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姓名 謝兆有(Charles Hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 全球化人力資源管理之研究─以H公司為例
★ 台灣印刷電路板特用化學品經營策略 -以A公司競爭策略為例★ 台灣退休金新制實施對企業人力資源管理的 影響與因應-以A公司為例
★ 企業構建以自有研發為發展策略之探討 -以 A 公司為例★ 新事業發展策略探討—以E公司進入噴墨頭產業為例
★ 作業基礎成本制度在降低製造成本之應用與效益探討-以某半導體公司為例★ 影響台灣地區電信產業員工工作投入與組 織承諾因素探討-以固網經營業者為例
★ 政府採購法拒絕往來制度實施問題探討★ 企 業 變 革 策 略 之 探 討 -以某被動元件公司為例
★ 資料倉儲與資料探勘在總部客服部門之應用-以資訊品牌A公司為例★ 台灣封測產業經營模式與競爭策略探討—以p公司為例
★ 跨國科技業併購整合之領導風格與組織策略探討-以電子材料CCL產業為例★ 印刷電路板中小企業之競爭策略探討--以A印刷電路板公司為例
★ 領導模式與激勵方式對草莓族銷售人員之績效影響研究-以通訊零售門市為例★ 固網業者在數位匯流趨勢下的經營策略探討-以A公司為例
★ 知識管理系統應用效益之研究—以某汽車公司零件設計作業為例★ 企業導入數位學習(e-learning)實務探討—以K公司為例
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摘要(中) 在高速飛航器、網際網路與通訊高度發展的世界,一個地球村已經成型。企業面對全球的改變而要存活及與競爭者抗衡已擺脫不了這股全球化競爭與全球化趨勢。為擴展全球業務,全球人才的取得扮演重要因素,公司必須建立妥善的人力資源管理系統來維持競爭優勢;人力資源單位也需依據公司營運擴展的任務與策略來調整及設計新的政策與計劃。因此,本研究的議題有:
一、 全球化企業為求全球運籌成功,人力資源管理制度如何因應內外環境衝擊而調整,如何在母國與當地文化間取得最佳之平衡並發揮最大人力資源管理成效以取得內外部競爭優勢。
二、 面對全球人力資源管理時,人力資源管理專業人員應如何調整與注意全球化人力資源管理之問題及可能面臨之挑戰。
三、 如何與全球各種不同文化背景的國家的人力資源打交道,運用跨越不同文化的管理風格和管理方法,讓全球化企業在不同國家地區也能有效管理人力資源。
四、 面對全球人力資源管理時,在員工之甄選、訓練、發展、薪資等多項議題上,如何做出較適當可行之規劃。
摘要(英) The world of highly developed internet, communication and speed aircraft; a global village has formed. An enterprise encountered the global change which wants to survive and compete with the competitors; it can not get away from the globalization trend and global competition. Then, the expanding global business, the gain of global talents will play an important role. A company has to establish a well-design global human resource (HR) management system in order to maintain the competitive advantage. The HR department also has to adjust and design new policies and programs according to the mission and strategies of company operation expanding. Therefore, the following themes will be raised in this study.
1. How to adjust the HR management system in accordance with the impact of environment changes to support global operations and how to balance the culture differences between the home and host country to obtain the inner and outer competitive advantage.
2. How should the HR personnel to adjust mind set and pay attention to the problem and challenge while encountering the globalizing HR management.
3. How to deal with the HR personnel with different culture background and to make the HR work in different countries.
4. How to design applicable HR programs for company in terms of talent selection, training & development, and compensation…etc. while encountering the globalization HR management.
In H company case study, it was found that the HR department and personnel took necessary adjustment no matter of its policies and organizations to support the company globalization operations with acceptable level. It made some excellent works and policies, such as overseas assignment policy and training roadmap, for HR system to support operations of global organization of H Co.
However, there is still a big room for HR to grow in respect of HR organization and fundamental jobs of HR functions. In this regard, it should to enhance the Corporate HR function to shorten the culture distance and HR practices in different regions and countries. HR and its personnel should have the abilities to embrace the globalization and take change & self-learning under the continuous globalization trend and global competition environment. HR personnel should also learn more company operation technology, knowledge and operation strategies in order to make much appropriate policies and programs to support global operations of company.
關鍵字(中) ★ 全球化
★ 全球化組織
★ 人力資源管理
關鍵字(英) ★ Human Resource Management
★ Global Organization
★ Globalization
論文目次 第一章:緒論........................................................................................... 1
第一節:研究動機........................................................................... 1
第二節:研究目的........................................................................... 3
第三節:研究範圍與方法............................................................... 4
第二章:全球化人力資源管理之理論與實際....................................... 5
第一節:願景、策略、組織文化與跨文化議題........................... 6
第二節:人才招募、發展與留才................................................... 8
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指導教授 黃同圳 審核日期 2011-7-12
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