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姓名 李仕仁(Shih-jen Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 海外市場開發過程之組織衝突及對策--以G公司電動機車進軍海外市場為例
(Organizational Conflicts and Their Solutions in the Process of Exploiting Overseas Markets -- A Study of G Company’s Export of E-Scooter)
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摘要(中) 企業為追求成長,往往選擇開發海外市場做為主要的策略之一,而海外市場的開發除了增加業務收入外,亦可藉由量的增加產生規模經濟來降低成本進而提昇獲利。然而海外市場的開發需要組織內各部門的協助與支持,如果無法相互合作,即使企業已建立明確的目標,在執行的過程中仍可能因立場不一致而發生的衝突,進而影響公司開發海外市場的成效。
摘要(英) The enterprise usually chooses exploiting the overseas markets as one of major strategies to pursue the growth. Exploiting overseas markets not only increases the revenue but also creates the scale economy to reduce the cost and increase the profit. But it needs the assistance and support from the enterprise’s each division to fulfill it. If mutual cooperation is infeasible, even the obvious target is established, the organizational conflicts may occur because of divisions’ different stances, and this will decrease the merit from exploiting overseas markets.
From the practical experience of the case company’s export of E-scooter, we discuss the possible reasons and solutions in the process of exploiting overseas markets. After the interviews and analysis, we found that the conflicts in varying degrees do exist inside the division and across the divisions. The reasons inside the division include the ambiguous job distribution and unclear performance assessment. And across the divisions, the standard operation procedure which is designed to decrease the conflicts eventually becomes the major factor.
The processes of resolving the aforementioned organizational conflicts are developed from the case company’s practice. Inside the division, although a mechanism can be designed to resolve the conflicts when we cognize and perceive them, conflicts can be prevented effectively in the beginning of exploiting overseas markets if we can establish a concrete job distribution in advance. Across the divisions, we found that each division takes less consideration of counterpart division’s stances due to the organization structure. Therefore, we should take both divisions’ stances into consideration, and try to communicate based on the organization’s structure level, and step by step to resolve the conflicts.
關鍵字(中) ★ 海外市場開發過程
★ 組織衝突
★ 行動研究
★ 電動機車
關鍵字(英) ★ E-Scooter
★ Action Research
★ Organizational Conflict
★ Overseas Markets Exploiting Process
論文目次 摘要 .................................................................................................................. i
Abstract ................................................................................................................. ii
誌謝 .................................................................................................................iii
目錄 .................................................................................................................iv
圖目錄 …..............................................................................................................v
表目錄 .................................................................................................................vi
一、 前言..........................................................................................................1
1-1 研究動機與目的.....................................................................................1
1-2 研究問題.................................................................................................1
1-3 論文架構.................................................................................................3
二、 文獻探討..................................................................................................4
2-1 進入海外市場的原因.............................................................................4
2-2 海外市場開發過程.................................................................................6
2-3 組織衝突...............................................................................................11
2-4 全球電動機車市場...............................................................................18
三、 研究方法................................................................................................22
3-1 行動研究法...........................................................................................22
3-2 研究流程...............................................................................................23
3-3 研究對象...............................................................................................24
3-4 受訪者背景說明...................................................................................24
3-5 研究方法限制…...................................................................................25
四、 個案分析.................................................................................................27
4-1 個案公司簡介.......................................................................................27
4-2 組織衝突的發生...................................................................................31
4-3 組織衝突的對策...................................................................................34
五、 研究結果與討論....................................................................................36
5-1 對於海外市場開發的態度...................................................................36
5-2 部門內衝突...........................................................................................36
5-3 跨部門衝突...........................................................................................37
六、 結論….....................................................................................................40
6-1 結論.......................................................................................................40
6-2 未來研究方向建議...............................................................................40
6-3 研究限制...............................................................................................40
參考文獻 ................................................................................................................42
附錄一 電動機車每公里使用成本(以桃園縣為例) ........................................48
附錄二 訪談網要................................................................................................49
附錄三 G公司電動機車規格備配表................................................................50
附錄四 電動機車政府補助項目及內容............................................................51
附錄五 民國100年各縣市政府對購置電動機車之補助................................52
附錄六 訪談紀錄................................................................................................53
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指導教授 陳德釗(Der-chao Chen) 審核日期 2011-10-29
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