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姓名 王道行(Tao-Hsing Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 網路商店訂單履約過程消費者行為之研究
(Studies on consumer preferences while on line shopping: an e-fulfillment perspective)
★ 從生態共生觀點發展組織合作模式★ 影響產業垂直分工因素之探討
★ 發展台籍專業管家的人力派遣模式★ 影響軍事機關審計品質之關鍵性因素及其相對效率衡量
★ 台灣光碟片設備供應商競爭策略分析★ 國防科技研發機構組織向心力之研究
★ 衡量半導體零組件通路商之相對經營績效★ 衡量半導體晶圓代工廠商生產單位之營運績效
★ 商業銀行營運型態與組織調整對分行營運效率的影響★ 發展行動條碼為基礎的隨傳隨用視訊平台之應用
★ 飛機引擎定子零件維修之訂價調整方式★ 國際化、創新活動與公司績效:台灣上市公司董事會結構論析
★ 探討網際網路事件達成關鍵多數之影響因素★ 生態循環農業產銷策略個案研究
★ 探討以政策規範高耗能產業參與再生能源開發之綜效-以太陽光電發電系統為例★ 適地性服務(LBS)之顧客體驗整合性設計—以中華電信行動導遊為例
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摘要(中) 網路已成為一種新的零售媒介,企業對消費者的電子商務蓬勃展開並日趨普遍,但很多學者的研究指出,對大部分的網路使用者而言,僅利用作為瀏覽搜尋相關商品資訊的工具,而寧願捨棄網路購物的諸多好處,親自到實體商店購買所需的服務或產品。消費者不願意在網路上完成交易的原因很多,其中一個主要的原因就是消費者認為網路購物的訂單履約過程無法令其滿意。對於網路商店而言,了解及整合網路訂單履約過程的消費行為,並發展適當的解決方案,是非常重要的議題。因此,本論文採取二個實證研究來探討網路商店訂單履約過程的消費者偏好行為。
摘要(英) The majorities of internet users utilize the internet as a tool for searching and viewing information on products of interest, but tend to visit a physical store to make the final purchase. There are many reasons why consumers are unwilling to purchase online. One of the main reported reasons is that the online order-fulfillment process is not satisfying. Therefore understanding and integrating consumers’ behavior of e-fulfillment, and develop adequate solutions in order to achieve business success is crucial for e-tailers. Hence this research employed two studies to investigate consumer preferences during the e-fulfillment process in on line shopping.
The first study attempts to investigate consumer’s behavior of pre-purchase e-fulfillment process. The purposes of this study were: (1) to identify the key attributes offering by e-tailer’s websites which interact with consumers during the e-fulfillment process and to examine how these attributes affect their preferences evaluation, (2) to utilize product category as a segmentation variable, and to distinguish preferences across various consumer segments. The second study focused on understanding consumer’s service recovery behavior when the website’s e-fulfillment failure occurred. Primary aims of this study were: (1) to synthesize relevant literature to identify the key attributes of service recovery strategies for product delivery delays, and to elucidate the consumer’s preference structures of these attributes, (2) to segment consumers into different groups based on the preference structures of consumers, facilitating the understanding of differences in the preferences of different groups of consumers.
In this research, data was gathered through web-survey sampling targeted in the population of Taiwan and conducted conjoint analysis in order to assess the structure of consumer preferences concerning key attributes. For study 1, five key attributes during the order-fulfillment process were identified: return policy, delivery options, payment methods, customer service and support, and order confirmation. Different product-category consumer segments had different preferences with respect to these attributes. The results of study 2 indicate that the four important attribute of service recovery were: compensation, response speed, apology, and contact channels. A two-stage cluster analysis was performed based on the structure of consumers’ preference to segment respondents into two groups: an efficiency group and a benefits group. Consumers in the efficiency group most prefer response speed recovery attribute, however, consumers in the benefits group most emphasized compensation recovery attribute while facing delayed delivery in online shopping. Finally, in this thesis the managerial implications, contributions, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.
Key words: e-taller, e-fulfillment, delayed delivery, service recovery, conjoint analysis
關鍵字(中) ★ 聯合分析
★ 服務補救
★ 延遲交貨
★ 訂單履約
★ 網路商店
關鍵字(英) ★ conjoint analysis
★ service recovery
★ e-fulfillment
★ e-taller
★ delayed delivery
論文目次 Abstract…………… i
Table of Content iv
List of Tables.. vi
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and motivation 1
1.2 Research questions and purposes 3
1.3 Organization of the dissertation 4
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review 6
2.1 E-fulfillment 6
2.2 Website attributes related to e-fulfillment 8
2.2.1 Website quality and trust 9
2.2.2 Web presentation 11
2.3 Service failures 12
2.4 Service failure with e-fulfillment process 13
2.5 Service recovery and service recovery strategies 14
CHAPTER 3 Study1: Consumer Preferences for E-fulfillment Processes while Online Shopping 18
3.1 Research methodology 18
3.1.1 Conjoint analysis 18
3.1.2 Establishing the attributes and attribute levels 19
3.1.3 Preference data collection 21
3.1.4 Sampling 22
3.2 Data analysis results, findings and discussion 23
3.2.1 Sample demographic characteristics 23
3.2.2 Analysis of overall sample data 24
3.2.3 Market segmentation – Product category 27
3.2.4 Results of the segmentation analysis 28
3.2.5 The test of model fitness 32
CHAPTER 4 Study 2: Understanding Consumer Preferences for Service Recovery Attributes While Facing Delayed Delivery in Online Shopping 33
4.1 Research methodology 33
4.1.1 Survey design 33
4.1.2 Sampling 35
4.2 Data analysis results and findings 36
4.2.1 Analysis of overall sample data 36
4.2.3 Two-stage cluster analysis 37
4.2.4 The test of model fitness……………………………………………………..39
CHAPTER 5 Conclusion 40
5.1 Discussion and implications 40
5.2 Conclusion 43
5.3 Limitation and future research 44
References…… 46
Appendix…… 53
Appendix A: Questionnaire of study 1 53
Appendix B: Questionnaire of study 2 59
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指導教授 張東生(Dong-Shang Chang) 審核日期 2011-8-24
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