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張吉君(Chi-Chun Chang)
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資訊管理學系在職專班 |
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雲端運算營運模式之研究 (Study of cloud computing business model)
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摘要(中) |
1. 「基礎建設完整」、「安全性」與「穩定性」是雲端營運模式發展的重要指標。
2. 最具備發展潛力的雲端營運模式是雲端服務的形式。
3. 隨著雲端的發展,未來大眾會更依賴網路。雲端運算將以提供中小企業與消費者雲端服務為主。
摘要(英) |
Cloud computing might be one of the most popular terms around the whole world in 2010. Not only the information industry and public sector, but public sector would like to try the benefit of it. However the dot-com bubble burst lesson was not far away from us, the prospect of cloud computing remains to be controversial.
In pace with the network infrastructure has become more and more mature, the value created by cloud computing is not just the type of business services, more broadly, a new life concept was gradually formated. It’’s a serious but also a pressing issue for corporations to find the right way to meet customer needs.
In this study, the application of Delphi method help us to know the operational status of cloud computing nowadays, finding a potential operation mode through a systemic and continuous surveys, and the future trend and impact of cloud computing. Hoping to provide our government and information industry with the direction of cloud computing in the future strategic.
Through the analysis of the Delphi method, the findings and results obtained from this study are as follows:
1. "Infrastructure integrity," "security" and "stability" are key developing indicators of cloud computing operating modes.
2. The most developing potential mode of cloud computing operating is the cloud services.
3. With the development of the cloud computing, public will be much more dependent on the network. And cloud computing will mainly offer cloud services, which is service for SMEs and consumer.
關鍵字(中) |
★ 營運模式 ★ 雲端服務 ★ 雲端運算 ★ 德菲法 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Delphi method ★ cloud services ★ business model ★ cloud computing |
論文目次 |
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與研究問題 4
1.3 專有名詞說明 5
1.4 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 雲端運算 6
2.2 營運模式 13
2.3 德菲法 27
第三章 研究方法 35
3.1 專家訪談 36
3.2 德菲法小組之建立 39
3.3 德菲法問卷架構與設計 41
3.4 德菲法施行過程 46
第四章 研究分析 49
4.1 收斂分析 49
4.2 具共識之發展潛力指標 55
4.3 營運模式評比分析 58
4.4 雲端運算未來的趨勢與影響分析 66
4.5 本章小結 69
第五章 結論與建議 70
5.1 研究結論 70
5.1.1 雲端營運模式的發展潛力指標 70
5.1.2 最具發展潛力的雲端營運模式 71
5.1.3 雲端運算未來的趨勢與影響 72
5.2 研究限制 74
5.3 後續研究建議 75
參考文獻 76
附錄一第一回合德菲法問卷 79
附錄二第二回合德菲法問卷 86
參考文獻 |
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2011-7-8 |
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