摘要(英) |
This paper is for the purpose of examining the policy effect on “the medical service subsidy plan for children below three years old” using the data of National Health Insurance from National Health Research Institute. We observe the medical using situations for children who were born on 2000 March 1st - 2001 March 1st around the subsidy plan each one year, comparing the treatment group (high, middle, low-income and local population group) and the control group(children who originally exempt from paying copayments) for the differences of medical uses around the policy implementation, namely using difference-in-difference(DD) method matching negative binomial, Logistic and Tobit regression model to examine the policy effect. Moreover, we emphasis on whether the low-income children may surmount the financial barrier and increase the medical uses and improve the medical accessibility.
The results show that the low-income and local population children remarkably promote the times of using outpatient services, especially to the large-scale hospitals (medicine center, region hospital). In conclusion, “the medical service subsidy plan for child below three years old” pull closer the low-income children’’s medical accessibility truly effectively; but no matter what kind of income level, the effects of emergency and inpatient care are not significant, and we deduce that they are more special and belonging to the urgent medical services which will not induce more uses due to the copayment subsidy plan.
參考文獻 |
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