博碩士論文 974300001 詳細資訊

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姓名 蕭煥廷(Huang-ting Hsiao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 半導體晶圓代工競爭優勢個案分析─以X公司為例
★ 中國食品類經營管理之模式 肉乾類食品製造業大陸經銷商網路建立之探討★ 大陸電動汽車專題研究
★ 台灣地區連接器產業經營策略之研究★ 手工具類產業現況及中國大陸市場發展之探討 —以K公司為例
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★ 智慧資本與公司競爭力之研究-以精密模具加工業為例★ 中國大陸商業地產的開發與經營策略-以A公司青島店為例
★ 台商在大陸乳製品市場之競爭策略分析-以P公司為例★ 行動電話產業供應商行銷策略分析-以M公司為例
★ 公司員工個人特徵對組織變遷接受度影響之研究-以A公司為例★ 美國西南航空競爭優勢分析
★ 建構企業知識分享網站關鍵成功因素之研究-以汽車零組件公司為例★ 美國次級房貸危機之探討
★ 企業併購中之企業鑑價模式分析-以A公司與B公司為例★ 企業資訊系統更新之個案研究-以A公司與B公司為例
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摘要(中) 自從1987年全球第一家半導體晶圓代工廠商台積電成立,全球的晶圓代工營業額由2001的八十億美元成長到2010的兩百五十億美元,10來的年複合成長率 (CAGR, Compound Annual Growth Rate )為13%,2010年臺灣的台積電、聯華電子兩家業者已囊括全球69 %的市佔率 (資料來源:IC Insights),這兩家業者堪稱是全球晶圓代工產業最具競爭力的業者。藉由晶圓代工的營運策略,台積電2010年已是全球第4大的半導體公司,聯華電子也成為全球第19大的半導體公司。臺灣的半導體晶圓代工產業目前雖然是全球的霸主,但新進入業者的威脅是目前台灣晶圓代工業者所要面臨的挑戰,如美國、南韓、大陸、日本等業者皆處心積慮想要瓜分市場,臺灣的晶圓代工業者要如何保持現有的競爭優勢是重要的課題。
摘要(英) The world’s first semiconductor foundry was built by tsmc in 1987. The global semiconductor foundry service revenue is growing from 2001 80 billion USD to 2010 250 billion USD, and it is an average of 13% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) growth in semiconductor foundry business. The No.1 and No.2 global semiconductor foundry players are tsmc and UMC which are both located in Taiwan. The 2 companies occupied 69% of global market share in 2010 (data source IC Insights), and they are the most competitive players in semiconductor foundry service. By running semiconductor foundry business, tsmc became No.4 worldwide semiconductor company, and UMC is No.19 worldwide semiconductor company in 2010. Although Taiwanese semiconductor foundry industry is now standing on the global top position, there are many new comers from USA, South Korea, China, and Japan to compete with Taiwanese operators and willing to breakthrough the semiconductor foundry market from the 2 major operators. It became an important topic for Taiwanese semiconductor foundries to maintain their competitive advantage.
The thesis is a qualitative research of the competitive advantage and strategy analysis based on Taiwanese semiconductor foundry industry. Some academic papers and the theories of competitive analysis models have been discussed to analysis the characteristics of competitive advantage in semiconductor foundry business, such as industry life cycle analysis, five forces analysis, six forces analysis, V.R.I.O. analysis, BCG model, EV=PB-C analysis, and S.W.O.T. analysis. The competitive advantage case study is based on a major semiconductor foundry service company in Taiwan. The case study adopted the theory of the analysis of characteristics model to intensively discuss the competitive advantage of the case company, and its competitive strategy and deployed actions. The before and after business performance of the case company was compared as the effectiveness result of the case company’s competitive strategy and actions.
According to the above study, it was concluded that the competitive advantage analysis of the semiconductor foundry industry can be accomplished by the theory of the analysis of characteristics model. Based on the study result, current competitive advantages in semiconductor foundry industry are as following, how to increase the market share of advance process technology products, high product yield, good and stable product quality, and customer satisfaction on the production capacity and delivery schedule. It is suggested that the further study can focus on the alliance strategy between suppliers and subcontractors of foundry operator, the application of intellectual property in semiconductor industry, and the development technology of next generation fab.
關鍵字(中) ★ 晶圓代工
★ 需求特徵分析
★ 競爭優勢
關鍵字(英) ★ The Analysis of Characteristics Model
★ Competitive Advantage
★ Semiconductor Foundry Service
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節研究動機 1
第二節研究目的 1
第三節研究方法 2
第四節研究範圍與限制 2
第五節研究流程與架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節產業分析 6
第二節產業分析模型 10
第三節資源基礎理論 35
第四節企業的策略 39
第三章 全球半導體晶圓代工產業分析 44
第一節半導體產品介紹 44
第二節晶圓代工市場分析 50
第三節晶圓代工產品生命週期 55
第四節晶圓代工產業競爭分析 58
第四章 個案公司簡介 65
第一節個案公司概述 65
第二節個案公司產品簡介 69
第三節個案公司SWOT 分析 72
第五章 個案公司競爭優勢分析與策略探討 75
第一節個案公司需求特徵與競爭優勢分析 75
第二節個案公司提升競爭優勢實際執行方案 88
第三節個案公司經營績效 96
第六章結論與建議 103
第一節研究結論 103
第二節後續研究建議 105
參考文獻 106
ㄧ.中文文獻 106
二. 英文文獻 108
三. 網站資料 110
附錄 111
附錄一:個案公司2010財務簡述 111
附錄二:個案公司2010財務簡表 112
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三. 網站資料
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12. Issuppli 網站 http://www.isuppli.com
13. IC Insights網站 http://www.icinsights.com
指導教授 滕曉雲 審核日期 2011-6-7
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