博碩士論文 91443016 詳細資訊

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姓名 施福忠(Fu-Jong Shih)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 境外器官移植遠距照護需求之探討
(An Exploratory Study of Information Needs of Telecare for Overseas Organ Transplantation)
★ 以個案研究法探討機械式組織之資訊系統導入★ 銀行企業內部網路導入TCP/IP通信協定之研究
★ 後金控時代臺灣地區金融服務業 薪資決策支援系統之設計研究 --以一家中型證券商為例★ 影響數位在職訓練之學習態度及行為意向研究
★ 台灣銀行業導入電子商務線上金流訊息標準之研究★ 國防訓儲軍士官制度評估
★ 以關係承諾角度探討組織中軟體專案開發之個案研究★ 企業工作流程再造之研究─以銀行發卡流程為例
★ 以個案研究法探討B2B電子商務導入之研究—以汽車售後服務件製造商為例★ 以個案研討方法探討公文簽核流程再造之研究- 以變更資訊部門服務為例
★ 醫療資訊系統之資訊安全危安因素探討以台北某醫學中心為例★ 資訊部門專案經理派遣人員之個案研究
★ 綠色供應鏈管理資訊系統導入問題分析與探討-以A公司為例★ 企業導入企業資源規劃(ERP)對作業流程之影響-以A公司為例
★ 客訴處理電子化流程管理-以飲料業為例★ 以個案研究法探討企業垃圾郵件防堵
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摘要(中) 資訊科技、通訊科技與醫療科技的快速進展,已影響到醫療產業生態,例如,在資通訊科技的協助之下,使得醫療相關服務的地點,由醫療機構擴展到醫療機構之外。提供醫療相關照護服務的方式,醫病接觸由面對面的傳統方式,延伸到遠距離的虛擬方式,例如遠距離會診、遠距機器手術、遠距病理判讀、遠距生理指標監控、遠距衛教、個人化電子病歷等多元運用資通訊科技的方式。
摘要(英) Both local and international medical societies have been challenged by the revolution and speedy progression of high information and communication technologies (ICTs), and medical technology science. For instance, the services of medical care have reached out from single medical institute to the clients’ communities. Meanwhile, the interaction modes between health professionals and their clients have been extended from traditional face-to-face meeting to the virtual concept of e-health for long-distance care.
In Taiwan, some health institutes have tried to explore the strength of implying tele concept of e-health communication and management to the telecare services. Taiwan’s government has also developed a series of early-phased protocols with this attempt. Nevertheless, until now, few evidences of the efficacy and effectiveness have been established. Recently, more and more patients with end-stage of disease went abroad to undergo overseas organ transplantation (OOT). This study investigated Taiwan’s organ transplantation health professional (OTHP) experts’ perspective of the needs and values the telecare services for OOT who returned to Taiwan.
A Delphi research method was employed in this research. A purposive sample of the leading OTHP was obtained from six hospitals in the northern Taiwan. 27 subjects were invited to respond to a sequence of survey in order to learn their appraisals of the needs of providing medical information, and the expected functions of the telecare systems. After the Delphi analysis, there are 15 requirements acquired, including 5 medical information needs, and 10 function needs related to the telecare system.
關鍵字(中) ★ 系統功能需求
★ 資訊需求
★ 德菲法
★ 境外器官移植
★ 遠距照護
關鍵字(英) ★ Telecare
★ Information Needs
★ Function Needs
★ Overseas Organ Transplant
★ Delphi
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第壹章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2研究動機與目的 2
1-3論文組織結構 3
第貳章 文獻探討 5
2-1資訊系統成功模型(IS Success Model) 5
2-2資訊科技接受模型(TAM Model) 7
2-3遠距照護 9
2-4器官移植 41
2-5 德菲法(Delphi) 56
第叁章 研究方法 59
3-1專家訪談 59
3-2建立德菲法小組 60
3-3德菲法問卷架構與設計 61
3-4德菲法施行過程 68
第肆章 研究分析 70
4-1收斂分析 70
4-2具共識的資訊需求 77
4-3具共識的系統功能需求 80
4-4小結 83
第伍章 結論與建議 84
5-1研究結論 84
5-2研究限制 88
5-3後續研究建議 89
參考文獻 90
附錄一第一回合德菲法問卷 101
附錄二第二回合德菲法問卷 109
參考文獻 中文參考文獻
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指導教授 邱兆民、范懿文
(Chao-Min Chiu、Yi-Wen Fan)
審核日期 2011-7-21
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