日漸重要的課題。本文以1996年至2009年間中國跨港上市公司為樣本,利用非跨港上市之配對樣本與OLS迴歸模型檢驗:(1)跨境上市企業之負債水準是否低於未跨境上市者;(2)跨境上市一段時間後,企業負債水準是否有回升的現象;(3)國有控制程度低的企業之負債水準回升的程度是否大於國有控制程度高的企業。實證結果發現:(1)跨港上市企業之負債水準較非跨港企業低,說明中國跨港上市企業由跨境上市帶來的公司治理效果,對權益代理問題的改善可能比負債代理問題的改善明顯;(2)分別比較跨港上市三年、五年、十年以上與以下的公司,無法看出企業負債水準有回升的現象,反而跨境越久的企業其負債水準較低,說明跨境上市的聲譽提升、流動性增加等權益資金優勢,須經過一段時間後才明顯發揮作用;(3)跨港上市後,國有控制程度低的企業其負債水準回升的程度並未大於國有控制程度高的企業,事實上國有控制程度高的企業依然較依賴負債,此說明中國跨境企業中,對於國家控制程度較高者,國家持股較高更能夠取得負債融資,對於國家控制程度較低者,其負債比率較低,顯示跨境上市可以幫助他們以權益融資方式取得資金;(4)國家持股程度對中國跨港上市公司之負債水準有正向的影響,國家持股程度為造成負債水準差異的重要原因之一。
摘要(英) Understanding the reasons for and the impact of cross-listing has become a more and more important issue with the deepening globalization of capital markets. This study uses samples of Chinese listed companies that choose to cross-list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange between 1996 and 2009 and adopts matched samples method and ordinary least squares analysis to investigate (1) whether the financial leverage level of cross-listed companies is lower than that of non-cross-listed companies; (2) whether the financial leverage level rises after cross-listing for a period of time; (3) whether the financial leverage level of companies whose state ownership is lower rises more than that of companies whose state ownership is higher.
The results are as follows. First, the debt ratio of cross-listed firms is lower than that of non-cross-listed firms, because amelioration of corporate governance resulted from cross-listing are more significant on equity agency problems than on debt agency problems. Second, by comparing the firms that cross-listed less and more than 3, 5, 10 years, we can’t find evidence that the leverage level rises. Instead, it appears that firms cross-listed longer have lower debt ratio, showing cross-listing advantages of reputation, liquigity, and so on which are beneficial to equity financing need a period of time to act apparently. Third, after cross-listing, the leverage of firms whose state ownership is lower doesn’t rise more than firms whose state ownership is higher. In fact, companies who have higher state ownership still rely more on debt financing. It states that for Chinese cross-listed firms, those who have higher state ownership can obtain debt financing because of their high state ownership and those who have lower state ownership have lower debt ratio because cross-listing help them get funds through equity financing. Finally, the state ownership has a positive influence on debt ratio of Chinese cross-listed firms. The ratio of state ownership is one of the important causes of financial leverage differences.
關鍵字(中) ★ 負債水準
★ 跨境上市
關鍵字(英) ★ Cross-listing
★ Financial Leverage
論文目次 中文提要 i
英文提要 ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 iv
圖目錄 iv
第壹章 緒論 1
第貳章 文獻探討與假說發展 7
第一節 跨境上市與中國上市公司的背景... …..7
第二節 公司治理與負債比率 10
第參章 研究設計 19
第一節 樣本篩選與資料來源 19
第二節 模型建立 21
第三節 變數衡量 23
第肆章 實證研究 28
第一節 敘述性統計分析 28
第二節 單變量統計分析 29
第三節 OLS迴歸結果分析 33
4-3-1 H1的實證結果 33
4-3-2 H2a與H2b的實證結果 35
4-3-3其他控制變數的實證結果 38
第四節 穩健性測試 39
4-4-1其他負債水準衡量方式 39
4-4-2國營企業樣本 39
第伍章 結論 41
附錄 穩健性測試之結果 43
參考文獻 55
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指導教授 洪榮華、張力 審核日期 2011-6-18
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